Don’t We Need a PvP Stat for SL?


What kind of dark world do you live in?
So nihilistic.

Look at the recent alpha changes to Torghast in regards to torments. And the fire mage ignite change.

Do you any more hope of change now?

You can’t go to a game’s forum and post that the game does not matter, doing so shows the effort and time you put into the very act. Games I don’t think matter, I don’t think about, don’t read about, don’t comment about.

No. What, did you start playing THIS expac??

This cycle has been going on more than FIFTEEN YEARS! And you think I’m being a pessimist???

You’re the guy that sees something bad in alpha and says “it’ll get fixed in beta.” Then it’s still bad in beta, and says “it’ll get fixed in pre-released.” Then, “it’ll get fixed in the first patch!” You know, the same way it’s been done EVERY EXPANSION.

So they made a “good” decision here, or a good decision there. So far. Ok, great.

I have FIFTEEN YEARS of history on my side that says no matter what they’ll find a way to muck it up. No, I don’t WANT that. But I have been given ZERO reason to alter that expectation.

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me FIFTEEN TIMES, call me Vraith.

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This is pretty much blizzard in a nutshell regarding specifically PvP. Just being realistic at this point.

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yes/no. I’d rather see pve trinkets balanced first. I’m fine with there being good pve trinkets for pvp, they just need to be more actively balanced.

will help some. it’s mostly a quality of life change. considering they have vendors for pve now and not for pvp just makes no sense.

i don’t see an issue with them. I think there should be some pvp specific things that are good for only pvp. That said, I don’t think gating them behind ridiculous rating would be good.

the pvp talents system is one of the dumbest things they implemented this expansion. All they did is take away core abilities and gated them. For some specs, they lost key abilities which were useful in pve, while others remained untouched. PvP talents helped cause some of the disparity we see in M+. Classes like rogues lost so little with pvp talents relative to pve.

you are so incredibly lost. you offered no facts and refuse to respond to my comments when I called you out, IN THIS THREAD, for lying about what I said.

The current system is terrible FOR gearing FOR pvp. I have said that the entire time. You’re talking about TWO different things. Resil and pvp power vs the gearing system.

I don’t like that pvp players have to PvE for gear, but i’m also not against PvE gear being good for PvP. The issue is that getting gear from PvP is significantly harder then getting it from PvE. That’s why so many players are wearing PvE gear, rather then PvP. Beyond that, the gear provided from PvP, for some specs, isn’t good. Considering how much versatility drops from PvP, it’s not good for everyone… that’s obviously an issue.

I don’t care if you care about my rating either. When that rating mattered I was high enough to understand the issue. If you want to disagree with that, that’s fine, but please stop saying facts this and facts that. What you are offering up is an opinion.

I don’t see why there needs to be any disparity in gear between PvE and PvP. The issue right now is the gear from PvP isn’t universally as good for everyone, AND it harder to obtain. Right now, the issue is a +15 is no where close to 2400 in respect to ability. A +15 can easily be bought or just be done even if you have 460 or lower gear. Doing the same in arena simply isn’t possible.

1800 should have been the cut off for a 475 piece. Elite set for 2100. Enchant/tabard/tittle for 2400.

To that, there should have been more options when you actually got your gear. Conquest should have been a currency like titan residuum to buy pvp specific azerite pieces. They also should have made the chests unique. You can do both, but you can’t open both chests. Want pvp gear? Open the PvP one. Want PvE gear? Open the PvE one.

They really screwed PvP players this expansion and I seriously have no idea why. In the past, they didn’t like it when PvE players felt compelled to PvP for gear. With them removing resil and pvp power, I can only assume they wanted it to be tougher to get PvP gear so PvE players didn’t have to PvP for gear. In the end, they went overboard and gutted PvP in the process.

But you got the two mixed up… I mean, just admit that and move on. I don’t get why every person has to be so contentious here. holy hell.

You keep wanting to mix two different things. The process of gearing vs the actual gear and it’s benefit to the content.

How you got gear in WoD was good. It allowed players to get caught up after coming into the season late and it allowed players to have meaningful alts.

What I said I don’t want is PvP power and resil. They create ANOTHER balancing issue. WoD had issues with PvE players still dominating world PvP. For players who enjoy doing a mix of everything, why is it fair in your mind that they be weak in one and strong in another?

