Does the $6.99 GamePass mean P2W is coming?

Not really climbing in on the overall debate, but this may be the dumbest thing I’ve seen so far.

Just because it might be a year away isn’t a reason not to worry/lobby/make concerns known on an issue.

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D4 is already announced on xbox/ps

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Ah, well, there you go.

Anyway, if it’s not out by the time the merger is finalized, I suspect you’ll see a huge push to get it out faster.

They’ve already said no 2022 for both OW2 and and D4, so we’ll see haha.

You should expect your GamePass subscriptions to increase in the upcoming months.

P2W was already here, wum…

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They don’t have anything else to do :laughing:

The acquisition isn’t even finalized. It could potentially fall through and never happen. There’s nothing to “lobby” for. There’s no “issue.”

Microsoft will eventually in the next couple few years do what it deems necessary to fold it into the mix. But right now, it has to actually make the acquisition first and have it succeed.

So I’m not sure what you want to “lobby” for. And keep in mind that they barely even touched ESO after the Zenimax acquisition. We’ve got a little over a year before it’s even an official acquisition. Things soldier on as they are right now until June 2023.

You can talk about things all you want. No one is stopping you. But getting worked up and doomsaying and claiming false information like some of these threads do is hyperbolic at best.


Just like when Blizzard and Activision merged, nothing bad happened from that, absolutely nothing!

Activision peeps just let Blizzard be Blizzard so they could continue to operate totally separately and independently, free of any and all interference from Activision’s side of things.

That’s totally how it will work with our forthcoming Redmontonian Overlords

/moo :cow:


It’s not, and it’s also not true.

Sega is an independent company. It’s not owned by Microsoft.

Sega abandoned console making after the Dreamcast because it cost them way too much money to make and it bombed, especially as the PlayStation 2 began to creep up on them. They reportedly needed to sell 5 million Dreamcast consoles in order to remain financially competitive with Sony, but they fell short of that number, only selling just over 3 million units.

Then in 2001 Sega discontinued the Dreamcast and console creation entirely and refocused themselves into a game developer/publisher that would create 3rd party games for multiple consoles and PC.

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Blizzard is gonna be gutted dude thats what happens when one company buys another when that company is not doing good

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Could we at least get the Purble Place cooking dailies?

Seriously though, I don’t see how the price of playing the game is pay2win.

I remember debates about the wow token and level boosts being p2w, but those mostly just gear alts for current content unless you’re spending hundreds of dollars on tokens for pvp and mythic raid carries. And not even sure how far anyone could carry a deadweight in rated pvp. Folks might be able to carry a deadweight on cutting edge achieve, but shudder to think what that costs…

People really need to go learn about the history of the company so they stop making this comment.


No it won’t be.

Had EA purchased Activision Blizzard, then you’d be right. Microsoft however, is not EA. They did not gut Bethesda, they did not gut the studio who created Minecraft.

What you’re claiming simply doesn’t stack up with reality.

microsoft has a track record of buying companys and then just letting them do what they already be doin

I argue that it already is.

Right now, you can sell a token using the AH, and then use that gold to buy the gear through carries.

Granted, there are 2 initial steps, but the final outcome is cash for whatever you want in the game, including full mythic raid gear.

thats if you want to risk being scammed

It’s still not pay to win though.

Because you’re not guaranteed gear drops when you go into a raid. RNG is a beast, and if RNG decides not to drop the things you need, you’ve wasted your gold.

Carries are great for getting something that is 100% be it an achievement, mount or title. They are useless for getting gear because of that RNG factor.

So buy more gold until you get the precious?

I never said pay to win, but I didn’t say it wasn’t either.

Nah, it’s way more complicated and sinister than that. Activision, under Kotick, planned with Vivendi to merge the companies together and even though Vivendi had stated they would remain the majority stock holder, Kotick himself somehow became the president and CEO of the new Activision-Blizzard. It wasn’t Vivendi buying Activision at all, but a shrewd business move by Kotick to gain power. And gain power he did, as in 2013, Kotick and pals purchased the remaining Vivendi shares and became “independent”, with Kotick still as the CEO.

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