It’s funny that people can look at both bases and come to the conclusion that horde has an advantage.
“If horde does…lists 17 things they will win every time!”
It’s funny that people can look at both bases and come to the conclusion that horde has an advantage.
“If horde does…lists 17 things they will win every time!”
i ranked 2x through av meta in 2019
first as a warrior on alliance in av premades
2nd as a horde hunter in pugs (in the aq phase)
There are three scenarios
Scenario one (both groups have instant queues or short queues): Both groups ignore each other and base race, this depends a lot on who is doing what, its possible to kite all WMs as both horde and alliance, mostly alliance will win, its used to farm rep and isn’t good honor
This scenario 2 is currently whats happening on anniversary
Scenario two (both have instant or short queues): The horde do a mixture of stalling the alliance and both factions will farm LTs/Galv/belinda etc, there will be some minor skirimishes back capping, the winrates are like 50/50, everyone gets good honor regardless of win / loss
This scenario 3 is what happened when I played my horde hunter, in av, in the aq phase, he had over 90% winrate by the end of classic
Scenario 3 (the horde have very long queue times): Our queue times got ridiculous in the aq phase of classic in 2019, sometimes over an hour, so the developed strategy was to prolong the game as long as possible because outside of the bg, we were just ganking people landing in EPL (we queued in undercity). We turtled every single game outside IBGY and didn’t let anyone pass, the alliance don’t know what to do (or stop trying and hope we win faster for their hph) and won almost every single game, there was the occassional russian premade (this was eu servers) that were able to all get into the same game and they would stomp us in the cave but other than that we won every time more or less
Who has the map advantage? Its hard to say, it changes depending on what strategy is the prevalent one, for the scorched earth strategy (scenario 3), its definitely horde, for the other two, its definitely alliance if they choose to defend their bunkers/bridge at all, vann is also an easier boss to deal with than drek is. The queue times represent a lot of what happens, when you have instant queues you are incentivized to “go next” if honor per hour is your only metric, meanwhile if you have long queues (like the horde did), our incentive was to go next as slowly as possible
Can’t help it if night elf npc’s are better at archery
Not much you can do with scenario 3 as alliance.
You can’t out reinforce horde in any position at SHGY or south of it.
You soft cap ibgy horde can out reinforce you from their cave and retake it before it flips in 5m.
You take FWGY same thing
You take SFGY sake thing.
You take RHGY same thing
You retake SHGY the game just restarts
Horde will always out reinforce ally and then send them to SPGY when they die and out of the fight.
This is why ally always end up trapped up north with scenario 3.
This is also why the premade discord came out.
Ally tried stealth groups south and ghost walking to control a graveyard, literally every strat alliance did can’t counter the IBGY/Cave rez.
It was all outlined in the 9k thread from 2019, just read what Hawne wrote.
Alliance can sit on and behind the hill and make it very difficult… esp if you have mages / hunters.
The problem is everyone is playing warriors in fresh anni haha
buff War-Marshals plz-n-thx
Irrelevant tbh.
Anytime an ally die at ibgy defending it they rez at SPGY.
Do you see how far ibgy is from SPGY?
When a horde dies trying to retake ibgy they rez at their cave up to 20 at a time.
Do you see how close IBGY is to the horde cave?
I think the main problem is alliance just try and rush super far south as fast as possible and it gets all split up.
A solid crew that takes IBGY and holds it keeps horde from leaving the cave and heading north.
Nobody wants to wait the 5 minutes though.
Yeah it doesn’t work that way.
You just sent 20 horde to recap ibgy.
As long as those 20 kill around 5-8 alliance they will literally beat 40 people.
Every time an alliance dies they now res 2 minutes away at spgy and they’re not coming back south because they won’t get past SHGY choke.
I don’t understand why people don’t understand this the horde cave res prevents alliance from owning anything.
Horde can out reinforce every objective with twice as many people resurrecting at a time and they’re far closer to everything.
Knowing this I’m not sure how anyone can say alliance have an advantage
Horde cave rez is closer to RHGY, FWGY, IBGY, SHGY and SFGY.
The only 2 spots it isn’t closer is spgy and aide station
When ally are stuck at spgy or aide station the game is already over.
Thats an insane ask tho… IBGY hill is brutal if played correctly. Healers and casterrs on the hills. Hunters shooting through the hill.
I 100% agree that AV is Horde sided, but man ive had those games where ally are on IBGY hill and now Horde is split half north rezzing SHGY or even further north and everyone else cave and the people north dont care to go south and the ppl south cant go north.
Its rare but it happens.
It isn’t an insane ask.
It literally happened for thousands of games in a row.
Horde had a 95% win rate for a reason lol.
It’s so damn easy to do eventually all the horde knew what to do, literally just go back cap any graveyard alliance took and abuse your cave res.
That’s literally how easy the strat is
When ally lose SHGY they now res at SPGY, it’s so easy to accomplish.
Friend of mine was just talking about their 2020 classic av grind as alliance and how they got exalted without ever completing the “win an av” quest lol
This was actually a pretty common thing
You cant look at each base and say horde is favoured.
Bro you guys had a 95% win rate for 6 months.
It was ONLY in AV
What do you think that means?
Then when TBC launched horde cried about their win rates, we just walked thru the dark portal and horde forgot how to click flags?
On which server?
They were connected…
Horde had a 95% win rate from AQ phase all the way to TBC pre patch.
This is such an odd discussion, anyone who did av during this time recalls this rofl.
There is 0 counterplay.
The archers aren’t helping us down south.
Ram Team 7 isn’t helping us.
The bunkers aren’t helping us.
The bridge isn’t helping us.
Idk why this is hard to grasp, read what I’m writing and look at the AV map.
Horde lose ibgy they rez right next to it at their cave with TWICE as many players per rez cycle cuz it’s a cave
Alliance lose SHGY they now res at SPGY the last 5% OF THE ENTIRE MAP and up to 10 at a time.
Alliance don’t even use their cave until literally they lose SHGY, SPGY and and aide station.
Horde literally can out reinforce EVERY OBJECTIVE ON THE MAP besides SPGY and Aide station BEFORE Alliance and they can do it with up to TWICE AS MANY PLAYERS PER REZ CYCLE.
Imagine being horde and thinking AV isn’t massively in your favor, literally just send 15-20 people to back cap the graveyard ally soft cap and they now literally are stuck up north rofl.
Alliance are winning most games right now.
Are horde using scorched earth?
Literally read above.
Unless you’re sending a back cap group to abuse your cave res you aren’t going to hit 95% win rate
From literally back then.
When ally lose SHGY they are GONE form the game when they die because they will literally res at SPGY.
If ally soft cap ibgy and they are dying fighting there they go to SPGY, over 2 minutes away.