Don't Bring Your Earthly Agendas to Azeroth

You rule <3

This is the swansong of bigotry and ignorance going down in flames, friend. Stay strong and wait it out, they’ll shut up about it once they realize it’s an inevitability.

You’re exactly the kind of person I’m talking about. You, and people like you, feel absolutely compelled to turn everything into an Us vs. Them battle. It’s the dirt worst.

I’ve enjoyed WoW for years without needing any validation from it regarding my sexuality. Maybe you should try looking inwards to find some peace and validation instead of from a computer game.

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I don’t, actually. They started the Us VS Them by being outraged that gay and bisexual characters are daring to exist in “their” game.

They started making us feel unwelcome. They started being outraged on the forums. They are telling us to pack up our sexuality and go home. They can’t handle it.

They made us into The Other when all we’ve ever wanted to do is exist.

If standing up to this kind of bigotry, standing up to posts like these annoys you, then good. I’m glad to annoy you, and no, I’ll never stop.

If you don’t need validation from gay characters, that’s fine. If you don’t care about representation in your media, okay. I do. So why can’t I have it? Just because it makes you mad?

Tell me why, honestly. Give me a good reason as to why other than “I dun wannit”.


As a gay guy who lives in a muslim country where people rarely speak English on a daily basis, I’ve never heard anyone use the word queer over here.

When people actually talks about their sexuality it’s usually when they’re coming out to someone, or when they’re caught by government officials for sleeping with someone of the same gender.

Listen to yourself. Good grief.

If the dreaded and imaginary they made you into the other, which is laughable, you’ve well and truly embraced it. You clearly have based your entire existence around how you’re “different” and it shows.

Maybe have a look in the mirror there tiger.

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Because it’s always a straight white dude?


Wow. Way to generalize and dump us all into stereo-types. No one in my gaming circles ever hated women or ethnic people for entering “our spaces”. I don’t run with the same crowd anymore but that’s just because life happens. Women and non-whites were always welcome at the game table so long as they wanted to play. And that was 80’s through 2000’s thank you very much.

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Whew, I wish I had the experience you did.

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You missed what I was getting at. Though I suppose I should have been clearer. I wasn’t talking about games having a political message or the like.

I was referring to players bringing their real world politics into a fictional environment and practically demand that we recognize the things that make us different. Breaking us apart as opposed to bringing us together.

LGBT people merely existing in a fictional world is not “bringing their real world politics into a fictional environment.”

Also, you’re still using normies? Cringe.


I’m sorry you didn’t. I’d offer you a spot at the digital table but I don’t play Table top rpgs anymore and I’m mostly a loner when it comes to gaming these days. Too much drama from people when I just want to game. :slight_smile:

I’m lucky that my current TT scene is quite open and accepting, thanks to two local shop owners who go out of their way to ensure it remains so. In the past, this hasn’t been the case.

Well, as I said on a thread… I forget how long ago. Any one who assumed there were no homosexuals or the like in Azeroth lack imagination. It was never a question for me. It was also never especially relevant. Not because those people are not, they absolutely are. It just… not relevant because I don’t really care about the NPC’s? awkward smile

They are there to give me quests and buy my vendor trash. I care about the other players. I acknowledge the existence of the non-hete community. To be frank I don’t want to know about the hete community kinks either. Someone liking car batteries attached to their nips… is just not something I need to know. Maybe I’m crazy.

I use normies because I didn’t want to have to go out and list every type of ideology that crops up. Normies is also a great phrase because it simply means “Anyone who is not part of X grouping”. So for gaming context it would mean non-gamers. Although I do get your meaning. Thinking about this response brought to mind that horrid Hackers movie. Make the pain stop.

Yeah, I play this game to get away from IRL BS.

Since the game is not being written by small furry aliens from the andromeda galaxy (at least, I dont think it is) then the only experiences that can be drawn from for story elements is, stay with me here, human experiences gasp.

Imagine that.

Make a good character that isn’t defined by their sexuality and i’m a-okay. Don’t care if gay or straight.

We all are different. Recognizing that despite our difference we have commonalities should be the goal. Not to an attempt at hiding what makes us different.


I agree but unfortunately a lot of people… miss the forest from the tree. I would like to see a healthy gaming world. One where all are welcome but I fear so long as people cling tight to close-minded ideology that none will be welcome.

These forums are a good example. Even better is the Starcraft 2 /co-op channel where you have all -isms up as a common topic.

As far as orientations in games go, I think Elder Scrolls does it the best. Take Skyrim, for instance. All the marry-able characters are playersexual - not necessarily outright bi, but they’ll marry your character regardless of gender. Doesn’t matter if you’re male or female trying to marry Lydia, or Farkas, or Ghorbash, or whoever, they’re whatever they need to be for the story you want to tell with your character.

Obviously this isn’t possible in an MMO setting, so there’s going to be characters that have defined sexualities. It’s just weird in general to me that people dislike the fact that there’s characters that aren’t the sexuality that they were hoping for, mostly because Warcraft isn’t their story to tell. While “just do your own (x)” isn’t a feasible response in many situations, such as when people get angry at Youtube or Twitch for doing something, it certainly is for a story. All you need for that is a brain, and some paper to put your words on.

As far as representation goes, it’s something I as a bi male don’t need necessarily, but that’s probably because I don’t really get flak from people for being bi. There are people who are closeted for one reason or another, one that I can think of is so because his parents would disown him if they ever found out. For people that do feel marginalized because of immutable characteristics about themselves, something like including a gay character is probably really important for them. Again, it’s not for me, but it’s pretty cringe to call people out for taking solace in these characters when their real lives are made difficult because of their sexuality.

we got midget people, robot midget people, goat people, cow people, living trees, druids… its fantasy, anything goes here baby :kissing_heart:.