Does nobody want classes to be better?

you seem like a cool dude

To add on to your point, the original classic game developers mentioned in a classic interview that if given a choice, they would scale certain talents and abilities’ for hybrid classes to be optimal for performance.

I am all for changes that would have made the game for, what is intended to be (E.g. talent and ability scaling for All druid Specs)

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I just want to play and have fun and not worry I am following a meta


Yeah this is something your gonna have to tackle on your own. Wotlk 3.4.3 talents even have a meta and every version of WoW will always have a meta. I share your lament for WoW’s toxic relationship to meta’s via parsing. Unfortunately that bell can’t be unrung. Logs are such a great tool to find your own mistakes and improve your game play, but the cost is parsing and parsing is all downside for a social and team based game.

The game works fine as it is.

I don’t care about the wishes of players who purposefully choose bad specs so they can be a special snowflake.

You want to “shaman tank”, how about trying out a little thing called warrior tanking first?

I also play this game for fun.

You know what’s not fun? Playing with people who intentionally choose bad specs and make the raid worse for everyone involved because they’re so egotistical and selfish they put their own wants and needs ahead of the other 39 players in the raid who are doing their best to make the whole group a success.

You can play the game how you want, play the meme spec all you want, but don’t complain when other people play the game HOW THEY WANT and don’t want to play with meme specs.

You don’t even realise how hypocritical you are by playing a meme spec and telling everyone else “you HAVE to accept me and let me have fun because I enjoy playing this way”, no one is obligated to play with anyone, no one is obligated to take you to their run or obligated to give you loot, they to, are the playing the game in the way they enjoy most.

Imagine if all the meme specs actually made their own “meme spec” guild, oh wait, NOTHING WOULD GET DONE, BECAUSE WITHOUT REAL SPECS TO LEECH OFF MEME SPECS CANT SURVIVE.

Way easier to play a meme spec and complain that people won’t let you into THEIR raid, where they are accountable to 39 other human beings who all want the raid leader to host a smooth, efficient successful run, and guess what? The raid leader is going to do everything possible to ensure the raid IS smooth, efficient and successful, and that means telling selfish meme specs players “no”.

Here is an idea, you go play over there the way you want, I’ll go play the way I want and we can both be happy.

Or is this also me being selfish?

I already said I know I won’t get into raids most likely and I don’t care, you have your method of fun I have mine, I played what the raid needs during classic already, hell I made alts and leveled them and geared them so our raid had what we need, so I will go play what I want on my own and just PvP, I don’t require your approval to do that do have a good day and I hope your raids go well.


No you have to play how summonok wants you to play because it you don’t play the game how he wants you to play it you’re a selfish idiot moron.


I like that idea alot, except in my experience most the meme spec players complain when they get denied access to other peoples raids.

In my head, if I’m signing up to someone elses raid, then their rules are the rules, if I don’t like them I can either not join their raid or I can make my own raid.

Since I am unable/unwilling to make my own raid due to it being to time-consuming, complicated, mentally taxing etc, they have no obligation to take me on their run, therefore it is my prerogative to make myself as appealing as possible to potential raid groups so my chances of success are higher, that includes playing a class and spec that benefits the raid as much as possible and gearing appropriately.

This is just a simple truth I must accept if I want to play classic, this game, like life, is not some perfect simulation where everyone gets everything they want, “that’s life” is one of the reasons so many people actually like playing this game, like real life, there is injustice, there in imbalance, there is inequality, there is imperfection, it’s one of the greatest reasons why this game feels like a real, living, breathing world and not just a game.

Meme (pvp) specs who demand raid positions and class changes are actually the selfish ones here, if this game were unsolved, I could sympathise with their position, but this is a 15 year old game, it’s solved, we know what works and what doesn’t work, it’s common knowledge that everyone knows, but some people for whatever reason think they are above this and that they refuse to be told they can’t fit a square into a circle to the detriment of everyone else’s enjoyment.

Majority of meme spec players I’ve met are all antagonists, they do it because of a certain special snowflake syndrome and they enjoy the drama it creates, some people see meme specs as a kind of personality trait because “wooah look at me, I’m that zany, wacky guy that plays a big chicken, I’m not a meta slave like everyone else! Just look at my chicken dance woooahh I’m the funniest guy in the room, I’m totally not like other players”

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On this doll, show us where the meme spec touched you


I like to think people like this are just trolling, because if they truly think this way…yikes. It’s a freaking video game. Calm down.


The (multiple) ret paladins in MC who refused to resurrect and bless people “because I’m a dps bro”.

exactly. well said

“iT’S JuSt a ViDeO GaMe BrO”

If it’s “just a video game, have fun whatever man” then this stupid thread shouldn’t exist in the first place.

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This is how I see it, I do not plan to get into raids as a Ret paladin I don’t I am aware the spec I am playing, I have made peace with it, if someone invites me as a Ret, cool I get to raid, they invite me and tell me I do not have loot priority, I can either accept it or politely decline, I also understand yes there are a lot of people who play the meme specs and act like the worst kind of people, I understand, I had them in classic. I also am aware sitting here and proclaiming I am different can also mean little, so I won’t I am simply understanding and agreeing with you and speaking my perspective of simply I undersand and accept the spec I choose and the consuquences with it.

I will say that is a dumb mentality on their part because that is prolly the 2 reasons they were brought aside form maybe their aura.

I highly doubt someone refused to res you because they were a dps. And also, if they buff the memes then everything you just said was the issue with them that apparently caused you such huge distress in raids will no longer become an issue, because they will be better and contributing to the raid.

So if we buff meme specs you won’t have to be so angry about them lol

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They did, they drunk to full after a wipe and just stood there waiting while the other healers had to keep drinking and ressing people, happened multiple times on separate occasions with diff rets to, any patience I had for memers was lost when that happened.

Balance classes all you want, I just don’t think people realise how overpowered a hybrid is in PvP if they never have to worry about going oom and can heal themselves infinitely without a worry.

Yeah a warrior + healer is OP in pvp but at least that’s two people using their synergy together to be stronger, however a solo druid that doesn’t have to worry about mana will basically be unkillable gods in wpvp, their toolkit is to insane already, not sure if you ever watched soda play druid in classic but the only time he died is when he goes oom otherwise he just kites/roots/damge/heals and keeps going

I’d be lying if I didn’t say I don’t trust blizzard to not botch it tho ya know? I’m worried they’d rush it and screw it up.

Classic pvp is already extremely unbalanced so i dont think it really matters. Warriors 1 shot 90% of players and are unstoppable with pocket healers. Rogues can stunlock a player 100-0 without the opposing player being able to press a single button.

Druid is broken yes, you would just have to tie the MP5 to their moonkin form so that they would have to be a boomkin to get the mana regen.

With that said I do love classic pvp, I think the lack of balance makes it fun, but shifting the meta will just mean that new classes are now causing big impact in bgs. This is some changes, I think changing the meta bit will be funner than just following the same old same old we have done for the last 15 years.


Yeah I do agree with that, it would probably be the safest option to just leave things as they are. I only hope for small buffs to these hybrid classes dps specs, which can be mainly fixed with better mana regen, not new spells. I don’t believe this would have insane impacts on the game but I could be wrong.

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