Don’t hold the customer hostage

Are you trying to tell me you’ve posted on average 5 posts a month? Clearly, you have no life!

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Thanks for providing the link. You right I should have included that.

My mistake for misunderstanding originally.

Then go apply there and get to work.


I agree but this can not turn into another 8 month span between content updates. The game can not afford another one of them, or they will lose even more players.

Remember guys, if you don’t like this, then you’re part of the problem. Yeah they compared us to sexual harassers. We are the problem. Not the guys who partook in and knew about sexual harassment going on and did nothing.

We’ll pay for nothing and like it!


What am I gonna do. U just learned That i have no life

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You’re right a long patch wouldn’t be good for the game.

You know a sure fire way to make sure that happens? A critical mass of employees leaving because they don’t want to be groped at work, which is quite reasonable btw.

This issue must be addressed, or this walkout delay will be peanuts compared to how long it will take to fill empty dev positions.


Quite sure it can. They should fix what they have before working on something new but all broken


Those videos always baffle me. Why willing put yourself into that sort of danger. Walking into oncoming traffic.

The “Omg I can’t believe he drove through people, we only surrounded his car and we’re beating the crap out of it!”

I’m actually going to save this one thought .hehe tanks

IF. I mean I am sure they could, if they want to let people pick their salary since they would be over a barrel and in no position to be picky. Then they would have the lovely task of explaining that to already skittish shareholders. They need to wise up.


Blizzard shouldn’t have to choose between treating their employees like human beings or developing the products they sell, because you know, multi-billion corporation should be more than capable of doing both things at same time.

Its ridiculous to swallow that lie.

Exactly, I just want my patch on time, I pay for that

Op,I can’t be angry over this they have every right to have a walkout protest ,Everything is tied to people as human beings ,their moral was injured and so were their pride. Be patient and respect that.


You’re a loser. Go outside. Go play another game. Eat an eskimo pie, if you must, but holy hell don’t be so selfish that you care more about your precious world of warcraft more than employees being harassed to death.


No, they shouldn’t. Unfortunately not developing the products they sell may be the only way to achieve being treated like human beings.


Actually U pay to access a game and its server that pretty much it.


Im not sure you had to call the kid a loser. Sounds like something a loser would do…

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I’ve played this game for enough time in my life to be dubbed a loser, but not enough of a loser that I am selfish enough to put playing this game over the employees of blizzard.