Don’t hold the customer hostage

Try tapping into “I am a human” more than the “I am a c ustomer” right now. I mean I get it, it sucks, no one wants potential delays but as a human, I am ok with putting off my desires for a little bit if it means that people have created a better work environment.


In the end the employees want a job. Sure they want changes but they also have a career and rent to think about.

I’m glad they are staging a walk out. The higher ups will get the message.

I’m highly amused by the fact that your name is “Evilmuffin” yet everything you listed here is better than a good chunk of the players on this forum thread.

Keep on being a reasonable individual, friend!

As per the OP:

Change doesn’t happen if workers just strike while they’re on break. If the company isn’t impacted, they won’t make any changes. Activision is likely to keep throwing money at lawyers until the problem just magically goes away and they don’t have to worry about anything. If the employees actually start hurting their bottom line, they might (though this is still unlikely) consider improving their situation.

You still have access to the servers, which is what your $15 a month is for. Or you can cancel your sub once you finish the current content and step away until/if this gets sorted out.


Companies don’t transact with you as if you were a human but only as a customer . Why then would I extent that curtesy. Their poor workplace environment is none of my concern or responsibility,

I said nothing about the company. I said PEOPLE.

I am gonna stop now, this “I don’t care as long as it didn’t happen to me.” is getting to be too much.


This is a strange place to be virtue signalling but you do you. Btw as a tip. Truly virtuous people don’t need to talk about how kind or reasonable they are, that would defeat the purpose, because then you are acting with the object of seeking validation and attention.

Which is what you are doing, and on a video game forum of all places.

This makes you what? ask yourself . Now back on topic.

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It’s sad that we have arrived at a place where empathy is considered virtue signaling, but as you said… you do you.

I never said a word about how kind I was. I said I am ok with delays while they get their house in order. We are far likely to get a better game if people aren’t working under horrible conditions or do you think it boosts productivity when you are worried that a coworker is going to get drunk at work and come grope you?


One of my favorite articles to come out of the pandemic was the one ice cream shop that decided to hire people for $15 an hour when they were getting no applications. The result? A surge of applications and moral boost for their employees, along with higher customer satisfaction because the employees working there were happier.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the current quality of the game is directly involved with the low moral/bad working conditions that we’re seeing come to light here. Not entirely to blame, but a large part of it. I couldn’t imagine working somewhere and having someone constantly try to grope me, unbuckle my bra, send around nude pictures of my private areas, or stop me from taking time off unless I write an essay like this is high school.


Aww your such an empathetic person , I hope you feel better now . Okay ?

Are they really holding their customers hostage if you’re entirely capable of not paying or playing?

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It definitely could be, and not in a “I am unhappy so I am gonna do a bad job” just your mental health affects all aspects of your life. It could definitely play a role. I know when I am not in a good head space it impacts anything I am trying to accomplish whether I realize it or not.


Before they leave, they should just pull the ripcord.

I will feel better when the game I enjoy isn’t riddled with scum, but thanks.


The difference between “I can do better than this” or “Meh, this is good enough, I’d rather just move on to something else.” The lack of passion and drive for that perfection doesn’t necessarily mean they’re doing a bad job on purpose, but that they just can’t bring up the drive to care when the situation is this bad.

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For sure. I hope for their employees sakes and our sakes, ABK gets their head out of their nether regions.


Hmmm we just saw some cracks in your mask there ,be careful, doesn’t seem to take much to bring it out.

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Pissing us off sadly is the only way to affect the market, which is the only way to get corpos to react.

I have no idea what that means, but ok.

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You said the game you love is riddled with scum, that doesn’t very empathetic, in fact that sounds quite the opposite. Also very judgemental.

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I disagree. The walkout is mostly symbolic. But hopefully at some point Blizzard will start to take the situation seriously. I’d be okay if they got rid of the GWB torture queen. She’s not doing them any favors.