Does the $6.99 GamePass mean P2W is coming?

You can buy WoW tokens with IRL money which converts to in game gold which you can then use you pay for carries.

P2W is already here.

Yet here you are, paying money to one of them…

Oh the irony

Wow is on thin ice it is the last mmo i ay, i abandond many others i used to play alot because they slipped up

I feel like they may have done the world a favor if they killed the Dreamcast. Noisiest (the CD drive) game system ever devised. I did enjoy that zombie game the came with the gun. So noisy.

People act like WoW isn’t already deep in P2W problems. What is the difference between BDO selling memory fragments for cash to shorten your AP grind and buying a bunch of WoW tokens and paying someone to push your rating higher than you are able to obtain on your own? It is exactly the same thing for the exact same reasons. The difference is in BDO you can slowly chip away at it, and in WoW once you hit your ratings wall that is the highest ilvl you will ever achieve that patch. In WoW the P2W is substantially worse because there is only extremely limited ways around it. We’re already there, it is not possible to make it worse.


Spoken like someone who has never seen actual p2w.

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Activision-Blizzard shareholders? There won’t be any. They’ll get bought out and the company will become part of Microsoft.


Yup just like when they bought out Mojang and own Minecraft. And MC to this day continues to operate as normal without MS intervention to development.

I have, WoW’s ratings locks for ilvl and the MMR manipulation people use to carry is the most egregious P2W active in the industry at the moment. I have every MMO with more than a few thousand active players installed, it does not get worse than WoW P2W because everyone else is open about it and offers at least some kind of other way to work on it, even if it is quite grindy. You just don’t want to see it.

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Or you could just… play the game and get that rating for free?

Real p2w is like a game I used to play where the only feasible way to get everyone’s soul weapon was to buy them at 87 bucks a piece.

You can literally get everything in wow just by playing the game. Hell, you can even make the carry gold just by playing the game.

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No one is harassing you.

You were given correlations, factual information and history of MMORPGs in acquisitions. You ignored that. It was pointed out. And then you pulled out the victim card.

You were even specifically told by me that you continue your way of thinking and that’s okay. But you’re the one who came down on others with this:

Everyone is free to discuss as they see fit. No one is being silenced or harassed. But you need to take into consideration everything in a conversation and not just your echo chamber.


I contend that each would have been better if Microsoft had owned them at the time.

Guess we’ll never know since we’re both stuck in this same timeline together.

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I’ll bite. Name 10 Microsoft first party games that are p2w. I’ll wait.

Also, his assertion is literally not why Sega sold off their console division to Microsoft. They were losing a ton of money producing consoles(console hardware is always sold at a loss) and getting stomped for FIVE console generations. Nintendo beat them with the releases of the Master System and Genesis, then Playstation beat them with the releases of the 32x and Saturn, then the Playstation 2 beat them with the release of the Dreamcast. They pulled out of the console market to focus solely on software development.

And I say this as someone who was a hardcore Sega fan in the 90’s. Shining: The Holy Ark and Skies of Arcadia are STILL a couple of my favorite RPG’s to this day. Luckily Grandia got rereleased on PC.

I mean at this point I’d be willing to let someone else try. We can only go up from here.

Bizaare world where miscrosoft equates to the pinnacle of gaming development

Ok, just not too far up. I have a fear of heights.


I believe ESO is available on Game Pass but it still has a sub fee if you want the full version.
Unless they create an even more watered down version of WoW there won’t be any “free”

P2W does not mean “Only the best items are on the cash shop” and it hasn’t in over a decade. If that was what P2W meant, then there would hardly be any P2W mmo’s remaining if any at all (This would mean black desert isn’t P2W which is a lie). The current definition of P2W means being able to spend cash to receive currency in the game and with that currency obtain the highest level of gear possible (Which you can do in WoW). Stop using that false definition of P2W to try and deny the current status of WoW, it’s gotten sad.

I never said wow didn’t have p2w elements, just saying that wow isn’t super p2w. Everything you could buy with money can easily be earned in game.

ESO is more p2w than wow.