Does Scarcity make loot “Meaningful”?

I also really like playing with the downsides, while unfortunately wasn’t the same in term of having to manage a raid xd Some people got a lot too greedy xd

I can’t recall if I was a dh or hunter but I do remember by class didn’t care about movement and so the disadvantage didn’t matter most of the time.

Wanna say dh because I remember using the fist weapons… might of swapped to hunter at some point.

A lot of classes had many tools to deal with them, hunter was one where it was much easier as I think you could feign death and bind arrow them. I don’t remember all of them.

The power gap between a fresh character and a mythic raider right now is a bigger increase in power than the first 4 expacs

Because the previous expacs didn’t reset gear as much between raids.
If they made it so previous mythic gear only got scaled down to heroic in a new tier we wouldn’t have as much power gap.

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It would also make people feel better about what they’d put all that effort into the previous tier, and feel more accomplished.

Everything’s empty, now. Nothing lasts. I hear it a lot from friends who don’t play, anymore.

Blizzard has been so desperate to cater to the people who don’t want to play, that they’ve forgotten about the people who do.

Skipping all the previous replies.

Scarcity may make loot meaningful to some. However, gear always gets replaced. They should make it more available to people running the content. Let them buy it with crests if it doesn’t drop.

Mounts, Battle Pets, Toys, and Appearances are more meaningful to me. Every time All The Things makes a victory sound, it becomes meaningful.

I would argue they failed at that as well. If you want to swap out a toon for mythic prog you have to either run 1 ten a week at the start. Take a month or be feed gear in a reclear.

There’s a lot of shortcomings in current gearing system which would take me a whole thread to go over but the biggest culprits for me is them trying to farm a bit too heavily engagement and pushing a bit too much on not letting people raid log.

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This thread was regarding the abysmal drop rates and ilvl of heroic and time walking. Delves of course have better but I have to find a group of people myself

No. That don’t mean scarce loot can’t be meaningful though, just it’s not a requirement.

Don’t heroic dungeons and TW dungeons drop loot off of every boss? That’s more than M+ gives, even.

As for the ilvl, the quality of gear should be commensurate to the challenge involved. Or lack thereof. That’s RPG Design 101.

After the tank nerf I had no intention of doing mythic +

Okay. Dungeons are still over-rewarding compared to other content.

They did, but not at US 800 (And Kaercha doesn’t have Sark CE which was allegedly an easy tier.)

Why would anyone want to be a tank when they are weaker than DPS?

What advantages would you like to see persist from tier to tier?

We could go back to the old model of only raids for gear. (But would that fly right now?)

Did rogues like Sylv daggers being better in Sepulcher?

I think everything should jump a level from the previous tier. If you do Normal in the 2nd tier it should be the same ilvl as Heroic from the 1st tier; not Mythic from the 1st tier like it is, now.

People will still want upgrades, of course. People always like upgrades. But we won’t see the current spectacle of spamming as much easy content as possible to replace your stuff from last tier that you got by doing much more difficult content. It’s absurd.

Or just go Iron Curtain, that would fix most problems.

Mythic to mythic again could be something to see. (And if people run heroic, it’s sidegrades.)

But if you just need the new set bonuses (and nothing else seems appealing.) Is that an improvement?

With so many catalyst charges, probably a non-issue.

You can solo them.