Does ticket support help if you didnt get loot?

I distinctly remember in the past getting loot sent to me if the game breaks and do not receive loot from a boss, I dont mean receive later in mail. I mean a gm helping.

I ran timewalking Ragnaros on 2 characters yesterday and both of them the treasure chest was non interactable, so could not loot. That means missing out on the potential mount, the potential gear drop, the timewalking currency and the quest item to get the cache that gives a guaranteed piece of gear. Thats a lot to miss out on due to a broken game, ticket support basically told me nothing he can do, not sure if it was automated. NO NOTHING WAS SENT TO MAIL. I simply was not allowed to loot and thats it no loot for me on 2 characters. Only time they killed Rag.

nope gms will not give you loot.

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No you don’t. This is not their policy and it never was.

Sorry, the best they can offer is a generic copy/paste message.


Rotten luck that. But yeah nope. You basically got screwed by a glitch man. If you cant interact with the treasure chest, then the game determined you werent involved in the fight thus no loot. Sucks especially when you are in a raid going after a particular mount and it does this.

Only thing you can do is get pissed about the time wasted running that raid/dungeon, fume about it, run another raid/dungeon with the same results, get angrier, punch your computer out of anger, destroy the monitor as a result of hitting the computer, realize that you could have submitted a bug report for a glitch if you participated in the fight, then swim in regret as no more game. (Buddy of mine actually did this and I give him flak every day as a reminder. He ran Castle Natharia 5 times in a week and got no loot and at one point a chest was not interactable and he lost it.)

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Nope can’t give ya loot. They will do the south park “were sorry” message then tell ya to get lost. Unfortunate.

GMs do not help anymore.
I noticed the DH Heroic set legs from tomb of Sargeras are the wrong color, red instead of purple:
Made a ticket
Auto response
Re-explain the issue
Auto response
Re-explain the issue
GM response suggesting I do essentially their job for them and make a forum post in bug/transmog explaining the issue
Do that
No response

It’s a joke
My legs are still erroneously red and now I know not to even bother helping them with ingame problems/mistakes

That is correct.

I am sorry, but no, Customer Service does not help with most loot issues. If you are on the loot table for the boss, the Postmaster will send you the loot you qualified for. That replaces having a GM manually do it.

If you are not on the boss agro table and not eligible for loot, no matter why it happened, GMs can not over ride that. They go by the logs of the game strictly. If you are not on the boss table then you are not eligible.

Here is the Support Knowledge Base article about it.

Key phrase:

Customer support cannot grant loot and cannot reset dungeon or raid lockouts to make your character become eligible.

You seem to misunderstand the job of the GMs. It is not their job to fix bugs for you, nor is it their job to report bugs to the QA team. They have an article telling you how to report bugs for WoW.

Players can report bugs via the in-game bug report tool or the Bug Report forums. Those go to the QA team who DOES handle bugs. What they don’t do is reply to you directly and fix your account directly. When a bug is fixed you will see the update in the Hotfix notes on General Discussion or Patch notes. That fix will apply to everyone, not just one account.

That is how it has always worked. You can learn more about what GMs are tasked to do, and what they are NOT tasked to do, here:

Okay, so it’s not to help with ingame issues or forward problems to relevant team members able to make corrections or make bugs known to them.
Can you better explain what issues a GM is STILL able to assist with?
I’m a dinosaur with fond memories of the blue robe wearing all powerful folks that were able to help with just about anything (if they felt like it). I apologize if that nostalgia has skewed my perception of present day GMs and their current roles/abilities.

“Upon investigating the situation, we recommend reporting this issue as a bug via our forums, not only that gets more data into the hands of our developers to look into what’s going on, but it also gives a better impression of how wide of an impact it’s having, so that it can be best prioritized on the list of things to look into.

Best regards,

I apologize for my bitterness, but that comes off as; I’m personally not going to help with anything but feel free to shout your issue into the void :slightly_smiling_face:

This was never their role, although some did it anyway. It gave a false impression about who was responsible. Bugs have always been investigated by QA and fixed by Devs. They VERY rarely let GMs individually fix a bug on individual accounts. It tends to create more issues later when the bug is patched. They have an actual proper means to report bugs - and GMs are not that means. Which is why they don’t do it. They really want us actually sending the bugs to QA. Not that QA responds, but yeah. At least they don’t meme “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” at us if we get the wrong department. Many many years ago they started really directing people to the right reporting channels.

I did link the article on it. Was there something you wanted more info on?

The only sort of “new” stuff in the past decade is:

  • If there is a confirmation in game for something and you do it anyway, GMs don’t generally help with fixing it for you.
  • If there is a self-help tool (used to be GM only tools), they also now expect you to use those tools yourself.
  • If something is not in the game logs GMs can’t grant it.

