Does the $6.99 GamePass mean P2W is coming?

I have no comment in this thread other than “It doesn’t happen for a year, so there’s no need to discuss it now” being not the smartest approach to anything.

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I had, and still have the Genesis, 32x, Saturn and the Dreamcast. I even have an old Nomad which I’m going to install a new led display on it to play Starflight. I was a big Sega fan.

But that Dreamcast was noisy. I kind of meant it as a joke, poking fun at an old friend, Sega.

Microsoft is like a giant amoeba, absorbing everything in it’s path. Now almost inextricably intertwined with every computer user with some form of their operating system. Unavoidable. Watching our every move.

Now they will control " Warden ". Interesting times.

So you jump in here to insult and can’t have a conversation? Good to know.

Um…I don’t know if I should tell you or what not but…P2W is already in the game. Has been for awhile now. Anyone and everyone can buy WoW Tokens and then use those tokens to buy a raid boost and get free gear. Then use said gear to become pvp gods…so…yeah…where you been OP? And for people saying drops aren’t guaranteed…um trading gear in raids is a thing and you can def get 100% gear in one run with everyone giving you their drops. And you get a neat little title and cool mount too that says “Yay I beat the game!”

They bought them out because Vivendi wanted to get out of games, you’re making sound way more “sinister” than it was.

Goodness, these fear posts based on nothing but speculation need to stop. The sky is in fact not falling. You should be thankful they were bought by microsoft and not facebook “meta”, amazon, google, etc. Those companies have proven incompetent with gaming in general. Kotick was looking for a buyer, he approached them. It could have been so much worse.

WoW: By Meta!

Could you imagine?

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MS behaving in a predatory monopolistic manner? lol.
never happened…oh…wait…lmao
bill gates created the term.

The WoW token all ready made the game P2W. You buy a token for real world money, sell the token for gold, use the gold to pay a group to carry you and give you armor and weapon drops. Boom, pay to win.

How does gamepass make it pay to win ? its basically a much cheaper wow sub

What would you like to do pay 15 USD for wow sub

Or pay 7 for 100’s of game including on releas ones ?

GW2 has a store to buy keys, mog, etc
ff14 has a shop as well selling items
wow has a shop as well selling items.

GW2 though is free monthly where FF14 and wow charge a fee. If wow made the store more robust and took away the monthly sub i don’t know about you but that would be a win for me. REGARDLESS of the qq i see tons of space kitty mounts out there that have been bought as well as that mog set - People use the shop, it would be a win either way if you ask me.

No, op is right.

all my games on the xbox for the sub fee put in an extras game mode.

xbox game pass mode. Its more god mode than god mode.

this was ofc…sarcasm. to keep up integrity of achievements BGS offerings turn off chievos’ on mod use even. Even for ye old unofficial patch. which just fixes all the crap bugs they left in game.