Does your character have a unique weapon?

My Demon Hunters tend to have a pair of identical fel-tainted swords that are able to do basically anything a glaive can. That’s about the extent for them.

I’ve had a line of Shadow Priests that, one after another, came into possession of a tome that, when read, infuses them with the Void, creating a being not dissimilar to a Void Elf - provided the book judges them ‘worthy’. This started, mind, before Void Elves were actually a thing. It was originally created to help create void users able to fully utilize this dark power and use it to defend Azeroth.

Hm… some of my older Warlocks didn’t have so much weapons, but they did have runed tattoo’s that were designed to assist them in the utilization of fel energy safely, albeit with less training. They were, in function, very similar to Demon Hunters.

…Ironically, this was also before Demon Hunters were announced as a class.

I’m pretty sure Blizzard is stealing my RP Idea’s.

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My frost weapons are “Havoc” and “Malice” they were gifted for service during the Legion invasion. My runic great sword has been with me the longest, serving as my oldest and truest friend “Cruelty”

Rae has a sword that was made for her by a family member, and an old copy of the Lordaeron Medical Guide from when she was a healer. The sword is a simple design, weighted and sized for her to wield effectively and enchanted to be indestructible. They are the only two things she’s managed to keep in her possession since the fall of Lordaeron, so it’s somewhat sentimental for her.

(They are also the main reason I’m unhappy to get a weapon upgrade that is not a sword. :stuck_out_tongue: )

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My mage’s sword is not named, but I struggle with the same issue. He’s had a staff for months now, and I can’t mog his weapon properly…

Lissarra here has the Shattered Roseblade

Her family heirloom from eons ago, it was shattered during a battle with a demon hunter and so she learned how to utilize her fire magic and holy magic to make it a pseudo-Turalyon sword

Enyetof used to, but it wound up being destroyed. Now he’s going to be working on making another one.

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Some of my characters have weapons passed down through their families. Those have accumulated chi over the centuries. Hence the better than average stats - along with secret family fighting techniques that enhance the weapon’s effectiveness.

The way I handle the one or two that have mogs with identifiably unique weapons such as the Spear of Xuen is that IC it’s much like what was done in Medieval Europe. A very well made weapon in the same style with a minor relic incorporated into its construction. So it’s not The Spear of Xuen, it’s a weapon of the same type that has been made by a weaponsmith associated with & blessed by the Monks of Xuen’s Temple with relic & ritual.

Kenixx uses a stick for walking up steep hills. It is a unique stick, no other stick is exactly like it, and if you grab it in the wrong spot you’ll probably get a splinter. Don’t touch his stick, he’s old and he needs it.

This character used to have an epic 2h Mace with light-infused runes forged on it by a Draenei Blacksmith. That allowed him to use the light but that weapon was shattered in the final fight against his nemesis, maybe the mace will be reforged in the future, who knows.

Rose’s weapons aren’t anything particularly special. Two kul tiran style swords, plus a flintlock pistol and boot knife. Typical adventuring/sword-for-hire gear I’d say. She did once come across some of the Azerite powder that Ashvane was producing early on, and dismissed it due to the kick it produced.

Neia, my blood elf rogue, uses two enchanted sabres that are of a traditional Quel’dorei/Sin’dorei make and design. They were handed down to her from her grandfather, who was a member of the farstriders during the Troll Wars. The blades are somewhat broader than a traditional sabre would be, but the enchantment makes them feel lighter to the user. Represented in game by Scimitar of the Seven Stars

If they bring it back like that i will legit level a warrior.

It’s back. I can’t wait to dual wield the flails from the prot warrior mage tower challenge.

The orc speaks truth.

My DK’s main weapon is N’loshekh, Light’s Betrayal - Blade of the Divine Darkness. It uses the Apocalypse hidden Ngombe Ngulu appearance. Though if I were to draw its actual appearance the sickle cresent of the blade would be more scythe shaped. I like scythes. :grin:

Dayon’s been carrying a runeblade since the days of the Wrath campaign called “Manar’dath”. The sword was forged from the shattered fragments of two other swords.

Arbitus, wielded by his great-uncle, was broken during his last stand in defense of the Lordaeon capitol after Arthas killed King Terenas.

Another sword, the name of which translated from Thalassian as “Descent from Heaven”, was carried in defense of Silvermoon City against the Scourge invasion by a High Elven paladin. He was slain, and his broken sword was eventually recovered by his son, a Blood Knight named Traiy Lightglaive.

After a personal struggle in Northrend, Dayon was given the remains of both swords and had them reforged with Thalassian smithing techniques into a runeblade with magical qualities. It was lost briefly in Draenor, but recovered and has been by his side ever since.

'Me resonator is always tuned up and ready for knees-up!

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All my characters have special weapons, insofar as wielding particular weapons as ‘favored’ and I tend to note them in their glance sections on their profiles.

The only character I have with named weapons, at least as far as I remember, is my Void Elf Warrior, Leinu. She has a long sword called ‘Duskbringer’, and a dagger that looks a bit like a smaller version of her long sword, known as ‘Ravenclaw’.

The weapons are Void-infused, naturally.

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Well, I obviously couldn’t resist the calling of the Dawnbreaker, but I just RP it as a weapon of common design amongst the Prelates.

My character is an Arakkoa and she uses custom-fitted wingblades on both wings as her primary weapons.

I recently remembered the weapons of my Hunters, a Night Elf and Mag’har. I rp both as a form of magical gunman. The former uses a rather peculiar rifle and pistol. They fire bolts of arcane energy and lack physical triggers. The weapons are fired via special markings on the wielder’s hand.

The concept is adapted from one I used in my personal fantasy setting; and by adapted I mean I have pretty much wholesale ripped off my own work.

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As morbid and weird as it sounds, this druid has the arm of a fallen Ancient of Lore that became a staff so that she may use its knowledge and essence to help her people through hardships. Often helps her animate trees to protect the forests and those within. The staff is called El’anir, Arm of the Animist (I wonder who will get this reference) and I use G’hanir to represent it :>