Does this forum even have mods?

Anytime I see any of these troll threads I’m just gonna type in it:

I like turtles

It’s very clear what’s going on… been going on for a while now.

Other problem is, a lot of the LGBT+ community would take offense to things even if it weren’t trolling or said with harmful intent. :confused:

The problem is, it’s the activist tactic.

Don’t touch me, poke, don’t touch me, poke , don’t touch me, poke. I’m not doing anything, it’s not political. Then as soon as someone does something it’s off to mommy about how they’ve been mistreated and abused.

Or in this case, twitter and kotaku with accusations about all the -phobes and -ists. Or if it was an employee, off to the DEI office to get someone fired.

And they use everyone in the communities they say they represent as human shields.

IMHO, just make on off topic forum to put them all into.

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It’s the perfect troll topic because you have to do so little.

Once you set up the pattern for being repetitive and annoying, people come into the thread to tell you your post is in bad faith. Then you have people who are either clueless about the context - or are trying to stir the pot - attack those who are simply tired of the same song and dance. Then they start going at each other.

Replies hit the hundreds fairly easily, and OP barely has to return until it is time to make another identical thread. Not to mention it’s an open invitation for actually hateful rhetoric.


What about turtle soup?

Hey I don’t think so. I got baited by a troll before and they sided with the troll. It’s great.

for anyone wishing for the old style of moderation i just have this to say since someone ALWAYS MENTIONS IT. Be careful what you wish for, the old moderators and their style of moderating will have you begging for the current moderation since they were on the other extreme where it wasn’t uncommon to see people posting WITHIN THE RULES in deleted threads end up BANNED anyways or getting suspended for putting even the SLIGHTEST toe out of line. I’m talking using the MILDEST OF LANGUAGE. Not even a swearword. Lastly on the old old forums it was well known the mods would abuse their powers if they didn’t like you and look for ANY reason to suspend/ban you.

How hilarious that you mention that (complete sarcasm btw), as I’ve had exactly just that happen to one of my threads by someone who is even posting in this thread right now!

The good news is the mods here do their job quite well and can pick up on mass flagging or false flagging.

No they don’t.

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Mods probably on a vacation themselves


They sure do! I must say I haven’t seen a better team anywhere else on the internet.

They sure don’t!

Note that I’m speaking from my own observation only, but I’ve seen a lot posts/threads get falsely flagged and the mods take care of business correctly!

This sounds like you’re saying there’s bias?

I would say that T and his army of alts get away with it bc the mods are either too dumb or too afraid to see them for what they are.

But honestly I feel like the only reason they post this stuff is bc ppl respond. I’m not convinced that everyone begging for them to stop actually want them to stop bc they enjoy the drama it stirs up. Otherwise they’d just ignore T and alts and move on.