Don’t hold the customer hostage

I don’t think it will affect much…just like the whole china kerfuffle didn’t change much.

If there is a 2 year investigation of me that results in a case being initiated, and dozens of testimonials detailing years of rampant abuse, and one person committing suicide over my actions… feel free to consider me guilty, I would as well.


That’s some wholesome fun I could really use right now. Watching the devs teams play baseball against each other. Sitting in the stands enjoying a stadium environment.

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Ha! Such an asinine statement. You never can tell how you would react in such situations . Saying I would do this or that just shows that you are quite could faint or remain mute for all you know .get real

How do u compare blocking a bridge with going out while your server are still active.

Boy please. get your view staight. Them going outside doesnt affect your life one bit except if u worke for Blizzard Activision and cant get to work

Your lack of awareness doesn’t mean everyone lacks awareness.

You could do with some self-reflecting.

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Well gee, J. Allen Brack already apologized, so there’s that…

Just imagine if they actually fired a great many of the people who are doing most of the work on the game, leaving mostly managers who are responsible for the situation or knew but looked the other way. They could never replace those people. What qualified people would want to work for a company that responded to employee concerns about sexual abuse, harassment, and job discrimination by firing the workforce?


I think you need a good dose of real life, mister 4000+ posts on a video game forum

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I am subed, blizzard has not put customer interest first for a long time. Employees has right to strike, it is the management’s fault this happen. They just gona use this as an excuse for not delivering, do you really think they would deliver 9.2 before Christmas even without the drama.


I have to give them credit, the people politicizing this are smart. They knew if they could make this appear like an SJW attack, using words like “woke” or terms like “virtue signaling”, they could get a certain crowd on their side. Once someone starts using those words against you that crowd will come after you like rabid dogs.


Look, nobody has announced they will be protesting for 6 months as far as im aware, a few days isn’t a huge blow. Besides, if these allegations get responded to and cleared up its worth noting one of the allegations is the men just sit around and play call of duty all day, so once they put a stop to that we might actually get content.


They could probably find people, but (a big BUT)…

ABK is also being investigated for breach of fiduciary duty (basically acting against their shareholders best interests), can you imagine the board trying to explain why they just fired a whole swathe of people and had to rehire at a much higher pay rate (because let’s be honest, anyone who would agree to work there could basically write their contract with ABK being desperate).


And then to have the audacity to make a public statement that PLAYERS are responsible for the whole thing if we dare demand that the product we are PAYING for not be affected by some perverts who cant control themselves around women.

Lmao are you actually serious?

The workplace environment that many of these employees have been experiencing sound horrible and they, as actual human beings, are far more important than us getting a new raid. Blocking a bridge would affect people who need to use that bridge for whatever reason. You do not NEED World of Warcraft.

The ones who are paying are the employees who have been suffering with this kind of garbage for god knows how long. We, the consumers, are just inconvenienced on a source of our personal entertainment/escapism. There are other games out there and you will survive without WoW.


You know the servers will still be up tomorrow right? You’ll still be able to log in and do your dailies and whatnot?

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Here’s the thing.
And for some reason out of the entire industry, I only see this with WoW customers.
Companies. Don’t. Owe. You. Anything.
They are not beholden to you.
They do not cater to you.
They are not responsible to you.
You are a customer.
You buy their product or you don’t.
That is the end of the contractual relationship.

26 years in gaming, seen controversy after controversy, and literally, this fanbase, these customers are the most ugh of any customer I’ve ever seen.

Such an unhealthy relationship, borderline sense of entitlement.

This isn’t to say Blizzard hasn’t been putting out dog poo, I’m talking about specifically what WoW customers think their role is in this contractual relationship.

You play the game or you don’t.

You don’t get a say in how things get done. Not your role. Not your place.

If people want to walk out in protest of something important to them, that’s their choice.

Not your role or your place to say or demand anything.

You are NOTHING but a customer.




I know, shamefull isn’t it

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As I said above in another post, I don’t think there’s any way they could get production back on track without resolving this situation rapidly and doing a complete company reorganization. Right now they are internally in complete disarray, with responsible parties still in denial and other managers no doubt looking to gain territory.

And still they would need to hire a great many new people at all levels, train them, and come up with new workflow systems.

Impacting work is the entire point of a protest.

To do otherwise would be like if teachers held a strike on a Saturday.