Does this forum even have mods?


You cna say his name its okay, we all know him

Yes, they can see the history on that posting account and suspensions do get longer when someone keeps repeating behavior. There is some factor for time between infractions though. Someone who used a mild swear word and gets 24 hours vacation 2 years ago is not going to get a week for another minor infraction years later.

I ain’t risking a ban lol


Oh right, I forgot about that rule nevermind sorry my bad.

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Since they shouldn’t be banning all of them, it really shouldn’t cause an issue. Some people might try to create outrage, but odds are it wouldn’t stick in this case if just 1 or 2 people cried about being banned from a forum.

and like 80% of the threads could be solved by banning literally one person.


So why wouldn’t forums go with Bnet instead of character? Sounds like it would solve alot of issues? I think this is one of the only game forums where it doesn’t use an overall ID.

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I avoid those. The OP in those, posts disingenuous messages. I don’t want to contribute the views/comments for their amusement.

Not good ones.

WoW is an RPG and the role play part can be important to people. Character identity is a thing. I get that. It is why they went with character posting seeing as that is what we always did.

They felt that they wanted to keep that character identity on the new forums so had the software maker modify the forum software to let us post by character.

HOWEVER, before if you got a forum suspension it impacted all your characters, not just the one you posted on that day. The new software treats each char as a separate account.

So, they paid extra money and did extra work to make things WORSE.

Keeping it as Bnet account and using our chars as Avatars would have been a lot easier, prevented a lot of sockpuppeting and ban evasion, and made it so when we change servers or names it does not reset our post counts and trust levels.

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…Huh. That’s a thing? I thought you could tell all the characters on a particular account just by looking at the one…

That’s a bit silly! Certainly very easy to abuse…

Totally agree.

I think they only read when something gets flagged. I’ve also noticed that 99 times out of 100, a reply will get deleted as a knee-jerk reaction to a flag. The comment doesn’t even have to be offensive to be removed.

I’ve have had posts hidden, restored and then removed; so the mods don’t even talk among themselves or communicate in any meaningful manner.

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It’s and issue of there’s more trolls than mods, similar to RMT sellers in LFG they just make posts faster than they can delete them.

Missing from this proposition is the possibility that like straight people, LGBT people can also legitimately be short-sighted idiots. That they legitimately believe that shoehorning LGBT topics into every single cranny that’ll fit is “raising visibility” or “fighting cisheteronormativity”

Why are we straining to explain something through bad faith when it can more readily be explained through incompetence and triumphal short-sightedness?

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If you feel a thread is breaking the rules, feel free to flag it. The mods are doing just fine… just because you don’t agree with someone or like their thread does not mean they should be suspended or removed like you’re suggesting.

You have options like ignore and mute. You also don’t have to click on a thread that you don’t like.

Blizzard can if they dig into it. Players can also manually compare pets and achievements to figure out who is an alt of whom. The forum software does not. The fault here is that the forum software sees each char as a separate account.

I miss the older forum software and Cogshanks :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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are you trying to say you can get suspended on one character and keep using the others?

if so you’re not correct. suspension is on the account and not on the character

I have begun to suspect that the mods are the trolls.


Me too. with this new one I have to try and mute every single alt certain troll posters create. Would be nice to just get the account as a whole.

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Sure, start talking about something wild like going on a killing spree IRL and see yourself banned quickly :laughing: People making trolling LGBT threads isn’t anything to put a rush on :person_shrugging:

Because once you figure out how rules work you can dance around them. The forums are this

Really that’s anywhere in life, know the rules and dance at their edge :person_shrugging: