Does the $6.99 GamePass mean P2W is coming?

… and? I already answered this.

This seems indicative of someone who isn’t interested in actual answers, but just seeking to argue.


WoW is already bottom of the barrel P2W it going to gamepass can only be better for it.

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I hope ESO remains so, and I hope that WOW will be the same. I sincerely doubt both will remain so. Eventually, you gotta pay the piper. Microsoft is running a business.

Generating hollow hype for this takeover is naive and premature imo.

Mac user most likely

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Just like they were when Activision bought…wait…uh oh!

Good thing I haven’t done that, then.

Generating doom and gloom for this takeover is also naive and premature.


but the seller has to agree to sell


I see someone who ignores the potential trappings of this arrangement. There are very real financial obligations act-blizzard is taking on here. The obvious solution is to get more money from players beyond their sub/gampass. Those dollars have to go back to the shareholders somehow. I am waiting for a viable means to that end without p2w. I haven’t seen one yet. These shareholders wouldn’t spend $68B without an end-game.

Microsoft gaming runs on a very different philosophy from Activision Blizzard.

They aren’t out for the quick buck at this point, but the long term customer they can build their platform market on. They want you to keep playing more games long term…not to milk your wallet right now.


That’s been his MO for a long time around here. You should’ve seen him in the authenticator threads. lol


You know you’re implying that blizzard has the players’ interests in mind here. Laughable.

That wasn’t implied at all.


Their endgame is King, the mobile developer which is leagues above anything Blizzard is doing in moneymaking, and CoD, a popular franchise on Playstation which then forces Sony’s hand in relenting on their exclusivity practices and release more titles onto PC and Xbox(which they’ve slowly been doing with titles like Horizon and Days Gone).

I get you think you’re knowledgeable on this topic, but you’re woefully ignorant of what’s actually going on here.


What are you talking about

If a business buys another business out, it’s not automatically sketchy.

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“It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” - Albert Einstein

So a non-answer, because you’ve been quite incorrect in your assumptions this whole time. Par for the course. :slight_smile:


My point is you said:

The merger happened in 2007 during BC. Wrath was next and highly touted by many as the best expansion in WoW history.

Then we had Cata which was love/hate due to how some of it was handled. I PvP a lot so I loved it.

Then Mop which most people I play with as well as myself thought was amazing. People got so hung up on “Kung Fu Panda” because they didn’t know Pandaren were an established race in WC lore.

Then WoD. Fantastic PvP, terrible PvE content. (Let me clarify, not enough. What was there was good.)

Legion. I’ve heard tons of people claim Legion was the best expansion, or 2nd behind Wrath. I enjoyed it as well.

Then BfA sucked and Shadowlands hasn’t been well received. So mostly good content for an entire decade after the merger followed by two stinkers released after tons of OG developers left?

Call me crazy, but I’m going to go with the latter being responsible for the game’s current direction, not a corporate merger.


I replied to your statement and personal attack. If you have a question, ask it.

I didn’t personally attack you. Pointing out how you have discussions around here isn’t a personal attack. lol And you’re the one that has been ignoring what others are saying, just to post a quote. :wink: