I noticed that despite the 100% mount differential between alliance and horde, horde end up at Belinda way faster than Alliance end up at Drek.
Is that intended?
I noticed that despite the 100% mount differential between alliance and horde, horde end up at Belinda way faster than Alliance end up at Drek.
Is that intended?
Hello 2019 my old friend…
Yes. Horde simply have a shorter distance to travel from their cave to Vandarr.
This is why in a pure full-zug race to the enemy’s boss, horde wins it 10 of 10 times.
Worth mentioning as a side-point, horde racial abilities are significantly better-suited to winning actual PvP encounters as well. Not to mention shamans. In a zerg vs zerg, all they really have to do is hoofstomp, chain heal, and bank on windfury procs.
That… is a bummer.
Horde has an advantage in a race and in an actual game.
Maybe, maybe not but the fact is random groups in vanilla do never play at a level where it’s significant.
So while the distance might be shorter, the Horde mainbase is much more convenient to roll through, Horde attacking Alliance base have to go cross a bridge that can easily be frost trapped, there is no way to line of sight the bunkers and you have to kill several NPCs to capture them unlike Horde towers you can literally just go up to and cap. The last Alliance graveyard has like 10 different vendor NPCs with grossly inflated HP bars that takes time even for 20 people to kill, right next to it that always end up pulling preventing all casters and healers from drinking.
All racial abilities are highly situational so it depends on what situations you end up in. So if Undead can dispell fear, many classes do not have a fear abilitiy, many classes barely use stuns etc.
And it’s nooby to claim Alliance racials are useless, for example a Dwarf Rogue is gonna be very uncontested in Rogue v Rogue and also the best in the Warrior matchup due to being able to dispell bleeds, blind, crippling poison and hamstring.
Ally can waltz into the horde zone without dealing with anything. They can literally RP walk into it.
Zero archers, everything is extremely close together, and no enemies to deal with.
Meanwhile horde have a stupid bridge to cross which a few mages and hunters can hold an entire horde team from entering, plus the archers which do a ton of damage as you simply cross the bridge, everything is very spread out, and you have an entire town full of elites that aggro whenever you’re there.
But yeah, horde have the advantage because they start 20 yards closer to the middle.
For years Ally have been trying to convince people they have it worse in AV because they know what a disgusting advantage they have.
This is just wrong.
Go look at the 9,000 posts debate from classic.
It explains where the advantage actually is in the Op.
Horde had a 95% win rate using this strat and there is 0 counterplay
This gets fixed in TBC when they make it so no faction can use their cave res until they control NO OTHER gy.
It isn’t.
The fact is horde has the bridge to deal with which can be shut down by a few mages and hunters, towers super spread apart, with brutal archers that do a ton of damage PLUS a ton of elites that aggro from so far away.
That alone is worse than ANYTHING the alliance have to deal with.
If alliance are losing with that clear advantage it just means they are that bad.
Alliance can be kept from pushing south.
Horde first objective is SHGY and ally first objective is IBGY.
Look at where each side rez after they cap first objective each.
Horde rez 25 seconds away from IBGY and up to 20 at a time in their cave.
Ally now rez 2 minutes away from IBGY at SPGY up to 10 at a time.
Alliance are literally trapped up north after losing SHGY.
They won’t be able to even hold IBGY for 5 minutes till it hard caps if horde send 15 people to recap it because those 15-20 horde now rez 25 seconds away up to 20 at a time and any ally defending the IBGY soft cap who die rez 2 minutes away.
It’s literally why horde had a 95% win rate in era.
You can’t win at the bridge if you’re all trapped up north.
Its not all bad, while yes the Horde strategy does tend to be to push to the boss skipping everything, and yes they will typically win the kill, at the same time if Alliance simply kills the LTs and Captains, even without killing Drek they get more honor. So when I last ranked, even though we won the BG more often (was on horde) we got less honor.
But you can easily hold off an entire team.
Meanwhile if horde gets trapped south at all, they lose easily.
Just admit that alliance has an advantage and still loses haha.
It changed in TBC or something? I played a Human Pally in Wrath and man AV was a joke for alliance lol. We just walked into the horde base and won instantly every time.
You can’t be trapped South what are you talking about?
Alliance are the only ones who can get trapped.
We don’t even revive in our cave until after you take every one of our graveyards…
You think horde just had a 95% win rate because they’re better?
But then it went back to 50/50 in TBC?
Because the cave gets moved back and the biggest change being you can no longer use your cave graveyard until you no longer have any graveyard.
Yeah they literally changed it in TBC because horde have an advantage.
But keep thinking you are right when you are 100% wrong.
NPCs at alliance base are alot easier to deal with than actual players holding choke points.
Have you seen horde in fresh now?
Half the team gets trapped south all the time haha.
Think thats more the people you were playing against and with. As in TBC I found I could win/lose with either side more based on how stupid my own team or the opponents were and if people took the right targets. This occurs in ERA also.
You literally cannot be trapped South unless we’re camping your cave.
2004 called and said hi too, lol.
Reserving this space for next year and the spot moves.
also reserving for emfh later on if this doesn’t stop at tbc. then its become start spot location and alliance bias for rated arena.
These people find a way.