Don't Bring Your Earthly Agendas to Azeroth

Be quiet ya fool

It’s 2020. Social justice is supposed to be injected into everything now as a distraction from the inevitable future space war that we will be used as cannon fodder for.

I just want people to get along and quit being so hostile towards one another already.

Spewing hate and vitriol does not help anything, especially if you’re trying to combat hate and vitriol. All it does is create enemies out of people that otherwise may have supported you or at the least makes them write off your cause.

Like… I’m an egalitarian. I believe in equal rights and respect for everyone regardless of anything they can’t control but even so I cannot support a lot of these groups because they’re openly hateful towards some people or they come up with needless labels that do nothing but segregate society.

Just stop it folks. Change needs to happen but folks are getting over zealous and it’s not the right way to go about things at all.

You dont need to care sweetie. You only need to be as sweet as you so clearly are.


Real people play this video game.

“Yikes” is the most beta trend I have ever witnessed.


Cool. Your point?

Are you trying to tell me that my Muslim trans*xual refugee partner with rickets is not welcome in your new empire, Ritchie?

Very true.

Not everything has to be torn down and destroyed just because you personally don’t like it.

As an Azerothian, I am extremely gay and am so excited to get to see all my cool gay friends gaying it up in WoW media.

I’ve had to deal with the “Azerothian straight agenda” in media my entire life. Finally, something for me.

If you don’t like it, I can give you directions to the Dark Portal so you can remove yourself from the situation.




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I’m an L person and I find other L people, as well as BGTI+, around here quite scary in their vitriol to be honest. They do nothing but hurt the cause and I’m sick of it.

Gives it a few more decades, you wont be hearing about an uninhabitable rock in space xD

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Last I checked queer is an umbrella term for anyone who are not cis and straight, did something changed?

Also notice how the OP is a classic player. Many WoW players like to bury their head in the sand to hide from reality, but the Classic players take it a step further and try to hide from change itself completely denying the fact that we’re all living in 2020 AD.

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Nope, that’s the exact meaning, in the community at least. Some people still use it as a slur though.

Boot licking for straight approval will get you nowhere, sis.

The only vitriol I see is from angry straight people who are uncomfortable with my existence and demand that I remove myself from their line of sight because, why? Because it’s scary?

All we’re asking is for the media we play, love, and pay for acknowledges our existence. Homosexuality and bisexuality is a naturally occurring phenomenon in this world across multiple species. It is everywhere and it’s happening all the time.

To create a piece of media in which is doesn’t exist, unless it’s a major plot point (because it would be bizarre and unnatural for it to not occur), is purposefully ignorant. It it is willfully ignoring something incredibly common. It is inaccurate and strange to do, especially in 2020 when awareness of it is so high.

It exists. It’s natural. It’s interesting. It’s normal. It creates a lot of wonderful, fun romance potential among characters. I makes people who are LGBT feel good because they finally get something they want and can relate to and can enjoy.

If the straights can’t handle that, then they need to leave.


I’m on like cooldown so I’ll just give you a :heart:

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