Don’t hold the customer hostage

This will ultimately be a positive influence for the game. An improved work environment will allow employees to make a better game.

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What mental gymnastics did you do, to turn “You ok?”, into my feeling threatened?

Lol… man… either you are on a bender, are in a manic episode… or something… whatever it is, it ain’t right.

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enjoy crying about your forum ban with your edgy 4chan friends


You ever heard/seen the train track analogy?

You have two tracks; one track has a few hundred employees, the other track has a few MILLION players.

You’re choosing to kill the millions because the other side had a “social cause”.

I’m enjoying it right now. Never mind later.

Nah nah nah.

The way this dude’s behaving, crying about a video game?

4chan would incinerate him.


I mean u could see the guy was a troll with his post XD. Im quite sure WoW is his whole life.

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This thread is now about cats.


Again, 1055 posts and counting my dude

then unsub?


Post all the cat pictures so I can virtually pet them since I am seriously allergic to them in real life.


Not sure why you linked that to me lol. I’ve read it.

I’m not the one saying “there are worse things than getting a few sexist comments”. As if that was all that went on.

You’re paying for server access. My money is going to future development. Duh.

I think she was just using your post as a jumping off point.

I’m actually paying for J’Brack to be my personal manservant.

Awww, kitty is making biscuits!





I’d like to think so. But right now I’m not sure there’s a path to recovery, if everybody who holds positions of authority to make the necessary changes was part of the problem. It would take a huge investment to pull them out of the hole they’ve dug for themselves.

…I missed that option. Damn, I’m angry now.

Very possibly.

If so, my mistake for misunderstanding.