Don’t hold the customer hostage

You think you are, but you aren’t.

See what I did there?

It was a first-come-first-served type deal.

This whole thread:


I feel the same way!

I wouldn’t say deluded. Someone who doesn’t know themselves well enough to know how they are likely to react in a situation is deluded.

I can’t post cats anymore because I took a 6 month break.

He mentioned that people should read it without dropping in a link, so I dropped the link in where anyone interested after reading his post could find it.


This has to be a personal record for me, I’ve never caused someone to melt down to the point where they started posting cat gifs in a sad attempt at derailing .

This is one of my favorites!


I shall post all the cats for you.


Wow 1055 on 16 years of a game thats SO much I should feel Ashamed

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As I said, 4chan was mentioned, so this thread is now about cats. It is an internet rule.

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Wait, did you just accuse the op of doing exactly what the bliz employees did? Are you mental?

You know what you are, you don’t need me to tell you.

The strike is only for a few hours, right? I don’t think that is going to setback development that much. If it mattered that much to me, I would be more concerned with the parties occurring while people are on the clock, and people playing games instead of working on them.

By the sounds of it, Blizzard is run poorly. Perhaps after this whole ordeal is done with, they will become a little more efficient and you will find your patches to be more comprehensive and enjoyable.

But a four hour strike, pffft… that is child’s play, imagine it going on for days.


Blocking a bridge, road, other through way does not always work out for the protester, either. Stay to the sidewalk, stay out of traffic. a car weighing 2 tons may not have the right of way but there’s nothing a human being can do to stop one.

Just a helpful safety tip!

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Good think u are on this forum telling me what should I think, feel , do.
I feel save now thank you for showing me the way

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No problem, maybe go outside, some sports ?

We may not have to just imagine it if ABK doesn’t start listening.


Strikes or no Strikes the developpement is stopped as of right now anyway so it doesnt change a thing