Don't Bring Your Earthly Agendas to Azeroth

I could really care less who’s banging who honestly, but the inclusion of LGBTQ+ isn’t exactly hurting anything either, it is what it is, just play the game and be happy. If you don’t like the game, stop paying for it and move on.


the problem is not lgbt stuff being forced. blizz doesn’t know how to write even a straight romance properly so it all seems forced. some straight people don’t even think about how awful the straight stuff is and focus on the gay stuff. but it’s all equally awful tbh. they couldn’t write a love story if their lives depended on it.


LOL, good one Trayu.

Just because your guy is trailing doesn’t mean everyone else should be muted.

Yeah, nobody liked this. It was forced upon us all. I think had something to do with me losing interest in the NE’s, tbh.

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Me too…I could have sympathized but OP shouldn’t have used the term ‘woke’ if she wanted to keep this topic neutral.

Yea that’s the point lol, I love the inclusion of LGBT people but I dread seeing their interpretation of a gay romance.

Like, as much as I’d love to see Flynn and Shaw, I know it’d get botched, and I’d rather Blizz left it up to fan interpretation.


Can you imagine. Leave most things like this, there would be endless conversations on it that would have zero impact on the game. That would be a healthy game that everyone can enjoy. Because honestly, no one ever really knows what another human being feels or desires, why does it have to be spelt out?


By “baggage” do you mean “men loving men” and “some people not being comfortable with their assigned gender?”

People always throw around the word “agenda,” but I haven’t seen a proper explanation even at the height of GG – What is the actual purpose of this agenda? What is fulfilled, what happens, when we see characters like ourselves in the media we consume?


I’ll be deciding what I do and don’t bring to my gaming experience. My sub’s worth the same as yours.

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As someone who has been gaming for a long time: This was never true. Gaming spaces have always been exclusive towards others. While gaming demographics may have been different, and games have become more popular, all the white weirdos who were gamers back in the 80s and 90s hated women and people of color coming into “their” spaces.


Chill fam, we heard you.

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It’s kinda the same thing nowadays, though. Gaming culture is a bit more inclusive now, but then I remember how GD is blowing up about some LGBT throwaway NPCs in the new xpac and I realize we really haven’t progressed as much as I thought.

Then I also remember the Last of Us 2 and how people had a hissy fit over thinking Abby was trans. And then when it was confirmed she’s cis they got mad over a woman in an apocalyptical setting not being skinny and beautiful and feminine.

Really, we haven’t changed much. Gaming culture is still very exclusive.


Yep, that was more my point!

bRiNg tHeM tO tHe sHaDoWlAnDs!!!1!!

So you’re gonna ignore how games like Final Fantasy 7 had a not so subtle environmentalism message?
Or how a game like Chrono Trigger/Cross had its own racism/environmentalism topics?
Or do we ignore all the obvious “anti-war” message of Warcraft 3?
How about the obvious jabs against big corporation/corrupt police by Resident Evil?
Or how about the political subtleties added by Civilization/Tropico to their flavor of gaming?

Many good games have political messages precisely because many of their very stories are based on the real world!


I use the term generally to describe those who think they have some enlightened information, regardless of the topic, that we all must learn or be scorned/canceled.

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For real.

It’s odd that people always say “I’m tired of politics in my games” when they see LGBT representation while ignoring the obvious political messages in said games.

It reminds me of this one guy on some forum or other that was talking about Last of Us 2 and how “political” it is to have gay characters, and said he plays Bioshock because it’s a good non-political game he likes.



LOL. Not to mention Bioshock had gay characters but that probably went above his head too. Oh well.


i just don’t want any relationships in the game anymore.

i don’t like romantic stuff in action movies, i don’t like it in games. it’s just a distraction from the overall plot.