Does your character have a unique weapon?

I dunno, that sounds exactly like the kind of metal thing that Night Elves would have done pre-WoW.


I figured since there is that grove (or was… because warfront happened) in Darkshore that has a bunch of Ancients, unmoving and maybe lifeless; I got inspiration from that.


Calder, my worgen pirate, has a pistol that was specifically commissioned during his stay in Gilneas before being turned into a worgen. It’s Gilnean themed (has a wolf emblem on it) and he was going to take it home to Kul Tiras a “souvenir” for his time in the Navy before being turned on his way out of Gilneas (don’t try to sneak past the wall when it was still up, folks). Eventually, it became a staple of his look and is now recognizable for the pirate captain. Wolf of the waters, indeed.

As for Kenbu here, he just nicked a pair of large daggers with chains on them from a Zandalari he killed off on a hit with poison. Saw them lying on a nearby table, and he figured the owner wasn’t going to use them anymore. It just sort of worked and he liked them well enough. Sticky fingers and all that.

I don’t think I’ve ever used a named weapon. Ever since I was a kid, I was a big fan of Conan and one thing I liked about him was that his body and brain were his weapon, he had no need or desire for special weapons. He was just as deadly unarmed as he was with a greataxe. My unarmed skill is 400 :fist_right: :fist_left:

1.) They did!
2.) There is a 2h pickaxe in the game.
3.) Do it.

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Nothing special. Just a simple DK rune blade. long years of use has made her grow an attachment to it. Shes had a unique weapon once, but once it was useless she made like Luke Skywalker and chucked over her shoulder when she had no use for it. Her sword is large for someone her size and would be too heavy for any normal elf to hold.

sint keeps breaking her toys. she forged this current sword to hopefully break that trend.

the nameless blade is a weapon of deceptively simple make. it appears to be a normal weapon at first glance, but on closer inspection it is positively humming with magical power. thing is, you can’t quite tell what magic is going on in there, as the only runes you can see are names. names written in an elegant and neat gilnean script.

the nameless blade may go without a name, but it carries the names of the fallen with it. a legacy alike its sisters, greyheart and rebellion.

This is from a highly head-canoned class that plays like a Paladin/Shaman mix, but Bathildis found some Brightbrew Brewmaiden artifacts (like the Brewmaidens from the Brewfest trinkets). She has two special weapons - The Flagon of Endless Ale and The Smitestein (aka the Brewmerang).

The Flagon of Endless Ale is a lidded flagon surrounded by Titan runes that is enchanted to hold gallons of beer. The beer can be infused with her healing energy, but can also be unleashed like a high-pressure jet to move things around and reach long distances.

Its sister, the Smitestein is a tankard that looks the same minus the pouring spout, but is enchanted to return when lost or thrown (hence the nickname, Brewmerang). It is used to pelt enemies in the head (for stuns) and pass around the healing brew generated within.

Not sure if this is entirely in line with the spirit of the post but Notelyle has used the Bloodvenom Blade icly since wrath. Never really written specifically about the weapon (mostly due to anxiety of making him too…special?) but it is 100% his weapon in the sense that he won’t use anything else. Northrend was a very formative time for the character so continuing to use a weapon from that era is really fitting for him.

Seviilia has twin runeblades named Bane and Agony, because death knights are grimdark AF and something something class fantasy.

I just use base blades of the fallen prince for transmog because the model is sick AF for frost fantasy and pretty much exactly what I envisioned for her blades when I made her back in Wrath. I haven’t decided what I’m using now that 2h is back.

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i like to think of it as ‘common sense’

i like to think of it as ‘common sense’

Haha idk if this was in response to me, but dual-wield is still performing better … and I like it more, for the most part. :x

frost 2h might make a comeback in SL and it wasn’t specifically at you, just the question of the thread

zoph also pokes things with a halberd because elves with big swords are overplayed by zealous nationalist nerds

Kind of hoping it does! I wouldn’t mind a little bit of a mix up here and there … and now that weapons aren’t toothpicks on belf females, I’m much happier either way.

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I don’t really have a named weapon per se, but I do use a flail based off my Pathfinder version of the character that uses a Flail and Shield. Her current transmog is basically her Pathfinder attire.

I miss you too Kina. I am glad you kept it.

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Wenzli doesn’t have anything definitely unique in terms for craft or make. Since she’s not a combative unit, her healing talents and craft are all that matters to her. But she does have a Clockwork Mace in the model of Vagaries of Time.

In truth, a mechagnome’s strength comes from the augmentations she upgrades herself with.

Ravala wields The Ultimate Weapon, one she spent years working on, and completed right as the Void nearly consumed everyone in Telogrus Rift. It’s an orb of void that floats around her, and can turn into any handheld weapon she can understand the workings of. Knives, swords, spears, guns, rocket launchers, bombs, other stuff. And it’s tied into the Void that is part of her very self now, so it’s her weapon for the rest of her life.

It may also be slightly personified due to this, the void taking advantage of having an almost-vessel connected to her forever, to make it the main source of her whispers. And it encourages her desire to shoot her mother for personally kicking her out of Silvermoon (“and everyone else” “no”) among other things.

This character carries an axe and a sword. Neither of them are what I’d call overly special in terms of amazing ability or anything. But the weapons are special to them. There’s a runed axe that has been named “Baby” because yes, once upon a time there was kootchie baby talk towards the axe. It’s just a normal axe with the same runes any death knight might use on their weapon.

The sword is a bit more. It’s named Modoss and was a gift from their adopted father. It, too, is runed, but because Adopted Father was a paladin, my character went to a lot of trouble to rune it and infuse just a tiny bit of light into it. They’re not sure how they got it to work, and they wound up unconscious for hours and woke up with a two-day migraine because of it. It gives no special abilities of any sort, honestly, it just made them happy.

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I miss you too Kina. I am glad you kept it.

I wouldn’t be a proper fangirl if I didn’t!

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