Don't Bring Your Earthly Agendas to Azeroth

The irony of you calling anyone ignorant.

Can you explain to me, how it’s ironic?

Sorry you were proven wrong.


They might be using the Alanis Morisette definition.

Only in your imagination

Ah. So you’ve got nothing left to argue so now you’re trying to insult me - got it :slight_smile:

Here, have a rainbow. It’s on me :slight_smile:


We prefer male or female.

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Boy got you flustered! How many edits in a few minutes? Don’t hyperventilate!

I would prefer they don’t tackle “Love” stories, because the driving forces of romance aren’t visible, the same goes for mental illness (try RPing a malkavian), much of what goes on is internal and thus not good fodder for this medium of story telling.

That being said not all love stories are equal, would a “love” story be compelling if the majority of the people didn’t “GET IT”, use some fringe fetish as an example, NO!, it would just be cringe inducing for the majority of paying customers and for what return?

What is the price of being “inclusive”? A story for EVERYONE is a story for no one!

Look up the definition of representation. Also i like how you throw out and insult 1st then try to play the victim card

I care as much about how cisgender heterosexual people wish to be identified as they care about my pronouns.


Interesting, I’m using the same logic the other way around.

I’m typing on a phone but thanks again for trying to give me some backhanded, low brow insult for no reason :slight_smile:

You can “prefer” they don’t tackle love stories but everything in WoW is basically related to love stories/relationships. I mean, hell, even Sylvanas is in a relationship lol and she’s an UNDEAD BANSHEE MONSTER. lol

And if people want to have love stories/relationships of LGBTQ individuals in the game, why shouldn’t they?

Let’s face it. The plots of most movies or video games or TV shows have to do with a love type relationship where the guy is looking for the girl, girl chasing the guy etc. Why is it so wrong that we now show a guy chasing a guy? or a girl chasing a girl?

And you calling it a fetish is just downright rude and ignorant and just shows that you’re pretty uneducated about the matter.

and the fact that you are trying to bring attention to my edits is showing me that you’re trying to deflect some of my comments so please try to not do that. Let’s stay on topic and not try to insult others.

I find it absolutely hilarious that people say dont bring earlthy agendas to wow when half of wow is based on earthly things/cultures already.


They did this really cringe fringe heterosexual fetish relationship in Valshara and the world didn’t end.

I don’t understand why me wanting bare minimum representation is a crime against humanity.


Could you please show me where I insulted you on a personal level?

I’m not trying to play any type of victim. Why are you trying to victimize me?

The only thing I mentioned anywhere was saying someone probably asks their nephew if they have a girlfriend after stating that this kind of stuff should be kept out of video games.

Which isn’t really an insult but more of an example of the kind of thing that happens.


I’m starting to go grey waiting for the post to come. I think I’m going to fall asleep like grandpa Simpson before it’s done.

Blizzard is free to do as they wish, it belongs to them, I think it is a terrible idea that will alienate the majority of their existing player base.

I didn’t say it was “wrong” from a moral sense, I think it is wrong from a marketing perspective.

Here is an example of a fetish romance story. I think tattoos are gross even on a woman that I find super attractive. It’s a “Deal breaker” for me, so a story involving a romance that is based on something I think is gross isn’t going to resonate with me.
The same things goes for “Chubby chasers”, that body type is THEIR picture of beauty so in a visual medium, I am not going to “get it” because I don’t have the same perspectives or desires.

Motivation should be universal in a product that is meant to be consumed by a mass audience.

So we should only view straight relationships/dynamics in in wow, ignore the existence of LGBTQ people, just so the masses and YOU can be comfortable and not “grossed out”?

Can you not see how that’s odd to say?

And again, you’re referring to it as a fetish. It’s not a fetish.

And let me get this straight…You’re in favor of alienating one group over another?


People feeling alienated by gay people existing is a them problem.

LGBTQIA+ is not a fetish.

You wasted all your time typing a false equivalency example. Womp womp.

Kul’Tirans exist.

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It’s a commercial endeavor? Would you want the majority of your consumers to be uncomfortable?

Talking about “IRL BS” is half the reason I play the game; it’s fun to see people who claim not to be bigoted squirm and wurm their way around conversations under the guise of internet anonymity.

I’ve never seen someone who is pro social equality clamber for irl agendas to be kept out of WoW; it’s really only those who like the status quo that do. What a surprise.


If a customer is uncomfortable with gay people existing in 2020 it’s a them problem. They need to get over it.