Does the $6.99 GamePass mean P2W is coming?

Dude, you may actually wanna do some research on Phil Spencer and what he does before continuing on with this conversation.

Seriously, hand us the shovel and climb out of this hole your digging.


I contend that each of these xpacs would have been better, had Activisions not been involved.

Yeah, change would come pretty far down the road. I forsee more cosmetics being sold, though.

Everyone here and on previous threads can see clearly, it was a personal attack. Please stay on topic. Attack the ideas, not the people. And please keep the Gilmore Girls out of it. They are innocent bystanders.

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Yea I agree. Just saying we don’t know yet. Considering that some % of people who pay 15 a month to Blizzard for WoW also pay 15 a month for Gamepass, they may be losing money if they combine them. Could very well stay the same. Who knows.

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If you consider you can buy gold with tokens which you can then use to get boosted through any high end content in the game for free gear/achieves, WoW has already been P2W for the last 7+ years.


Truest truth that’s ever been truthed.

That you don’t take criticism well in how you speak with people, yes, we know. You’ve clearly been given facts and examples and chose to ignore them to further your own doomsaying. And that’s fine. You can continue to do so as you wish. But when you ignore points given, expect people to point that out.

I’ve been on topic, thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

Good thing I haven’t attacked either. lol

I’m sorry you don’t enjoy fun.

Pretty much. So far, a year into the acquisition ESO has kept things fairly the same. All of this is really going to depend on which way they take the subscription and whether there will be a play model and what they want to do with the store.


I agree. It’s an abuse labeled as a catch-up mechanism. Believe me, it can be much worse. Mythic Raid quality gear for every slot on the AH would be a travesty. Some games even have better than end-game gear purchasable. This is one of the few AAA games that minimizes P2W.

Don’t think it will always be. We need to fight to keep it.

How does a $7 game pass make wow pay to win?

Seriously people are blowing the purchase entirely out of proportion. Plus we won’t see any changes for at least a year if there is going to be any.


Old Republic is free to play and their shop is completely cosmetic. Not every single MMORPG goes pay to win with their shop.

even more so now that you can use that gold to buy crafted legendaries


I just did the math and asked the question of how this is going to be paid for. Repay $68B by cutting our sub in half… does not compute. I posed P2W as the obvious play for MS. I am waiting for other possibilities. I’d like to be wrong.

That’s pay to skip, not really pay to win. Pay to win implies no one can get that gear outside of paying real money for it. And with every new patch, people have to upgrade all over again.

I feel like the gamepass will just substitute the current sub fee. So could actually make WoW even cheaper to play if they include it in the gamepass. From $15/mo to $7/mo.

Not every game company has a $68B debt either

lol, riiight. This is why you completely ignored ALL examples provided in this thread already, and also ignored the biggest monetary factor in this purchase is King Mobile and Call of Duty.

Sorry to break it to you, bud, but WoW and us WoW players are the low rung on the monetary ladder here.


I mean… the company in question is worth about $2T. Yes, that is a T. T for Trillion.

What do you mean “is comming”…SL is p2w expac deluxe edition with all the boosting…

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I know, but since others are being hyperbolic, I thought I’d air my own grievances about gold :stuck_out_tongue: