Don’t hold the customer hostage

Nope, I am outright saying it. When one of the women at Blizzard complained, they took her in a room, read her an essay (by a man) that basically said in order for her to work there, she had to suck it up and deal with the abuse.

EXACTLY what the OP said. You are right: That is mental. Not to mention disgusting.

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If any devs are listening, please don’t listen to these people!

I and most other loyal players who want the best for WoW will gladly accept the next patch being pushed back until next year if it means sorting things out and making a stronger, better Blizzard for employees and in the end customers.

Fire these abusers, fix the environment or there will be NO future for Blizzard or WoW. After doing that fix the game direction or while there may be a future for Blizzard there will be none for WoW. these things take priority over pushing out a few more raids and a little more content in an expac everyone hates anyways.

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Do you understand the concept of a strike and a walkout?

Because I really don’t think you do

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Declaring you’re being “held hostage” because the next patch might arrive a month later than it would have otherwise is pretty much a peak example of how warped the perspective of many gamers truly is.

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The game shouldn’t be the priority right now, the culture should. Fix the culture and the game will get better as a result.

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I’m trying to put myself in the middle of the situation. If I were the employer, and this happened to me, I wouldn’t be surprised if my employees got upset and stopped working.

Id just accept it and get things in working order ASAP.

If because of this, the game was riddled with bugs and I have no one to fix them, I wouldn’t bill the sub until everything is back to normal.

If because of this, the game is fine, but patches and the next expansion is delayed, id release the next expac for free.

Of course, I’m not a super rich greedy company.

If blizzard doesn’t do this, yeah, we can get mad at them. It’s not the employees fault and we shouldn’t get upset at them

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I live in Austin, TX where most of CS is located. Please don’t take your feelings out on them. Those employees have a really tough job and I know that for reasons I won’t disclose here out of respect for the many Blizz employees or former employees I know personally. I have every confidence that once employees are sure they are being heard, they will be back to work with the same desire to help customers as before all this mess came to light.

If nothing is impacted then nothing changes. Protests should be an inconvenience, because they’re fighting something much worse than an inconvenience.