Does Scarcity make loot “Meaningful”?

No it just makes the game frustrating.

Veteran gear is easily obtainable from the repair vendor in Siren isles, enough to make World questing irrelevant,so I don’t see your point in outdoor PVE.
Occasionally I get a 600 drop that is good , so yah , rarity is relevant.
I was super surprised I got an epic toy for killing the greench, was the best Winter Veil gift ever.

Do harder content. Get better rewards.

I just feel so weak playing this game now.

Literally no one doing m+ cares one iota about the gear that drops from normal/heroic. Each boss could literally drop their entire loot table for each person and still no one would care

I used to play this game and pull alot of mobs and feel powerful kiling them and surviving. Now I pull alot of mobs and the DPS can’t kill them and we eventually die and the game makes me feel weak.

You can’t simultaneously have progression and not have it.

Dungeons and delves aren’t over rewarding. Raiding is just woefully under rewarding.

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For things to be remotely equal, you’d have to have a single boss drop every single item people would ever need in the game.

It’s just not realistic to up everything to the same level as delves.

What an absolutely asinine statement.

Raid bosses are hard. Significantly harder than delves.

Raids are severely under rewarding. That’s the outlier. Need to drop a lot more gear.

What’s going on in here boys

where is this vendor, i have like, 8 fresh lvl 80 alts that have come up through dungeoning and I wanna be lazy on gearing them

It’s so funny watching delvers defend their over rewarding gear.

its so funny watching anti-delvers cry about delves when blizzard themselves have announced they’re happy with them, so its unlikely to be going anywhere or getting nerfed :slight_smile:

What’s funnier is watching elitists cope and seethe trying to get it nerfed.

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Fortunately the people whining on the forums about delves don’t matter, what matters is the actual player metrics in the game itself, and they’ve identified the problem to be on the mythics side, not the delves side. They’re happy with delves according to ion himself.


Exactly. They’re an extreme minority that bases their own self worth on the pixels they “earn” in a video game. What’s even worse is they don’t even own these pixels or their characters.

Of course Blizzard is happy over rewarding delves to drive up participation.

I also don’t want them going anywhere for people that enjoy them.

I just think the rewards should match the difficulty. Either tone down rewards or buff the difficulty.