Don't Bring Your Earthly Agendas to Azeroth

You know this is a computer game, right?

Rp players are weird.

I resent that statement.

You think allusions haven’t already been made?

its a ball of dirt.

This isnt World of Representation Craft

Most of the wow races are pretty much based on real life cultures and accents…so…

really, Who do the Goblins rep, who do the Taurens rep, who do the Blood Elves rep? Its all in your head they dont rep anything, its a game not a cultural representation model.

Dwarves have a scottish accent, Worgens have a british type accent etc:

Native Americans.

We also have trolls with Jamacian accents, Draenei have russian accents etc. So yeah, most of our races are based on real life or have some correlation to certain groups.

Greedy Coporate CEO/culture

Conceited, rich arisocrats who would probably be obsessed with instagram lol

Thats called creative license, thats not representation.

They’re taking inspiration from real life and representing it in game.

So if they didnt want to set a precedent for “earthly agendas” maybe they shouldn’t have based their races on “earthly cultures” or accents, etc?

uhg, you clearly dont understand, they are NOT REPRESENTING. This isnt a cultural representation model. ITS JUST A GAME, stop thinking there is meaning in everything

Ummm… You’re wrong. They are legitimately basing Azeroth cultures/races on earth races that already exist. The accents are there, the little cultural nods are there…

I’m sorry you’re too ignorant to realize that and you can deny it all you want but its 100% true.

You’re clearly the one that doesn’t understand.

Damn, I keep reading it as Earthy Agendas.

My gay agenda for today is to be a brunch gay.

Azeroth needs brunch.

THEY really can’t help themselves. THEY have an absolute NEED to be celebrated. Why else cram such things into the setting? Why add sexuality to a game for young adults?

The real villain in all this is the corporate bosses who pander to fractional minority fringe groups because social media has convinced them that there is some HUGE secret army of people. There isn’t, all they will end up doing is alienating their base by creating a pan-sexual freak show with cartoonish depictions of every flavor of weird under the sun.

IF every story has to be about YOU for you to be interested in following it, the issue is with YOU not in the story telling.

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So you’re 100% fine with all of the straight relationships/love stories that exist in wow/warcraft?

If you have a problem with LGBTQ love stories/representation happening then you would also HAVE to, by default, have issues with all the straight relationships/love stories since ya know… we’re leaving sexuality out of a video game.

If not, that would kind of make you a hypocrite :slight_smile:

Are you a hypocrite?


I don’t feel pandered to.

I just like representation.

Cisgender heterosexual people have all the representation. Why are they so selfish they can’t share?

He’s probably the type who asks his 5 year old nephew if he has a girlfriend and then turns around saying kids shouldn’t have to see gay relationships.


It’s not like my demographic is everywhere. It’s practically invisible.

Name one bit of FtM representation in media (that isn’t NSFW) outside Pelagos.

Yup,I need a sign on my door with this !