Don’t We Need a PvP Stat for SL?

Doesn’t this solve the problem of pvpers farming M+ for gear acquisition efficiency? Don’t we need something to distinguish PvP gear from pve gear?

Edit 1 (at 109 posts to the thread):
What has been discussed that is good (imo):

1: there should be a PvP trinket set bonus again that overpowers any pve trinket.

2: gearing for pvp via pvp needs to be on par with M+ (this may be slightly addressed in SL already)

3: my new idea from reading other posts: conquest point can buy a PvP power enchant that be placed on any item. The price varies like 1-4 units: 1 for rings, 4 for a weapon. They are only active in instanced pvp. Heck, allow one to be crafted on a weekly CD from each profession to help the economy and make profs significant to pvpers.

Edit 2 (at 200 posts)

4: the BfA pvp talent system is just like MoP glyphs. Therefore the core system is good, but many abilities were removed from talents and baseline, which is bad. Some unpruning in SL May help and some new pvp talents would also help.

5: my posting character Vraith shows little BfA participation, so why should we listen to anything I say? Because I am asking questions and making reasonable suggestions. If I made an outrageous claim, then people would like to know if this person even plays the game a lot. Set this active bar too high, and it becomes elitism: only 2k pvpers and mythic rAiders have any valid opinions. That’s not good for the community.


Ion said no to this, so expect to see mythic raiders and high key runners in your BGs and arenas again.


While I agree with the OP, the blessing is that M+ players don’t have the attention span for the day long grinds of the BGs. Play the long game my man. And find something to do on BG Quest weekend.

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I don’t see the problem, the game has been that way since the dawn of time until they tried to add PvP stats to counter that, which didn’t work and people didn’t like it, so they removed it.

We’re going in circles here it feels like.


Isn’t Vers more or less filling that role?

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As someone who does M+ AND PvP…

Please no… PvP power, Resil, PvP talents are BAD for PvP.

First, they create barriers for people trying to do PvP. Players might want to just try doing arena or rbgs and not fully commit to getting the gear. This makes participation in PvP low. There should be incentives for players to try any form of content the game offers.

The problem now isn’t that M+ is so amazing for gear, but that getting gear through PvP is horrible. At the start of the expansion, we were all pretty frustrated with the change, but given how much gear dropped from instanced PvP, it worked out. Then they heavily nerfed the amount that drops and this made the chances of getting decent gear very low.

To that, there needs to be more active balancing to help PvP gear align with PvE. A +15 rewarding the same gear that you need to be a Glad to get in PvP is ridiculous. 2100 Should reward 475 at the very least. 2400 should have been cosmetic only items like enchants and tabard.

To that, there should have been a vendor for PvP Azerite gear in the same way there is one for PvE. And! There should have really only been one chest. If you do both, you shouldn’t be able to double dip for gear.

Lastly, capping for conquest NEEDS to be changed badly. It used to be such a simple affair to cap your games for the week. Now it takes 15 wins in 3s to cap or 20 wins in 2s. Most teams average a 50% win rate. That means you’re doing 30-40 matches just to cap. Compare that to the past when it was just 10 games total. It’s absurd how long it takes.

There are a 1,000 ways they can do PvP gear better. Making PvP specific gear isn’t one of them.


They nerfed the S1 end of match rewards too much. And the ilvl is too low.

They wouldn’t have to separate if they would just buff the reward acquisition back to how it was in S1 and give trophies faster.

What was wrong with pvp stats?


It doesn’t because it isn’t on all pvp gear and if it was for people who need vers would complain that they have to do pvp to pve.

PvP stats ended up being just another thing to balance. To that, stats like resil adversely affected some specs more in PvP then others. From specs that relied primarily on crit, the affect of resil on their damage was more significant.


If you try to balance ilvl for pvp you’re always going to have one that is easier and the other side will complain about it. Keep them separate with pvp stats.

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Make a better pvp stat then. The goal of a defensive pvp stat is to reduce burst. Stagger is a great example of a mechanic that reduces burst.


Why does ilvl need to be balanced in PvP?

It’s an RPG, gear should matter. The problem is getting the gear that needs to be addressed. In WoD for instance, as long as you played, you would eventually get the gear you needed. A high rating only meant you geared faster.

Right now, the system is a 100 fold worse then the 2200 weapons in Wotlk.

But lots of specs don’t have burst. That’s why dampening is so prevalent.


Dear Adrot

Barriers for people trying pvp?

What do you think is happening now? You say hmm, what is rogue like in PvP, like BGs… Maybe I will que for ransom BG…, ohhh the other team is 70% full of people geared with top M+ drops and titan residium purchases…oh I’m dead. That’s fun. How do I gear up for pvp the fastest so I don’t just get focused and die? Oh farm M+? That’s a lot easier you say than trying to get 2000 rating in arenas or RBGs without the gear I need to survive.
There is your barrier, and is this changing for SL?!
That’s the question, and a PvP stat that only drops from pvping I think would help.


Blizz should severely nerf the drop rate for M+ gear or put a max on how much you can get per week from there. It’s just far more lucrative than any other source.

They should also substantially reduce the disparity between tier levels though. I’m 465 and I’m still going to get facerolled by a 475. It’s not even close.

After that, I just want a decent and separate progression path for each type of content. Let them have some catch-up mechanisms. Like allow you to buy some gear, but buying gear for content you didn’t do takes 10x as many tokens.

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It’s either PvPers who will need to PvE, or PvEers who will need to PvP, there’s not going to be a perfect balance without a PvP stat.

For myself, I would love PvP stats back, because I usually play only one type of content per character.


Thank god no, i dont want to have 2 sets to do casual pvp

We ll see how the details go but they have an upgrade vendor similar to benthic gear guy so you could upgrade gear from pvp to a high ilvl

They should just remove ranked PvP and PvP rewards period. Get rid of any semblance of it as a legitimate mode of character progression and officially renounce it as the mini game it always has been. That way it will deter all the PvP heroes who choose to focus on a damn sidequest and complain when it isn’t given enough attention. Balance the game around PvE and only PvE, which is literally the major focus of every content patch.

No. Ion doesn’t want the best PvPers to be people who have spent hundreds of hours doing PvP and getting good gear this expac. Ion wants the best PvPers to be people who ran just one full mythic clear and got good gear so they can wipe the floor vs any skilled PvPer who does not have any Mythic raid gears.



vendors aren’t going to solve anything.

We are going to have the same issue of gear from vendors being mediocre in comparison to what can be got from m+

ion cannot fix this game.

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