Don’t hold the customer hostage

This is a bit more serious then the customer. How about stop thinking about yourself? Do you even understand what is going on? Obviously you don’t since you seem to be more worried about yourself than the ACTUAL victims.


Long-term subscriber here. I don’t feel like I’m being ‘held hostage’ at all, but I am betting some of the women working there, who had nobody to turn to that they could trust, and had bills to pay and families to care for, most certainly felt like hostages. The walkout is only happening because the Blizz HR department and executive staff failed to be responsible professionals. Acting like the staff who decided to walk out because of this are the ‘bad guys’ is ridiculous. You’re not seeing the forest for the trees here.

Some people are over-reacting in a purely selfish and hysterical way over hearing that Blizz workers are understandably reeling and shocked over these events. God forbid they honestly acknowledge that they need some time to get their bearings back. If any of you have been in a workplace where there’s been a huge upheaval or an unexpected tragedy, you know that folks need a little time to deal with that. And you know something? I am FINE with knowing that my subscription fee continues to support those workers. They’ve supported my gaming for almost two decades. Giving them a little time to work this through, and supporting them in their walkout which is being held because their leadership failed them, is fine with me.


What a terrible take on this situation.

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Hostage? Some lead designer said we’re part of the problem! Guess Ill have to step up my harassment game. I was unaware I was at Blizzard doing all those terrible things. Long commute from Ohio…

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They need to change the working conditions. They can’t do that and get you the content you think you are owed.

You are asking them to just suck it up and keep working. Exactly what Blizz did to the women who were being harassed.

Way to go…


Oh so they are guilty before the trial now ? If you were a truly reasonable empathetic person you would act differently, I for one would never lead a lynch mob without due process based on the scandals of he day , but you apparently would

The thing is that it won’t be enough to give them time to deal with it emotionally for the company to get back to work. The issue is that there are so many to blame who should be fired that the workplace will come to a standstill without a fast major reorganization. And who would do that, since anybody in a position to facilitate that knew for years and did nothing?

Then… it wouldnt be a walk out? The point is to hurt their employer, if they don’t do that they aren’t really making a point but just virtue signalling.


Your sub means nothing, you welcome to unsub

This is not a criminal trial. A civil trial is decided by the “preponderance of evidence”. Right now the state has that. If Blizzard decides to fight this case in court, it will enter the “discovery” phase, when the state will have access to all records. It is in Blizzard’s best interest to negotiate and settle now, because a lot of things could come out in discovery that would make it even worse for them.


Innocent until proven guilty is only a function of the court systems. I, as an independent person, am well within my rights to read and listen and draw my own conclusions. Guilty/Not Guilty are not moral dictates. Not everyone who is convicted is actually guilty. Not everyone who is not convicted is actually innocent.

Learn the difference.


You know there is no award for most disgruntled player right? you have made it abundantly clear in other threads that you do not care about how women were abused at Blizzard. Good to see you toning it down a bit though.


Thank you Mr. “Subscribers are an inconvenience that can and should be eliminated”.

Yes, continue to produce for daddy Bobby! Walk out in your break time only! What a shill. Disgusting.


I don’t use this term often, I think it get’s overused like crazy nowadays, but holy hell does this post just reek of entitlement.

“How dare they protest sexual assault, that will inconvenience my vidya game playing!”

Like holy crap man, take a step back and try and look at this thing like a human being.

Terrible comparison.

Blocking a road and keeping people from getting to work is taking wages out of pockets, or even potentially having people fired. That is very very different thing than a video game patch being a month later than you’d like.

One of those is quite serious with real life consequences, the other is a trivial inconvenience in your hobby.

Get a grip dude.


You know what they should take extra time to protest now. And they should be protesting instead of working on nightborne or mage class changes just to spite you.

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You’re not wrong. I’m just making these points because I see some people blaming the Blizz staff and implying they are wrong/unprofessional/should be fired for a walkout that is only happening because company leadership failed.

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So you admit it, you hold people accused of wrongdoing to a different set of standards . When your turn comes,you will be automatically guilty in my book.let’s see how you like it .

How 'bout, no.

Staff are well within their right to protest the toxic workplace, and should be standing up for themselves when they are being taken advantage of.

The people who are hurting the playerbase and customers are the management that encouraged and created the toxic (and in some cases illegal) behaviors are the ones to blame.

You’re not the victim here, the staff staging the walkouts are. Try to keep up.


crying about video game development over people’s lives lmao pathetic