Does unlocking Zandalari trolls require the raid?

Frankly, if the expansion is unenjoyable to you, changing the race of your avatar isn’t going to fix it for more than a few days.

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A rolled parchment inside a bottle is presented to you by a small tideling. You pull the cork out of the bottle and tease the roll of parchment out. Opening the parchment you read the following, scrawled upon it.

Dear recipient,

If you find this I hope it finds you well and in good fortune. If it does not, then may the tides bless you with bounty. I am writing this in hopes that it reaches an individual by the name of Bornakk, for he is an emissary of the creators.

Bornakk, should this message be brought to you I have words with your masters. As you are no doubt aware, my fellow countrymen and I have long awaited the reunion with the mainland kingdoms of the Alliance. Should you be in a position to relay my message then the people of Kul Tiras would be most grateful.

The Lord-Admiral Jaina Proudmoore, her mother Katherine Proudmoore, High-King Anduin Wrynn and King Genn Greymane, as well as members of the noble houses of Kul Tiras have agreed that our country has now renewed our ancestral ties to the Alliance. As we have been welcomed back into the grand Alliance, we have all made preparations to aid our cousins and their allies in the war with the Horde across the sea. However, we have been waylaid by strange, unwarranted and upsetting delays. This must not stand!

With each hour of each day my kinsmen and I grow more frustrated and angry at this strange force that delays us and we beseech the creators to hasten our emancipation from this injustice! Having to wait for the aftermath of an assault that we have not been allowed to aid in is further adding to our bereavement!

Again, on behalf of my countrymen and the Alliance itself, I urge our creators to lend a hand to the correction of this error and let us aid our people, our allies and our lands.

My personal best regards to you and your kind,

Jacob Anchorfall, Tidespeaker of Kul Tiras

quest accepted [Deliver Message to the Creators]
Rewards: 11,783 g, 74 s, 83 c
Choose from the following:
{{Integrity}} or {{Greed}}


I think this will help people chill out. I won’t lie, I was a little annoyed too but hey. Happens to the best of us. Maybe consider playing a console game, or one of the 100’s of untouched games on steam lol. Consider picking up a hobby you’ve always wanted to do.

When it comes to WoW, it was supposed to be a steam blower, like any other game. For some, that is still the case. For those that it doesn’t however, take a small break.


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did you know it be completely viable for kul’tirans and zandalari to join right before the battle because thats what they were already leaning towards. kul’tirans are already back into the alliance’s fold so its quite frustrating that you keep time gating with no official requirements just wing it and cross your fingers you have what needs to be completed. zandalari were revealed last year by the way not like Ive been subbed for that entire year only to find you guys jumping through more rabbit holes to avoid questions and dates which really isnt that hard to give time frames :tipping_hand_man:


well played Blizzard, pump the place full of announcing Zandalari and Kul Tiran race in 8.1.5. people resub specifically for the purpose of unlocking and playing a serious portion of the expansion that was originally promised at launch. Then bait and switch, now almost going to be what… a month or more until all LFR wings are released? Then Zandalari will be available to be unlocked… guaranteeing a couple months subs? Very scummy move, but… very clever. Well played.


What is a “box”?



Were you guys aware that Battle for Azeroth launched on August 14th, 2018? Just curious, since Zandalari Trolls & Kul Tiran Humans were advertised as part of the promotional campaign for that expansion.


Zandalari were announced at the blizzcon announcing BfA, in Legion.


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No, the “box” (if indeed this game still even has boxed releases) is Anduin and Sylvanas grimacing at each other.

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but when IS 8.1.5 Dropping???

Technically, Kul Tirans were not advertised originally. The original Allied Races from the BfA Features overview were Nightborne Elves, Highmountain Tauren, and Zandalari Trolls for Horde and Void Elves, Lightforged Draenei and Dark Iron Dwarves for Alliance.

I believe they were having trouble with the creation of the Zandalari (possibly the druid forms), so added Mag’har Orcs as they were easier to make and added Kul Tirans to go with the Zandalari for later release.

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8.1.5 brings the Crucible of Storms raid, you can do the math :slight_smile:

Spoilers: Since the new raid just came out, expect 8.1.5 to be at the very minimum in April.


‘arial pvp combat’
‘dance studio’


Raids do not necessarily open with the Patch date they are included in - in fact, they haven’t for a couple of expansions. 8.1 dropped in December, Raid opens today.


Could be worse, could be WoD all over again and half of it being cut.

Or people don’t know what “promise” actually means.
I don’t recall Blizz promising anything on any of their Xpacs.

And how many logged in today thinking they could :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

For those with extra money to burn, there are plenty of early access games on Steam, some of which might even be playable, no promises though :stuck_out_tongue:


But Jania doesn’t die…

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What if it’s like a secret mythic only phase thing?

String you along to soak up those subscriptions. Awesome…

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the race still isn’t unlocked? what are you guys doing over there?