Does this count as circumventing an ignore?

So, I ignored a particular hunter months back. He did something scummy, so I brought the issue up with one of our community leaders, and he got semi-publicly reprimanded because of it, but then he WOULD NOT LET IT GO. I don’t ignore too many players so this guy was memorable.

Tonight he came into a bg with us as a merc, and started sending me (and others) trash talk in battlegrounds chat (I dont reply ofc). I looked at my ignore list after the game, and somehow his name just wasn’t there anymore.

I talked to a few other mutual acquaintances of ours, and apparently he transferred his toon to another account, and then renamed it to something slightly different… And then transferred the toon back to his old acc.

I assume the name change and multiple account transfers is why he was removed from my ignore list. I didn’t think to report him at the time, but does this count as circumventing an ignore?

EDIT: Taking Mirasol’s suggestion, I have moved the thread to customer support. I did not put it there initially, because I believed the answer was probably a “no” and didnt want to occupy the CM’s time when they might need to help someone get an account back or something… But in light of developments in this thread… Yea…

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Never happened, if anything you did.

The 2 of the 3 sentences even spoken that bg were actually well wishes and a compliment.

Didnt even know/care I was on ignore. Reporting someone for a name change would be hilarious.

Anyone have the feeling they will need popcorn for this?


Oh very much so lol.



Follows in-game… follows to the forums… yeah… 100% creeper.

…or … same person on both posts.


I’m not a lawyer…but no, that doesn’t sound like they were intentionally trying to circumvent the ignore. It just sounds like the inadvertent byproduct of normal character transfers.

Your following them on the forums really helps their case.


I agree nerf DH!

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LOL. I call that a win if you get him to waste his money.

I would just keep on ignoring him just to see if he’s willing to go broke, just for a laugh at that point. :laughing:

Before anybody says it, circumventing ignores is a total J move, and i find spending money to circumvent that any way possible to be laughable.


I’m gonna get some pizza


That sounds way better than my idea!


We have both parties in the same thread?

Okay quick go get Judge Judy, she’ll sort this mess out!


I’l start making the fried chicken. :grin:


All we need now is the booze


Fires up a doobie and sits back to watch.

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On it…

/moo :cow:


I agree. I know a lot of people are finding this :popcorn: entertainment, but considering they came to defend themselves over a somewhat indiscernible post about the situation and assumed it was them is concerning.

OP should take the appropriate steps to report and just have Blizz do the investigation. Ultimately, circumventing a persons desire to ignore another is harassment and stalking. Period.


Kinda like a no contact order by judge but they contact anyway.
Not all the time but people who do that in real life usually end up having a short life.
In this regard a short WOW life.

Someone linked me this in discord. Theres no rule against replying.

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Oh, you’re right. There are no rules against it. It just looks really really bad when you are being accused of harassing someone.


Indeed. Potentially circumventing ignore measures, following to a discord server, tracking the WoW forum post regarding the situation… really substantiating what OP is saying.

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