Don’t hold the customer hostage

Says the guy who values a video game over other people.

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Sounds like projecting. Also it’s “you’re”.


I kinda can sense u are talking about your life right now


It wasn’t directed at you, but I touched a nerve ?

Not at all. Cause all I see if you raging trying to prouve your horrible view of the world to other decent people.


I’m not the one with thousands of posts here

I saw few and none of them make sense

Like I dont know this one where u compare people walking in front on a building with blocking a bridge

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They just got me on a 6 month sub. Nothing I can do.

They don’t have to add ONE THING to the game for the next 6 months and I can’t do anything about it.

Buyer beware.

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maybe when the federal government shuts down next time we can tell all those public assistance familes that they can wait on their EBT cards till we get things ‘worked out’ lmao.

NO guy…we are saying that the customer isnt the criminal here and shouldnt be 1) accused of wrongdoing by the very body of people who committed the crimes and 2) expected to sit down shut up and keep paying their bill to the very body of people who committed the crime till that body decides to get back to work

The odds that anything new was going to be added within the next 6 months even without this was minimal, at best.


Nah, but you sure are building up quite the rep, with insulting and belittling views, aren’t ya?

Again, I ask - you ok, on a deeper level? Cause it kind of does not seem like it.


It’s why I only do the month to month. My interests change and 6 months is both short and agonizingly long.


just another reason to NEVER prepurchase anything from this company

Wait, did you just accuse the op of doing exactly what the bliz employees did? Are you mental?

There’s a whole video of that. It’s a favorite of mine.

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You feel threatened by different points of view ? These are insulting and belittling to you? Your safe space is waiting

If you think all that happened was a few sexual comments then I urge you to go, ya know, actually read the lawsuit.

It was far more than just a few offhand comments.


But you’re still getting exactly what you payed for.

Ah yes… because feeding your kids and playing a new video game patch right when you want to are both equally important.