It’s because the horde don’t really utilize the strategy that exploits their cave rez yet.
They didn’t do it until AQ in 2019
It’s because the horde don’t really utilize the strategy that exploits their cave rez yet.
They didn’t do it until AQ in 2019
AV favors alliance. Bunkers are out in the open trying to assault. Towers are an enclosed area. The alliance base has one entrance, which is a bottleneck. Horde base has a coupe ways in.
I used to blizzard the bridge and slow the entire enemy team coming into the base. Some hunters could lay some frost traps down. I used to do that too. With entrapment it was hysterical to freeze most of the whole enemy team.
Actually easy to see
Horde first objective is SHGY.
Ally first objective is IBGY.
Where does each faction res after that trade?
Horde are literally rez closer to every objective in the middle of the map and up to 20 at a time now.
Horde cave is closer to FWGY, IBGY,SHGY,SFGY than alliance because ally res at SPGY now and only 10 at a time, horde rez at their cave up to 20 at a time.
Reinforcing an area is how you hold it, ally can never out reinforce any area of the map before horde can besides all the way up north.
If you want a 90+% win rate as horde just recap all graveyards and trap ally north, it’s really easy to do.
This changed in TBC.
Tell me what blizzard did to nerf AV for alliance going into TBC?
Horde literally out reinforce every single graveyard on the map besides the 2 up north and you can’t win on defense until TBC adds reinforcement mechanic.
Horde get to use their cave after they lose their first graveyard which is IBGY and then they can out reinforce alliance to every graveyard besides SPGY and Vann graveyard.
But ally have the advantage lmfao.
Alliance cap FW GY before horde caps Aid station every single game. Horde towers are also significantly easier to cap than alliance bunkers. Alliance just fumble killing drek every single time for seemingly no reason.
It’s clear most of you have no idea how AV works
I think the horde do have an advantage, they just seem to be really bad this time around, i guess all the real pvp’ers are alliance for tbc
Alliance can literally do the same thing to the horde starting cave. They’re already doing it some games. Just locking dead horde in the cave.
You can literally out reinforce every single objective in the game besides the two up north…
You just have no idea what you’re talking about
Literally just send back caps and you will have a 95% win rate just like you did in Era
okay Jan. Alliance can D SPGY, backcap almost every GY and then lock horde in the cave. You literally win if you do that. Horde can’t even recall from the cave. This is coming from someone with a 60 on horde and alliance.
Just admit people suck and move on with the favoritism.
I don’t know what you’re not understanding even if we defend spgy and somehow have an offensive force moving south that does not change the fact that you can still out reinforce every graveyard and every objective in the entire map besides the two up north.
I’m just saying 1 or 2 alliance using their brains can stop the horde team in their tracks. But everyone just wants to Zerg.
But to be fair if you peeled off to go defend something you’d probably get reported afk.
In any event 1.12 av sucks. Now, if it was 1.7 av that would be epic. These zergs would get annihilated by npcs. We’d actually get big, long epic PvP battles.
But this playerbase doesn’t want that. They want efficient honor grinding. That’s what it’s all about.
We are just as capable as horde of back-capping and locking them down. Theres no advantage. Once horde get locked in alliance actually have the upper hand actually.
Yes you have no idea.
When ally are running south they go to galv and then they go to IBGY.
If they skip galv they go to IBGY.
Horde go to SHGY.
Now from this point the games over, ally already lost if the horde wants them to lose.
The 40 horde sitting at SHGY just break up and 20 of them run south back to IBGY.
Guess where the ally rez when they die? Just guess.
Guess where those 15-20 horde trying to retake ibgy rez? Just guess.
seems like you’re mistaken. Horde generally go to balinda, and the two bunkers near her. Whenever Alliance D SPGY or backcap SHGY the game persists. Alliance can slow them down very easily. Most of the time horde ignore SHGY unless 1 or 2 randoms decide to take it. Its very easily counterable.
I wasn’t saying what they do currently I was telling you how you could win 95% of your games.
You literally just sent 20 people to back cap the graveyards alliance take.
And you get to do this fully unhindered and there’s no counter play because you can out reinforce everything from shgy and down.
Not sure how you’re not understanding this.
Alliance cannot replicate this.
Alliance is faster at rush anyways so if you wanted100% winrate you just rush drek immediately. But because people need honor you don’t prioritize winning.
The horde have to allow the rush I don’t understand why you’re not getting this.
The people who can out reinforce with more people and three times faster are going to hold objectives over the people who can’t do that.
Alliance can’t do that.
If both people are just racing sure alliance will win.
But horde get to dictate what kind of game it is 100% of the time.
They can stop the rush no problem just send people South they even made a handy little trinket for it that has no cool down in this version.
So if alliance just rushed South where do they resurrect when they die at RH?
Alliance getting sent back to SPGY lmfao
Horde can only hinder alliance’s push south if they all have 100% mounted speed and mithril spurs. Which they just don’t. I’ve never once played a game where horde was able to lock down alliance early game. not ever.