Don’t hold the customer hostage

You’re right they shouldn’t have to. But what should be and what is all too often aren’t the same thing.

We have to grapple with the reality as it is right now, not what it should be.


You should of invested that time in learning manners, you don’t come and join a conversation by calling someone a loser. If you do that in real life then I can understand your second statement.

U shouldnt speak. Cause u doing the same. And insulting someone by using ‘‘Manner tone’’ is still the same and doeant make u smarter or better as a person.

Class can’t be bought




There you go again, if I was your parent I would take desert away from you to-night.

In that case the higher ups might aswell pack up their things and leave the office, since they have proven to be not only incompetent, but also utterly incapable of doing their job. From what we know, everyone in the gaming industry is capable of developing their product and not sexually abuse or exploit their employees.

If Bethesda can do it than Blizzard should also be capable.

You should have invested some time in learning basic grammar.

Yup. It’s called “tone policing” and it’s almost exclusively used by bad-faith actors in order to make their opponent seem “uncivil” because they can’t stand on the merits of their arguments. And they know it.

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I speak 4 languages, English is an alt.

So, it seems your ok harassing the kid. Lotta harassing going on these days. I guess you cant pick and choose what harassing is ok then… You wouldn’t happen to be a blizzard supervisor, would you?

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They should, but it will take swallowing their pride and admitting there are issues, and so far they have shown zero inclination to do so.

haha, yeah probably, but something my parents DID teach me, was that a women being harassed to death is more important than a video game. At least they got that.


U could be surprised. Im quite sure its more of a Big Company ‘‘Hiden Policy’’ Cayse all my friend who work in small indie company loves it cause its more into the dream of making your own game thing, While my friend who works a bigger one always complain cause the company never care about their employee. $$$ Over everything

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Seriously you need to take a break if you think your game time is more important this this matter.

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Im usually quite good a counter this when people trying to apply it to me. And they always end up looking mad cause it didnt worked on me.


Yup, that’s always fun to do.

Refuse their tone policing and watch as they get triggered.

Or just disregard them lol usually what I do. If someone is coming into a discussion with bad faith tactics like that, they probably having nothing of value to add, might as well ignore them.

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One of my old boss used to do that. And think her employee were idiots.
So i was faking it just to see how dumb she was seeing me.
She would pay other employee but not me (Who was the one running the thing almost alone) and using as excuse that she forgot the paycheck in her house. (Like only mine but not other employee)
She was using dumb excuses all the time. I went to court agains her in the end. She was using the money we pay taxes on paycheck for herself and didnt declare her employee she was a thief. One of my worse job ever

Some feedback -

Your parents “DID teach” you that a woman being harassed to death is more important than a video game? What an odd lesson. They must of skipped the, “Dont pick on kids and call them names on the internet” portion.

I agree with their reasoning for the walk out but I mean they’re essentially throwing a pebble at a tidal wave expecting to stop it. Is a couple hour break really going to solve the issue? Because it didn’t solve the Hong Kong issue…