Does this forum even have mods?

There’s so many blatant bad faith trolling threads about the LGBT community right now, and honestly they’re here every day, and nothing is done about them.

These threads only hurt the LGBT community.


I don’t think so.


Mods think those threads are real and ok instead of realizing how bad they are for lgbtq+ and how much they hurt us


Thing is, I’d say a solid 75-80% of them are started by one poster, who I have no idea why they haven’t been banned already.


A good way to tell someone is just using LGBTQ issues in bad faith is when they are essentially a caricature without any substance to their argument. It’s really easy to spot. Ironically though, sometimes the trolls do bring up a good point, but their intent is to harm LGBT discussion and perhaps remove it from our discourse entirely.


My guess is that a lot of it is automated now, and what few mods we have probably aren’t looking at the whole picture.

They just see “person posted thread to talk about LGBT stuff in WoW”.

Which without the additional context, isn’t a problem by itself.

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And the other problem is that if they did start deleting a bunch of LGBT threads and banning their creators it has the potential to create bad PR…while leaving them costs them nothing other than forum complaints.

There are mods, but AFAIK they mod all of the Blizzard forums, not just the WoW forums. The main problem with this is that they don’t look for patterns on reported posts. They just look at the individual post that was reported and don’t look at any other context like other posts that have been reported, and if you do that, you might not immediately come to the conclusion that the threads are in bad faith.

The same thing happens in the arena forums. There are trolls that know how to look like they aren’t breaking the rules in each individual post, but then any quick look at context would show that some of them post identical threads week after week for the sole purpose of trolling.

They really need to add a text box when reporting so that we can add context. Twitter finally did this with their report system and I’ve found it helps more than just clicking a generic category and hoping the mod might think to look for context.


Thing is this could be clarified so easily

“We delete LGBT threads that are clearly bad faith trolling.”


There are mods, but they seem to only work sporadically and only action when they feel like it.

No it makes us look bad and is a negative stain on the lgbtq+ community

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The outrage train rarely acknowledges the reasoning behind the actions, even in situations that are clearly justified.

It’s just easier to do nothing.

I agree. But I also see why as a company not taking action is the safer choice.

My guess is there’s maybe 1 dude or dudette who views automated suspensions. That person probably has a main job doing something else.

Its not theres no excuse for people attacking us and no one will miss the troll threads

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They do. They just don’t look at the forums, just at their little mod panel.

They only see what we report. I’m pretty sure out of context.


Sure. But the “You have been banned for making a thread requesting more LGBT representation” screenshot will lack the context provided by the user’s post history.

By the way, I completely agree with you. But the only way I see Blizz taking action is if it is for something less sensitive.

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This ^^

It is beyond frustrating. Add to it that the WoW forums use each char as a separate posting account. One Bnet account can have 8 WoW licenses which = hundreds of posting accounts (characters).

All the rest of the Blizzard forums post by Bnet account, and that is how the software is designed. They should have stuck with that for WoW and let us use our chars as our avatars. One main posting name, trust level, set of flags, likes, etc.

That would mean when mods do finally penalize someone, they can’t char hop to avoid it.

Accountability would be such a nice thing to have.


The forums has no automated suspensions.

What is automate is the “grey out” of a post when flagged enough times. That post is still there, can be clicked, and the user is not impacted. They just get a notice about it.

A forum suspension gets applied by a Mod. Problem is, they moderate all the Blizzard forums and just respond to tickets/reports. Those lack context like being able to point out a pattern of behavior. So a post looks fine, if that is the only post the mod is looking at. They don’t take into account the posting history and long term concern trolling issues some posters present.


Wont exist because the messages for breaking rules are clear and the emails explain when challenged so theres no such screenshot that would exist lets stop making excuses for them to be afraid to take care of what actually hurts us they can make an entire forum for lgbtq+ and keep the bad faith out of here

They can probably see how many past suspensions though right. They’d have to in order to increase the suspension times, and possibly a ban. So, there’s that as far as pattern recognizing. I doubt it gets to the point of knowing the crime before it happens level though.