Does Scarcity make loot “Meaningful”?

lol no. Who wants to bet you don’t do mythic content.

Gear upgrades were quite literally added in the middle of Dragonflight as a panic move by Blizzard. It can go away just as easily.

Gear upgrades have been a thing with valor or titanforging for a long time.
There’s many way a gear upgrade system can work.
I would have none of it.

Valor yes. Titanforging was just a slot machine, originally designed (ironically) to encourage people to run 25-man raids instead of 10-man.

Random gear upgrade is still a gear upgrade system, it’s made so you can overgear a difficulty easier.

I don’t want you to be wrong… I can’t stress that enough. You undoubtedly are looking at progression rates for after they gutted brood twister, tin,smold, brood keeper, crabbot, painsmith, generals and more.

I would welcome properly made bosses but its been entire expansions. I just want to gear alts now in a reasonable way.

Titanforging was made to trigger a dopamine rush in people.

Well that but mainly so any content you could do could offer an upgrade. They really dislike people raid loggin.

Am I somehow wrong to interpret what you are saying here as “It’s supposed to feel bad to play the game if you’re not already elite when you start, and you should find this inspirational”?

Honestly by itself it was fine. It was corruption affixes that really broke it.

8.3 and corruption for me is still the best patch since BFA. You couldn’t titanforge corrupted gear so ilvl was still relevant. The best gear was still the highest ilvl gear but you could use lower level pieces till you got better pieces with your better corruption. Also it did let tank do damage which for makes it a pretty good patch, it was the season were people did the most M+ before they added the vault.

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We had a long-time player quit in disgust over corruption gear.

Her parting words: “At least in Legion, you couldn’t get the same crappy legendary twice.”

I found it a little jarring when a blue with good corruption beat a bis mythic slot without. That and 80% of my dmg being procs was a bit much.

If you think working through standard gear progression “feels bad” perhaps you are playing the wrong genre of games.

Gear progression has been a key part of wow and most MMOs and RPGs since they were created

Well… you actually could early on. People forget how bad was early Legion and it only wasn’t really a problem because EN was such a joke.

Some of that happened in older expansions, personally I enjoy ilvl not being everything while it should still be mostly relevant for most your gear. Having one trinket or etc. be better than something else at higher ilvl isn’t the worse to me. I dislike a bit how heavy jewellry can swing nowadays and I wish they added mainstat back again on them but yea.

Having random procs doing most of your dmg certainly wasn’t the best, but for me as a tank anyway I’d rather have that than what we got right now, which is basically not doing much damage. I’m ready to throw a lot under the buss so tanks can hit 75% damage of a dps.


It gets foggy tbh. You didn’t raid naxx for bis gear but once 40s became 25s more focus was put on gear.

Just doing bountiful delves, you can basically skip heroic raiding and anything below mythic 7+. I’ve been taking alts to heroic raids and basically outside of trinkets there’s nothing worth taking and crafting fills up any slots w/ embellishments also.

It’s been pretty easy getting an army of alts to around 620, give or take a few ilvls.

Also, weren’t legendaries capped at 3 for the first couple of weeks driving the sweatiest of the sweats to reroll their classes until they got two of their BiS legendaries?

The masses got delves, that’s literally more help for casual players than any other point in WoW’s history. It’s a whole endgame pillar for casual players, it’s perfect. Taking PvP gear out of the Vault and putting it back on their dedicated vendor (over there somewhere away from me) was just the icing on the cake.

Yep. It was pretty bad xd

If they brought back corruption and tuned it down to being about equal with a good trinket. As well as adding the vender off the bat. I wouldn’t be happy for it back, but I wouldn’t be upset either. It was a thing for me.