Old stuff:

  • They don’t get involved in loot disputes and don’t grant loot if it is not on the boss loot table/agro table.
  • They are not the proper means to report bugs and can’t fix individual buts with very very rare exceptions.
  • They are not allowed to give game hints. They will point you to a third party site like Wowhead or the forums.
  • If something is not in the game logs, they can’t give it to a player, regardless of why the player missed out.
  • They can’t touch raid IDs. Never have been able to.
  • They don’t touch achievements. If someone can repeat it, they need to do that, even if a bug caused it to fail. Player needs to wait for a bug to be fixed then do it again.

That is just a sampling. If you ever have questions though the Customer Support Forum serves as an Information Desk to help people navigate the Support and ticket system, explain policies, explain services, etc. Always feel free to just ask if your issue is something a GM can help with, or if it is something you have other tools to manage. People are happy to direct you so you don’t waste your time.

Also remember - they are staff doing their JOB as directed by policy and limited by the tools they have. They don’t hate you, or any other player. They are not lazy or mean. Sometimes, they do have to say no, and ask you to use the tools in place for the thing you want.

It was never my intention to get the bug just fixed for me, but make it known to the developers so it could be fixed for all. I don’t think it’s a “bug”, but an oversight. The set chest covers the legs when you’re wearing a full set.
Alrighty then. I’ll make an ingame bug report in addition to my ancient forum post and I’m sure it’ll eventually get fixed.
Will only poke GMs if my hearthstones break or I feel like tattling on someone being naughty.
Thank you for your succinct and concise information and help! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day :slightly_smiling_face:

On that one, 99% of the time they will tell you to use the in-game report system, not make a ticket. The in game reports capture the name, server, chat channel, and logs for the report so they prefer that method. There are rare exceptions to that like real life threats that can still go in via ticket. This way the GMs actually get complete reports, not just “bob was bad ban him!!!” type things with no info.

If they ever decide to do that. I highly encourage you to look at that forum you linked. The amount of bugs in there going on for over a few years without being addressed. There is no QA team.

That makes a lot of sense.
Would hate to bog them down with frivolity when their time is best spent helping “stuck” blood elves etc.

Okay, okay,
And compromised accounts…
And tech issues.
I read the link.

I know that they don’t ever reply, unless the CMs do in order to ask for more info about something. There ARE bugs that have existed since the dawn of WoW. Many that exist still in expansions years later.

They know about them. There IS a QA team. There is also a priority list. Things get prioritized based on a few things like:

  • How “game breaking” the bug is
  • How many people it impacts
  • If the content is current or not.
  • Current game impact. Does it totally shut down game access for all players?
  • Current expansion progress? Does it stop expansion for everyone in current content?

Things like bugged boss fights in an expansion people are farming for transmog may not get fixed… There are tons of things like where it is not impacting current content, does not impact a lot of players, and most certainly does not prevent access to the game, or a major part of the game.

This is pretty standard priority and resource assignment for any software project. While the goal is to be perfect, that is not really achievable so they focus the team on the things they consider priority first.

It is frustrating that they don’t explain that though. If you work in software you are well aware of what is going on, but for people outside of that they may expect every bug to be fixed, which is not likely to ever happen.

How dare you sir!
Do not be a voyeur, peeking behind the scenes.
Do not put a spotlight on the bureaucracy constructed to halt meaningful and meaningless changes alike.
How uncouth!
The wheels roll ever onward, and the bumps in the road needn’t be addressed so long as our trajectory remains forever forward.

I’m just playing :rofl:
I get it completely.

You truly are a fantastic with your responses and skilled at PR/HR.
If all Blizzard staff was as good I’m sure the bug forum would be a lot smaller.
Props and kudos to you!

It would also have a list of currently known issues, including some of the lower priority ones. That is just me though. I like lists and like things organized. I made the current issues list for the D3 Bug report forum back in the day. heh. I can’t make Blizz do things my way though.

Also, ty :slight_smile: It is always nice to hear kind things. That made my day.

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Could definitely benefit from some organization and consolidation!
Proprietary AI property trained would get it cleaned up in no time.

I think the same could be accomplished ingame doing things like updating huge chunks of textures, and especially trees, in the older vanilla zones. You’d still need a dev to review, adjust/correct, and polish the final product; but I think it’d breathe life into the world again. Give new players and old players a reason to explore the wonderful places like Deadwind Pass and Un’Goro Crater. Just my two cents :man_shrugging:

I’m happy to hear that!
Straight shooter here.
Criticism and compliments where they are deserved :wink: