Don’t hold the customer hostage

Why , why slow walk updates and freeze work at blizzard over these allegation ? The one who will pay in the end will be the consumers ,us. That’s like blocking a bridge and making everybody late for work to protest for your chosen cause, it just makes you unsympathetic to the ones you blocked the bridge for.


Yeah i’m fine with them staging a walkout over how horrendously the higher ups have responded to the situation.


I’m fine with that to, but it must not impact work .


It’s definitely reasonable for the employees to be able to do their walk-out. And I only think more highly of them for doing so.

But I do think less of Blizzard if they don’t freeze sub time (or similar) during the walk-outs that they caused by being scum.


They can do their walk out on break hours


How exactly do you think they can protest AND do their work at the same time. If everything is business as usual there is zero motivation for ABK to actually FIX the issues since it is abundantly clear they aren’t going to fix them on their own.


Nah. Their walk-out doesn’t have any teeth if they do it in a way that doesn’t harm Blizzard’s bottom line.


That’s not how this works.


It happens with bad businesses. I remember a few years ago I was trying to get food at Wendy’s by my house. All the employees were staging a strike outside and the business wasn’t able to serve anyone. I ended up just backing out and driving to FF McDonald’s instead that day.


So, explain why they should freeze sub time while you are still using the content, servers, and services that are typically part of your sub

Acti-Blizz is a company not a charity


<<<< Am paying customer
<<<< Am willing to wait for content, until they do what needs to be done.
<<<< Am still going to be engaged in plenty of content throughout the game.
<<<< Am very supportive of this walkout, and the good Blizz employees.


If Blizz comes forward and says

“We will delay work for a month or 2 to fire all offenders, all the people who ruin our work culture (including ALL levels, especially senior management), in order to restore the quality of the content we produce back to the level we used it. In the meantime, we will cut the subs prices $$$ in half. Please bear with us”.

I wouldn’t have any issues. I am sure a lot would be understanding.

But since this won’t happen, and they won’t budge, why should we?
This isn’t a charity. And don’t tell me that I am, some random dude in Florida, have any affect on their leadership encouraging sexual harassment.

It’s like saying random Nurse in Egypt, Canada or New Zealand that I have zero connections with would suddenly make me be rude to war vets. Like, cmon.


Cmon man ! rictus of senile rage

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WoW is using a game-as-service approach. We pay a sub because it is a living game that they are continuing to expand on - the recurring payments allow them to continue to do so. There isn’t much value to pay a sub to continue to play content that already exists.

Workers are doing what they feel they need to do due to poor executive response to the sexual harassment they’ve been subjected to. It’s up to us as consumers to respond to the lack of content resulting from this by cancelling our subs.

Execs hit the devs, devs hit us, we hit the execs. Circle of life.


Dude, don’t blame me for being rude to strangers. It is random Canadia PICU nurse’s fault. She is part of the problem! Also, seen that random KFC worker in NYC? He is definitely the reason for my behavior. I never met him. But he is a big part of the issue here.



Move WoW to another studio and shut Blizzard down. Doesn’t sound like its salvageable.

Pause subs during the reorganization. Free 2 play may draw more people.

Use the start of reorganization to engage a competent game UX design consultancy to speak at length with the player base so that the new studio can code high quality features and mechanics the player base actually wants… hint its not systems.

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It’s a short term shutdown, it’s a delay.

Folks will say there piece and things will move on.

As a paying customer I feel the rug is being pulled from under my feet


I would support a rally during nonworking hours. Maybe a charity softball game against Yoshi.