Does this forum even have mods?

Hmm. I will trust you on that then and stand corrected.

I have not been suspended for more than a few minutes. I was going off what I was told by other players but maybe that is false.

Maybe I shall double check with Vrak or something later.

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From my experience of the few times I got suspended it was originally like you said when they first switched over to the new software, but they fixed it some time ago so you can’t just switch characters now.

I think the forum software still somewhat treats each character as a different account though, and this was just a bandaid fix on top of that.

I got suspended from the forums once it was extra funny because I was camping for two weeks and didn’t even have an internet connection when I supposedly said something offensive and got suspended and it was over before I ever got back. Just saw the notification for it when I next logged in. Still wondering how that happened.

It seems the other Blizzard forums are more tamed, because battel tags are implemented like this:

Latest General Discussion topics - Warcraft III: Reforged Forums (

Latest General Discussion topics - Diablo 3 Forums (

Latest General Discussion topics - Overwatch Forums (

Latest General Discussion topics - SC2 Forums (

Perhaps, if WoW forums here could do the same here since we can character jump to manipulate and hide. Reason why people cause trouble and create chaos among the community.

Have the same format just let us pick a character to post with, instead of having individual characters post, flag, like, and create threads to manipulate the forums with alt armies under one person control.

It’s getting ridiculous that people can’t ignore if the same individual is 50 character hopping or making level 10’s than deleting them to troll. How many times do I have to ignore/mute one person?

It would be less work for mods for battle tag implementation and less headaches.



I’m all for this, but I bet the t-squad has more than one account.

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I…don’t know about that. My dumpster fire of a thread should have certainly been locked because it got very out of hand very quickly, which was mostly my fault.

I see a lot of troll threads left alone and it just devolves into absolute chaos. I’m not blaming the mods, I’m sure they’re doing they’re doing their best with what they’re given!

But no. It’s really not good.

Pfffft, what’s your definition of tamed because I get in arguments on Overwatch forums and it is just as much name calling and antagonistic behavior there as it is here. Moreso really since it is a pvp community and pvpers are in general cancerous.

Blizzard depends upon us to police the forums.

It’s more than fine for what the forums provide. Most players don’t use the forums and it’s a very small minority of players who stick around I’ve noticed.

They have mods but I think they are hesitant to remove anything pushing for more lgbt stuff because it could be perceived at bigotry.

Even if it’s a troll

I think the mods do a fine job here.

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You know I’ve been in a number of threads that have “gotten out of hand” and I’ve been infracted by Blizz and got in arguments with Blizz about it and they says stuff like “there was a lot of flags in that thread and we had to remove a lot of posts” so I would ASSUME that (just like in game) if no one is reporting then you’ll mostly be fine. Once people start having flag wars is when threads get shutdown, not when we think they are out of hand.

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The ones that banned you for a month were, yeah.

The ones that continue to let your stupid crusade continue should seek another calling.


You are who this thread is mainly about. Everyone knows you’re just an attention seeking troll and even the lgbtqia community has asked you to stop speaking on their behalf. :joy:


Smells like a reference to talon

Have you done callings? They’re very boring and repetitive. I wouldn’t wish them on anyone. Worse than Maw dailies!

Hm, maybe that’s it! X amount of flags and then they deem action is required. Assuming a bit here but that’s a reasonable enough assumption!

Although that could also be abused if true, especially if what Mirasol says is true. I’m almost positive you could flag on all your different characters and just nuke a thread…

Oh my god they’re voltronning


arena forums has had a troll for a while now making threads in bad faith, copying common poster names and leveling them to 10 in classic so you can’t track their alts, calling them out means they mass report you with all their alts and blizz auto bans you instead of them.

there are no mods here