Don’t hold the customer hostage

My dude you are in no position to be telling anyone else that.

You are the one on here crying that people protesting sexual assault would inconvenience your video gaming.

You are the one on here unironically comparing a video game patch being late to people not being able to make it to their jobs and put food on the table.

You are the one wildly out of touch with reality in this conversation bud.


Or you could just unsub, show your disappointment. They never gona learn without punishment. They been getting easy money for a long time

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Literally wouldn’t do anything, but sure, unsub.

Honestly given how recent 9.1 was now’s probably the best time to do this. If in a few weeks time they realize 9.1.5 or 9.2 or whatever is going to be delayed, actiblizz could hire some extra people to pick up the slack or reassign people from other teams.

Sure give them free money

In the real world, there are worse things in life than getting a few sexist comments thrown your way. Grow up

Actually I think misrepresenting the case in the forums makes them look stupid. There was a thread last night where an organized group was trying to portray the court filing as “one chick got upset about a comment about her butt and is suing”. Like somehow convincing the 3 remaining actual players in the forums that was true is going to result in a mass movement to pressure the courts into dropping the case.

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Quite sure they endured that ‘‘Good doe of real life’’ Already by having horrible time at work that shouldnt even exist in the first place


Subs aren’t the lions share of wows profit. He’s kind of right, it wouldn’t do much unless there’s a substantial exudes.


SOMEONE KILLED HERSELF. That is how badly she was treated.
They got drunk at work and groped people, men and women.
They shared nude pictures of co-workers.
I could go on.

This is not about someone getting angry someone said “hey baby”. The only effing person that needs to grow up here is you.


Smart people don’t fall for that garbage, but dumb people sure do and there are alot of them. I used to wonder why people would fall for gaslighting and blatant lies in politics, but I realized they are just stupid people who are hopelessly controlled by fear.

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That’s the point of a walk out?

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Look, I found some more of your posts!


i’m a customer and i fully support the employees who are taking action on this

again, speak for yourself

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I’m pretty sure that’s actually where the OP lives at this point.


On average there are 130 suicides per day, each with their own story. You just decided to selectively pay attention to this one because it suits your political aims. You like to use tragedy in order to make points and virtue signal, that’s quite disrespectful to the actual victims .

No one is holding customers hostage. Handling these issues should actually improve productivity and hopefully that translates into an improved game.


I have zero political aims in this you human shaped pile of garbage.

I’m done. If I haven’t earned a ban yet, I will if I keep on.


Anyone who repeatedly uses this term to describe reacting to blatant abuse is not someone who can be trusted.


Dude, all you are doing is gaslighting people and then insulting them.

It’s pretty sad.

Are you ok? Like, on a for real level? Or are you just bored and trolling?