Don't Bring Your Earthly Agendas to Azeroth

Get woke go broke, in this case censored :rofl:

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Tell that to Baldur’s Gate, Cyberpunk and Hades. Three recent games which are fairly diverse and are trending quite well in terms of sales.

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But at what point do you stop catering to “woke” and cancel culture?

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The politic stuff in Disco Elysium was a little too thick and heavy at times, I wanted to solve a murder not get involved in race war discourse, but it was still a super solid game.

I think people will always bring politics and the real world into their games, since you usually write what you know.

The race options are all just humans though, kinda makes me sad. Thought they’d sneak in a few more of the fun DnD races. Tiefling was a good start but still just a human.

Forgot the other “different” option but it reminded me of some sort of leper elf.

I’m not sure if you’re being funny with the point about plots in action movies, but I agree nonetheless!

Naked women will attract any teenager , fact!!

wow is to escape irl

but if we are gonig the route of bringing irl problems to the game world lets legit add trump and kim jong along with covid19, ebola, aids, and every political update irl added ingame in realtime


Keep your human drama in your human domains!


What do you mean by that? How is it catering to have gay characters?

While more customization is always nice, one has to wonder how many would actually use it:

That’s how it goes with any game sadly, even here in WoW.

More important to be conventionally attractive than have some creativity with your characters.

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I agree. If agendas were not in the game, we wouldn’t have excessive threads about them.

But alas, WoW isn’t gonna change anything so just ignore it :yawning_face:

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I feel like I heard about that and didn’t care either way…nor did I continue to think about it until people bring it up like it’s an issue.

Who cares either way? Where are these masses of people that care? I don’t see them, and I live around and interact with a LOT of people in my job/life. Most people (especially the ones with lives) are kinda just focused mostly on doing their own thing, and not so concerned with other peoples’ stuff. Lol

It’s not that big of a deal. If you don’t like LGBT NPCs then ignore them. But it is nice to see them included, especially if you’re LGBT yourself. That said, I don’t want Blizz dealing with romance regardless of sexuality… they’re just plain bad at it.

I don’t get why people are mad/concerned about it either. It’s just some in-game characters who don’t have much meaning to the story and they happen to like the opposite gender. Who cares, all-in-all?

I’m not your sweetheart, toots. Save the dismissive verbiage for someone who cares about your paternalistic opinions.

I dont care what you add, and long as there is character building, or its just a waste of a character for me not matter what.

This Azerothian Elf welcomes all. Ignore those who wish you or your kind to be excluded because for some reason your existence, or expressing it bothers them.

There’s a place for you in my Azeroth. If that bothers someone they can get stuffed.


You don’t want any part of what? You weren’t specific on any thing.

I came here looking for Gallows and his popcorn post and I’m incredibly disappointed that he missed this one.


telling us to not bring earthly agendas to azeroth is like telling us garithos loved elves

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