Does the $6.99 GamePass mean P2W is coming?

ESO tanked and had to go free to play. It’s all cosmetics in their store too.

And if you think Old Republic didn’t lose a boatload of money, then you don’t.know the history of that game at all.

Your correlation doesn’t work.


B2P is a viable business model to keep the lights on. This was a $68B purchase. Shareholder stock for Blizzard and MS both went up. They clearly expect some return on this investment. I just want to know what that will look like, and how it will impact us.

I don’t begrudge you your blinders. Don’t begrudge me my microscope.

Which is two entire gaming companies, not one single MMORPG.

It’s hilarious how you ignore the other games that were purchased in this acquisition and act as if WoW is the major one they care about.


Ran the maths, Microsoft is worth about $2.5T and they spent $69B on ABK. That means they spent 2.7% of their total market capitalization on ABK.

They’ll be OK.


Again, still ignoring King Mobile and CoD. I’m not begrudging your microscope, I’m begrudging your own blinders.

WoW just isn’t that important when it comes to this acquisition, no matter how much we all wish it were. Heck, Diablo 4 is more important than WoW is in this acquisition, because again, cross-platform means a bigger draw to Gamepass, AND more leverage in dealing with Sony.


And you believe all the PR junk they spew? AAA companies dont about games, or gamers they only care about how much money they can squeeze out of gamers in a short time, then if the game dies they dint care they will just move on to the next, never believe a single word said by any major gaming company pr team or managment

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There you go. One potential revenue source apart from wow. I knew you could do it. It’s possible they will gouge players in other games to support wow and other titles under gamepass.

Will all these other games shoulder the $68 burden alone?
Can you tell me wow is guaranteed to be untouched by P2W greed? If not, I am free to speculate and comment on events transpiring.

Are you advocating a US monopoly be awarded to MS?

I think you judge too fast.

Honestly, I don’t know what the future will hold, and neither do you.

Amusing that you accuse me of “personally attacking” you when you just have to find chances to be condescending. LOL

How about you do some research into all of the numbers and what other games exist from Activision, along with how they’ve handled their other MMORPG acquisition before you attempt to be the condescending one, hmm?

Enjoy your doomsaying.


The OP asks a question to be discussed, not a conclusion for all to accept. I explored potentialities.
I have been scolded for considering any negative posibilities by these white knights.
Rational thought is heresey to them. Concepts like cause and effect are lost on them.

It is a major game company, just like all the other ones out there, they care about money and contol the ate going to micromanage and rush blizz games out finished or not so they can mame as much money as they can off them

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Honestly, just stop.

You’re assuming too much too fast. We do not know what will happen in the future. Can’t judge that fast.


It has. It really took off in BFA (BFA was the WoW Token beta test via weekly vault). Should of just kept the P2W crap as a shameful shunned blackmarket where you feared for the safety of your credit card to shady websites.

I dont trust any AAA company to do anythi g good when it comes games these day, Andromeda, Battlefront, Anthem, Fallout 76, Shadowlands, Cyberpunk 2077, all rushed out and terrible, but nope Microsoft will be different right? Pffff “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me” dontdont trust any AAA company further then i can throw them, and i cant throw them so ya

You clearly don’t know what the word “monopoly” means.


Dude, that is your opinion. Would you rather Activision Blizzard not be bought out, continuing on with a toxic culture in there workplace, while also sacking employee’s?

Everyone has different opinions about games, but nobody can predict the future. We do not have any knowledge on what will happen with World of Warcraft, or any other titles, so quit while you’re ahead, and stop judging so fast, because we do not know how this will effect the games that we all play, not we don’t know what will happen in the future with any Activision Blizzard titles.

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You shouldn’t “trust” any company whether they’re AAA or the lowest indie.

The fact remains people here are free to talk about the positive potentials, but are harassed if they mention any negative ones. That’s the point.

I hope this will have a good outcome and we have a better, affordable game to play. I can consider those ideas when put forward. Not everything is a hype train or ratio operation. Sometimes people just want to consider all sides. That’s me.

Honestly, I think Microsoft could push Blizzard in the right direction when it comes to their games, but I don’t want to get my hopes up on that just yet.

I guess I might just wait and see what the future brings.

I will judge all game companies very harshly untill they prove different and any slip up and i am done with them