Don’t hold the customer hostage

Probably wont sadly but at the same time if u never try or do nothing nothing will ever change.

That its because country owe too much China to offend them

Blizzard isn’t holding the US/China relations together.

How many chinese product are send everywhere in the world do u think.
How many games changes are made so they can sell in China.
China own pretty much the world world by the balls

Hell John Cena had to made a public excuse for saying Taiwan was a country cause it offended china

But what does that have to do with our country owing money to China? Video game businesses =/= our country

Cause u were saying people doing Protest in Hong Kong did nothing to change. I do agree on that. But nothing changed cause other Country that should of helped did nothing to help.

I’m talking about Blizzard emplyees walking out during the Blitzchung thing…

Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to say much.

I wanted to quit, now I can because if I do someone will take my sub number as justification of their views.

Yep, too bad for this OP loser and yourself it seems.

Your lack of self awareness is astounding.

Ya when it doubt and things look bad it’s always smart to blame people who had not even a fraction of a percent to do with it. You know ill just get on twitter and blame that dev and Blizzard for every transgression in my life from now on.

Just start sending out to blizz “We AlL nEeD tO bE bEtTeR hUmAnS” even after minor things like after I F up my mental math and under tip without realizing it or something.

I’m 100% self-aware that harassing people on here who care more about a video game than other people is hypocritical, but IDGAF. This whole community needs a reality check. F off.

I mean we all already paid though

Wow, child you need some manners. Youre parents failed where youre concerned.

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Awe, do I offend you and your predator enabling friends?

snort That cat looks so shocked at the end. “The eff did you just do to me?”

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LOL, something is off about you. Seek help kid.

Stop supporting predators.

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Nobody is supporting predators nerdrage. Did you already forget how this convo started? I guess you do seem a little slow, but it wasnt that long ago.