Does this forum even have mods?

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’ve never been banned, you must be confusing me with someone else.

I’m doing my part and flagging them, but nothing seems to happen.

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I confuse myself with myself all the time!

Careful, I’ve been suspended for telling someone they were a child throwing tantrums.

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Whatever, wouldn’t be my first, won’t be my last.

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Maybe, that seems like a lot of tedious work though lol.
Flagging a post is 3 clicks, Swapping characters is 4 clicks so 7 clicks per flag :weary: Maybe people taking Adderall will do it but I can’t see a non-medicated person doing it :rofl:

I once got suspended for being “off-topic” in a thread that stopped being on-topic like 80 posts prior.

Posting here is basically a game of wondering if that borderline questionable post is gonna get you banned but really it was the silly off-hand comment you just made as a joke that gets you the vacation.

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Mods also come down on it hard.

Some of the most extreme bans I’ve seen have been for reporting on multiple characters.

Technically that would fall under inappropriate as a reasonable person would find being called a child offensive. :person_shrugging:

Wow forums have become a containment board to track online traffic. Anybody who thinks the only people involved in these forums are customers and blizz employees are clearly not in touch with the reality of surveillance in the US and the West abroad

Also as a note, if a character has been deleted it appears they can still post on the forums as long as their account is signed in.

glares at the new troll in this thread that their armory leads to a 404 page

I got a post removed for saying a candy bar slogan…I really don’t get the report system :joy:


I remember when mods would post here, and talk to us.

I remember talking to GMs in-game.

Nothing has been a bigger middle finger from the corporate world than replacement of all human interaction with robots just to save a dime.

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Or, just imagine if they actually decided that the way they currently moderate is how they intend to manage moderation in the forums, that the posters who want strict regulation on who may post, what they may post about, and which character they must stick with are extremists who want something that is not only unnecessary but is bad for the forums.

I don’t know who you are or why you decided to call me names and feel the need to belittle me. After almost 18,000 posts on these forums, you should be more respectful!

Which, to be fair we did drive at least one of them to some kind of breaking point.

Hey, it wasn’t “we”.

It was a low level forum troll named Saltyfetus that killed Tseric.

More like they know it’s concern trolling.

They know it

But if they ban the troll, that troll just starts a Twitter wildfire with the alphabet mafia, and blizz doesn’t need more bad press right now


Keep up the act, I don’t care. We all know what you are.


Or they can just make a giant lgbtq+ mega thread and then remove any topics Lgbtq+ that aren’t posted in the mega thread.