Again though, it’s a separate issue. BFA ruined a lot relative to PvP. M+ gear being good for PvP isn’t BAD. The problem is the majority of players who want to PvP have no other choice but to PvE for gear. That is 100% a PvP design issue.

To that, we have no active balancing. For whatever reason, blizz has decided to sit on their hands rather then make adjustments to corruptions and trinkets. I don’t know why they do what they do, but these things have made PvP way to much about PvE. This isn’t to say PvP gear is bad, but the good stuff isn’t accessible. Even for my 3 toons. I have been doing arena just about each week to cap and I have only gotten a couple useful pieces. The system is broke right now.

I mean, I’d be happy if versatility became a stat that ONLY became active in PVP and gear went back to Haste/Crit/Mastery, albeit some might call that “boring”. They could even scale versatility pretty good for PVP only.

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If gear from pvp or pve is equally effective in both aspects of the game, it is basically impossible for the two methods of obtaining gear to be equally difficult. This means that either pvp players will feel pressured to do pve content to get better gear for pvp (like we have now), or pve players will feel pressured to do pvp to get better gear for pve (I think this was the case when arenas first launched in TBC?).

In other words, unless you make the gear behave differently in some way, you pressure a segment of the game’s playerbase to do a thing they don’t enjoy to get more effective at the thing they do. Which is asinine. Getting better

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They should just make all pvp rated. Give people a reason to want to hit the upper tiers and people that just play it casually won’t get blown up by a mythic raider.

Personally I wouldn’t care what bracket I was in as long as I have fair shot. Their scaling is garbage.

Dear Brocknor,

If you think going to the forums and providing constructive criticism is a waste of time, if you you believe Blizz has been making pvp mistakes for 15 years (!roar!), and PvP is a dumpster fire:

Then why are you on the forums?

What good will telling people they are wasting their time do for you?

I thought you had to have an active account to post on WoW forums, so why are you giving Blizz $15 a month for a dumpster fire?

  1. you are a troll, just trying to get dopamine hits from seeing ppl react to your comments
  2. work for another game company who competes with Blizz
  3. you are really angry at WoW and other areas of life, and this is how you vent

Why haven’t you just moved on to another game and never look back on WoW?

they don’t need to be equally difficult. Players can do the content they enjoy and get the gear they need. The problem right now is you can’t do what you enjoy and have sufficient gear to be competitive in that content.

It’s fine if some of that exists. It’s when the degree of difference is massive, like we have now.

I think this is being over complicated. It’s fine to some degree if PvE gear allows for some edge in PvP. In cata, the legendary weapons were amazing, but those alone didn’t define many of the top teams. There were a bunch of rogues who never got the daggers and were still R1.

I cannot agree with that sentence. If pvp is to be a legitimate part of the game and not just a diversion or sidequest, then not only does it need to be possible to get gear from doing it, but the best gear for pvp should come from pvp. Pve gear shouldn’t just be outright useless, but a mythic raider shouldn’t find themselves to be competitive in terms of character power with some who does arenas constantly. And I just don’t see a way to avoid that without making some kind of distinction between pvp and pve gear, whether that be a pvp stat or separate ilvls.

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kinda weird dont you think though. i mean, considering this has ALWAYS been the case. PvP can be a legitimate part of the game and still have PvE as a piece of that. In the end, ability should win out. There has been times when that was the case, regardless of gear.

I have asked some good honest questions. Can you answer them?

Read them. Don’t get shy with me now.

That have been asked, and answered, LITERALLY thousands of times. I can reiterate what has been said (by me and others previously) if you want. Seems pointless to me, but maybe you’re new.

Certainly. Just seems a glorious waste of time. ESPECIALLY considering the subject.

I’m not shy or dodging you or anything. I just understand what “futility” means. It’s also why I might do a BG a month, do some WM occasionally, but I always give up on it because it is SO BAD.

But if you really want my opinion, I’ll give it to you.

Guys ,guys, guys…

TBC Classic WILL have resil.

See you there.

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I guess before you tell me your opinion, I would prefer to know if you have ever liked the game and why.

Then yea, what’s your opinion on PvP.
On mythic plus?
Class gameplay?
Have you been watching SL alpha videos with any hope or interest?
I loved MoP pvp, did you?