Don’t We Need a PvP Stat for SL?

Dear Adrot,

First I respect the effort put into your responses and to continue to keep this thread near the top of the forum. I love PvP and miss the days of MoP PvP.

Arguing aside, can you give me some specific answers to some questions?

Yes, No, Depends, add 1-3 sentence explanation if you feel it’s needed.

  1. do you think a PvP trinket set bonus is good for pvp, it should keep pve trinkets out of pvp.

  2. do you think some of the changes to conquest cap and token and PvP vendors will help pvp in SL?

  3. do you think a PvP power enchant acquired solely through pvping that can be placed on gear from any source that would only be active in instanced pvp is good?

  4. do you think the system of pvp talents in BfA is good? Do you think it was implemented well? Do you think it will be better when some in pruning is done in SL?

Well, I don’t lose to very much people under 460 so you must be playing against people who aren’t very good.

you keep saying you dont defend the current system except you whole argument was that you want gear to be gear so you dont have to gear up for different content, once again, you are going back on yourself seemingly just because you can and ignoring that you are wrong or proving yourself wrong, your rating has no bearing on any of these arguments, we dont care, say something that has facts backing it

yes but it has to be strong enough of a deterrent or they will have to nerf pve trinkets in pvp

yes these things will help a lot if they dont strangle progression for acquiring said gear, they will have to let us acquire it at a similar rate to M+, especially with this benthic like upgrade system

yes/no, they would have to make it so that it can only be applied to pvp gear, and even then not really because they cant give you an enchant for every single slot to make you favor pvp gear over pve gear because then they will have essentially recreated pvp resilience/power

no, the problem with pvp talents is that most of them are abilities that they had pruned from specs, so now your class feels incomplete without them, a lot of people wish they would give us back the pvp abilities that previously were just part of the class/spec toolkit so our toons dont feel so incomplete

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Please see above

Idk. I see no problem letting PVEers have better gear for PVP than PVPers. PVP is a mini-game. PVEers are doing the real content of the game.

Edit: We should also remove dampening and tank nerfs in arena. And no scaling at all.

Edit: Return the PVP only abilities to PVE.

How about split ilvl into two?

Each piece of gear has a “pve ilvl” and a “pvp ilvl”. If you obtain a piece of gear from a pve activity, its pvp ilvl will be lower than its pve, and vice versa. Hence, gear from pve sources can be used for pvp, but will always be inferior to gear from pvp, and vice versa.

Ignore Swalsh, he has proven himself to be a troll and not even worth listening to on multiple threads, I mean, he claimed that BFA is one of the greatest expansion and that the azerite/essence/corruption/visions/etc are great systems and that blizz should add more just like them. Don’t believe me? look at the posts from last week about the covenant system debate


Liking something = troll. Right

Im def going against better then the average player, players.

The only reason you “like” bfa is because you get to simp to some streamer by running him through mythic +, and i can guarantee you he only knows you as the guy who lets him afk for gear, dont get taken in by the streamer fanboy culture, otherwise you are no better than the dudes who donate thousands to female streamers because they wear thin white tank tops that you can vaguely see through or do “excercise streams” in clothes most people wouldnt even consider underwear, just to get your money. It’s kinda pathetic.

It’s hilarious you go for personal attacks instead of any of the things you listed.
FYI, I haven’t watched unnamed streamer in over 2 weeks. But I bet you’ll find another way to turn that on me too. :slight_smile:

As for BfA pvp talents, they are basically the glyph system from MoP. This was a good system I thought, I can not remember their reason for removing it. When they did, inscription was never the same.

If Blizz returned abilities back to baseline and in the normal talent choices, would you think new pvp talents in SL would be good for PvP?

Edit: ignore Swalsh, unless he can give his opinion on some these specific questions about pvp That I have recently asked about.

The best part about PVPers telling you to ignore everyone they disagree with is that their community just shrinks more and more. There’s barely any PVPers left

Did you know they had this in WoD. I think the community generally liked it.

PvP gear would increase in ilvl in instanced pvp. Unless this is a troll, NV you knew this already.

Look, I’m just going off of what you said for most of the thread. And the first post I even responded to. As it stands, WOD had PvP gear that scaled up in PvP, and PvE gear that was good for PvE. It was FAR MORE beneficial to gear up and USE PvP gear for PvP, instead of just gearing up via raids and then stomping people in PvP. You needed two sets of gear for WOD if you wanted to do raiding and PvP. It’s how it was. You said you don’t want that. You said you want fluidity between the game modes. Well, that fluidity is a major freaking issue with how BFA is working and I want it gone forever.

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I actually didn’t touch pvp at all in WoD except for Ashran. Whoops.

I don’t agree with segmenting between PvE/PvP. That being said, I will say that MOP PvP was a good time; but I put that down to the large toolkits.

I agree that PvP, Mythic + and Raids should all have their own set bonuses. The actual set bonuses should be applied like enchants rather then attached to specific items. These bonuses should slightly favor the specific activities they are obtained from.

In regards to the Enchants. I think that PvP should have specific items that can be bought and sold to crafters. As well as specific recipes that crafters can earn through PvP. Then the crafters can craft these enchants which would be more tailored towards PvP as a whole. I do not agree with restricting its proc/usage only to instanced PvP.

Lol, yea it’s a large player base

Reads like I don’t wanna all the content in the game but want the content that I do to give me the edge! What happened to skill > Gear?