Don't Bring Your Earthly Agendas to Azeroth

How about them lakers eh?

I’ll see myself out.

Well it can be seen as destroying/wasting the fantasy.

The focus goes that goes into these perceived extremities can be interpreted as toxic or pandering when that focus could’ve gone somewhere else more seemingly meaningful or impactful on the story experience.

Some days I really do feel like this

It’s a 3rd rail either way. You’ll have people who get upset no matter how you go.

I think that generic straight white people storytelling works because no matter how monstrous or incompetent you make them, no one is going to make a huge deal about it.

Any romance story requires a novel, where everyone’s emotional state can be described in detail, so even IF you don’t “Get It”, you can get it, just not that compelling in a visual medium, long glances of attractive people with soft music playing in the background only works if the viewer is into the people on screen.

So in the long run there has to be a built up to this scene? so people are familiar with the characters involved.

You’re getting that completely wrong.

Pelagos was not reincarnated (He’s still in the Shadowlands) but rather, he was able to choose the (undead) chose the one he felt most comfortable with, to spend his eternity in.

and yeah, Blizzard is sending SUCH a horrible message of being who you want/who you were truly supposed to be and being happy.

How DARE they.

Also, people keep forgetting that we already have a transgender tribute character in WoW. Her name is Terra and she’s in Dalaran. When you click her, i’m pretty sure she still has the male gnome voice.

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Don’t think this is about inclusion of 4 characters who are LGBT, but rather constant threads popping up demanding more. So yeah this thread is accurate, this game isn’t about Earthly issues.

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All of the WoW Azeroth races are pretty much based off of real life people/cultures.

Dwarves = Scottish
Trolls = Haitian/Dominican/west African
Draenei = Russian
Taurens = North American Aboriginal tribes
Pandaren = Chinese/asian Culture
Humans = Medieval European culture
Vyrkul = Norse mythology/Vikings.
Gilneans = British
Centaur/Mongols = nomads
Kalu’ak = Inuit

Nope! WoW isn’t based on anything earthly at all. Not whatsoever…

Am I taking crazy pills?

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People have causes. That’s good. Encouraging others to support that cause is good. Forcing others to support that cause is bad. It is nasty, no matter how good the cause it. It causes resentment. It never encourages support for your cause.

It is totally bizarre to bring modern (2020) American issues into a fantasy game that takes place in medieval times (not modern times) and in Azeroth (not America), and involves different species (not human races). It is forcing. It makes other players resentful. It never makes anyone “more aware of” or “more supportive of” your cause – your good, important 2020 cause.

This game is about constant killing and war and fighting and hating. It Is “World of Warcraft”, not “World of Tolerance”.

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False. We have no idea which time frame Azeroth is in (for all we know it’s in the future after it was blown up)

All of the different species, while not human, are based off of different types of human cultures.

Annnnnnd are you trying to say that gay/trans/lgbtq people didn’t exist in midieval times?

So one group should be marginalized/ignored/pretend they dont exist just so other players don’t feel resentful or feel uncomfortable having to see GASP an LGBTQ character in game?

Then you’re just creating a whole other resentful group. Why should that group get priority over the other?

People keep saying that LGBTQ characters don’t matter in game, well if they don’t matter to you then why would you object to the addition of them?

It’s only a big deal because people are making it a big deal.

Like who cares that Pelagos was a woman when she was alive? It’s a cool story and the fact that people have issues with it, just shows how closed-minded and ugly those people are.

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There does seem to be some Asmongold types around (not saying anything about what he thinks regarding LGBT, moreso his approach to the fantasy genre) where he’s the type that only really wants to play a human warrior, and have everything else, the spacegoats, elves, mages and priests just be monsters that he’s supposed to kill. Some people seem to have extremely rigid parameters for their fantasy, and anything that breaches it is weird to them.

I dont know how you can sympathize with the op when the entire setting is saturated with real world issues and they are essentially crying foul at one because it makes them uncomfortable.

Too late it was approved with blizz blessing. Agenda is okay. In fact the opposite is now true. You no longer get to escape from real world problem, thats a privilege. You must be taught and educated.

I guess racism and wealth inequality doesn’t count as a real world issue to you?

Who’s gonna tell this guy that homophobia isn’t canon to azeroth

The escapism argument is a fallacy because the people who say that are the same people who instigate, encourage and choose not to report when someone else is saying something racist etc.

Only certain people are entitled to escapism I guess.

Muh escapism is so annoying why do no gays exist in these people’s utopian escapist fantasies that’s kinda sus

Are you talking about it portrayed in game?

@Naz its not that gays doesnt exist, we are pretty sure they do. The issue is representation. We dont see it.

Because WoW isn’t saturated with real world issues? Let’s get real here. The Horde and Alliance have very little similarities to either the Warsaw states or NATO. The only similarities is that they are powerful groups of amalgamated nations/tribes.

The real world issues that saturate it are the ones the players bring with them. I do not speak for anyone but myself when I say this: I do not care for the introduction of ham-fisted social commentary in products I use for escapism from the train-wreck that is the real world.

I don’t want cardboard cut-out caricatures of BLM, Antifa, Westburo Baptist Church, Green Peace, PETA, Neo-supremacists etc. I know that stuff is real. I know people care deeply for it and it should be discussed. Just not here or in-game. It is neither the time nor place for complex discussions.

If people want those discussions they should do it in an open and public forum. These forums are neither open nor public. There is censorship at play that restricts words that literally are not insulting, suggestive or inappropriate for the discussion that will earn you a ban.

That people who are supposedly mature adults or teenagers to be unable to communicate with each other without being offensive or offended by each other speaks volumes about humanity as a whole.

Maybe it’s because I watched a lot of Japanese cartoons when I was growing up but the inclusion of people from different ethnic, “preferences” and the like has never been an issue to me. That people lose their mind over it on both sides of the isle…

All I can think to say is people need to grow up.

Maybe you saw some of the other posts on this thread I made regarding caring about the NPC’s in the game. If not I’ll park them here:

  • I don’t care what a fictional characters orientation is. They exist to give me quests, buy my vendor trash, and if I still cared about world lore then provide that.

  • I care about my fellow players but I honestly do not want to know their preferences and kinks. Norm or different. That is their personal affair. I sure as heck don’t want people knowing mine. Not unless I’m dating them.

Let’s all try to love each other and be compassionate.

Racism is a pillar of Warcrafts setting and it is a real world issue. You’re just ignoring the real world connotations because they don’t personally bother you.