Don’t We Need a PvP Stat for SL?

actual experience > your opinion

done arguing with players who don’t even do the content they want to discuss.

You are just mad because people want pvp to be its own entity, because you are past your prime and only pvp for the lulz and think your raid and mythic plus should should just roflstomp the people who put effort into pvp because that’s their preferred content, you said you pvp as late as wod, when pvp was still in its prime, that means you haven’t participated in a real way since it became raid to win, therefore your opinion and experience no longer hold water, the people who still do participate and want to pvp have so little time to do so because they have to do all this BS pve to keep old dragon slayers like you happy because you want to out gear people to the point skill no longer matters, come back when you can provide proof to back every claim you’ve made so far, which by the way, are all wrong and can be proven so with actual evidence not just personal preference

Nah, I like the ability to play Pvp or Pve and all the gear I get matters in both

Pompous British accent
Here we see the wild Casual, the cow from which the ActiBlizz gets its sustenance.

I’m not mad about anything. Look at the people agreeing with me. The ones with experience. Look at the people disagreeing. Under geared alts with no experience.

I don’t raid. That should be obvious looking at my armory. I only did enough to get the essences I needed and stopped.

I was always PvP first. PvE was the means to allow me to PvP. When I didn’t have to PvE to be good at PvP… I didn’t. Given the state of PvP now though, I started focusing more on M+ because I don’t like many of the changes they have made relative to Arena. That isn’t to say I still don’t PvP. I was 2200 on my disc at the start of expansion and was 2200 in legion on my hunter.

A big part of that is having had multiple specs gutted each expansion. After hitting 2400 on my hunter in mop… WoD gutted hunters completely. I swapped to enhane and hit 2400 on that in WoD. Guess what happened next? They gutted enhance. Nerfed Tremor. Removed grounding. Nerfed Purge. The spec was useless.

My experience and opinion obviously matter considering the point of the thread. When was the last time we had resil or pvp power? Oh, when I was still pushing in arena. How much more relevant do I need to be?

And are you supposed to be some authority on the topic? Of course not, you’re just another GD troll that hides on alts with no achievements. Surprise surprise…

Why would I need to provide proof troll? You can literally click on my armory and see my exact experience. How about post on a relevant character before blasting someone else?

Oh, thats right, you can’t, because you don’t have anything that’s relevant.

So far everything you have said has been proven wrong, and then when called on it you try to play the rating card, man talk about desperate

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when opinions are fact.


Since the PvP vendor gear is going to be weaker than its Raid counter parts. Expect, PvE players to have an advantage in your PvP games (not the other way around lol).

Except every point you’ve tried to make was your opinion, and then people pointed about facts that disprove all of your points, if you read through every counter to what you’ve said and then search it up, they are all right and you are wrong


did you really swap toons to argue on another alt?

There were 0 counters that weren’t based in opinion and heresay. If you disagree with my opinion, thats fine, but don’t start telling me anything about #facts.

all I need is more alts with no achievements arguing with me.

You asked for a toon with experience so I provided, sure I don’t have 2400 or whatever else you claimed to have, but I have rival on this toon, I have 2k on multiple others, So plenty of above average experience with which to counter your claim of rating meaning you have the high ground, I also can provide links to tweets from devs as to statistics that disprove many of your arguments, as well as links to pvp forum threads that disprove your claims that this system is better, hell I will even link pvp players who are much higher rating experienced than your 2400, who have done it on multiple characters every season for most of a decade and who have participated in blizzcon, saying what everyone else is, that the current system needs to go, and pvp gear needs to be the best in pvp, so yes I did switch, I played your game, and I’m offering proof, where is yours?

welp, I never said that.

so good luck arguing with yourself.

you can click on my armory and look at my achievements. mine aren’t hidden… like somebodies.

I said proof, once again your only proof is opinion and trying to hide behind rating

I disagree and want to go back to the WOD gearing model. It made the most sense and worked the best. Having PvP gear scale for PvP was a great idea.

What we have now is a nightmare, and unless they really fix the gearing issues in PvP, there’s a good chance I won’t bother with SL if I don’t raid because PvP is what I do when I log in right now. Even when I raided, I did a lot of casual BGs. But I can’t stomach another expansion of the horrors of PvP we deal with right now.

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I probably won’t make it through the rest of the thread to see if someone answered you, and I can’t see it on mobile, but filling the bar only puts one reward in your chest regardless of how many times you fill it. The only benefit of filling the bar multiple times is getting the specific item you get for filling the bar (it shows you what it is).

Also, keep in mind that conquest does not carry over, so if you have a quest that gives 100 conquest and you only need 30 to fill your bar, don’t turn in that quest. Don’t waste the 70 conquest.

I think there needs to be a distinction between the gear sets we’re getting in the game. I believe the game has become too complicated to try and house a mentality of “gear is gear” and hope to have a quality experience. Just keep it simple. PvE should be great for PvE and PvP gear should be great for PvP. Neither should be great in either as a primary source of gearing.


is this a joke? what more proof can I provide out side of armory?

you just going to ignore this? anything else you want to make up?

seems to be some confusion here. I don’t like the current system. I did like the WoD system. I have made no comments to suggest otherwise.

You said you don’t want two types of gearing systems, and that is exactly what the WOD gearing system did. PvP gear was much better obtained via PvP and much better for PvP than PvE gear. And PvP gear was not comparable to PvE gear outside of PvP.

And I raided Mythic and did a TON of casual PvP and dabbled in arenas with a friend, so I’ve been on both sides of that fence. I loved WOD gearing.

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those are two different things man.

the gearing system versus the actual gear… How we got gear in WoD I thought was good. PvP power and resil or anything else of that nature is unrelated to how we actually got gear.