WoW still have massive amount of bots, token or not. What blizzard have largely eradicated, is a constant spam. What they have created, is a totally broken game-economy. With gold-sellers, atleast there were some hesistation in buying gold. Some did it freely, but most would be hesistant due to potential scams, and thus not as many bought gold, and thus the game economy was fairly stable.
Years ago ff had a massive problem with bots sending whispers to you. Haven’t has one for a few years now so thats one thing they’ve managed to curb. I don’t see as many bots as there used to be, I’ll see them occasionally but they’ve likely found a way to stay out of sight. Personally I think bots are less rampant than they used to be. Seeing how a lot of legitimate players work the market board makes me believe a lot of these people raging about bots might not be bots at all. Just Incredibly dedicated players that have so much practice muscle memory and timers set that they might as well be actual bots.
As for the boosts they do net you a bit of gold but unless you are willing to shell out a whole lot of cash to buy multiple class boosts you’re going to make about the same as you would just by doing the quests. Which nearly becomes trivial by the end game by how much you can make over the course of a week by doing daily roulette.
Cash shop is mostly old event items that they don’t intend to run again. Though one recent addition is adding a new mount of a raid boss that has got players frothing at the mouth in rage.
Wait, don’t tell me you actually think the token impacted gold selling negatively. There is no way you’re actually this misinformed. The issue on XIV with bots is that bots seldom are gathering bots and Square is very hesitant to ban them because they don’t like false positives. Though WoW will gladly suspend me with Warden for using ConsolePort, an addon THEY AS A COMPANY ENDORSED, then tell me that nothing can be done about it only to then wipe my ban an hour later when they got flooded with people banned for using ConsolePort that were confused and frustrated.
Good thing I wasn’t using imorph that day. Though hell, if they’re going to unban nude modders in this game in Goldshire because they raise hell for literally altering the game files, I should get a pass for basically race changing for aesthetics without racials. I feel me playing as a human female despite being Horde for animations alone impacts the same people that someone’s night elf having a footlong does, which is to say precisely nobody.
Yeah, boost a white mage to 70 and send me a vod of you healing something at 70 like Ghimlyt Dark without any problems. I am absolutely certain you’ll know after boosting that Cure 3 is not stronger for healing than Cure 2 and how to use your lilies correctly. XIV discourages you from boosting by simply bombarding you with abilities and by designing classes that they’re built upon expansion over expansion. WoW straight up gives you a tutorial showing you how to use them. Square is like “Well, that’s the boost. Here’s some gear and good luck!”
You want an example of how dumb of an idea boosting is?
Meet this moron.
The token at most isn’t to blame for the poor design decisions made by the development team. Actually, it probably is. The token makes the game look more profitable so shareholders aren’t breathing down their necks over why the game is tanking because it’s still profitable. Maybe if it wasn’t ballooning the game’s profitability so gamer dads can buy gold then buy carries this would change. Who knows actually.
It does. All of them in fact. What does it do differently from WoW and Blizzard? Nothing. It is hard to get rid of the grey and black markets in any game.
Every game has these to some extent so trying to make your decision of what to play based on this will be a fail plan at this point. FF XIV doesn’t have tokens but the cash shop is more extensive. In fact, just last week there was a huge thread on their forums of people complaining about a new, cool mount being cash shop instead of from raid. And yes, I have seen people yelling gold and carry spam in Limsa also as well as gathering bots out in the world. There are carry sellers in the party finder etc. All corporations exist to make money and as such are overlooking some of this stuff to some extent because they get some benefit from it.
Choose a game based on what you are finding fun at the time. Many people play both games because they are good at different types of content.
Botting and gold selling has always been present throughout WoWs history. In Vanilla I remember sitting out in Azshara killing chinese gold farmers for hours who were hunting and skinning mobs.
The blatant gold sellers are the ones that spam ingame, but the vast majority advertise through websites or discord, and everything is handled with out of game transactions that are untraceable by Blizzard.
There’s an entire global economy built around WoW. I have personally met and talked to a Russian player who just stays ingame for 8-10 hours a day farming gold on TBClassic so they can sell it and make IRL money to pay for their rent and stuff.
In their defense, it was a pretty iconic raid fight mount that people were asking to have for a long time. Though to the people that said like “It should have at least been a Feast reward” yeah, because we won’t hear endless sob stories about the people who didn’t crack Top 100 but really wanted Cruise Chaser and are raging it was a pvp mount.
Really was no appropriate way to implement Cruise Chaser without pissing some people off. Though they also complain about every mount on there. A while back they were screeching that the chocobo carriage mount they added should have been an ingame item.
At least with the Cruise Chaser, everyone who wants it can get it and doesn’t need to worry about it going away. The mounts you get in game are also really good too so it isn’t like all the good stuff is cash shop exclusive, in fact a lot of it I could argue feels lower quality than game stuff at times.
Though in my honest opinion, it should have been a reward associated with some kind of challenge. Like doing all of Alexander Savage on minimum item level or something kind of like what Blue Mages have with Morbol.
it’s one thing to be so bad at wow you have to buy boosts, wow actually has competitive zero-sum game modes, but man how bad do you have to be at vg to buy FFXIV boosts.
the requirements for even the hardest content it has is ‘Log in’
Perhaps there are a mix of dyes that can be sold/not sold then? Because I just bought one off the market board about a week ago. In fact, I just checked my retainer (he keeps my dyes) and not a single one is listed as market prohibited. You can absolutely buy and sell at least many if not all dyes on the MB.
Just about every week FF puts out a news Items stating how many account were banned because of RMT and Botting. When was the last time Blizzard did something like that.
Never understood the ‘cash shop mounts get more love’ bit in wow. I find a lot of 'em mediocre and the chinese ones recently all have felt kinda slapped together with the same wing and wing animations.
I think WoW in game offers a lot with their mounts, unfortunately people just latch onto it that said mount is a recolor or reskin when most of the times, like seasonal or other things, blizz would usually just do a recolor.
Don’t play FF so can’t comment on OP’s stuff.
But it seems people have pretty much answered it.
Not sure the fixation on tokens and some peoples anti-token stance.
Bots seem to be everywhere in different capacities and gold selling is also a thing in a lot of games.
Yes. Just like every other game that uses any form of not-soulbound currency/gear/materials. Everything that can be traded in game, can be traded online.
Not tokens per say. But you can buy currency online. Which later can be used to buy boosts.
There are a mix of dyes. The ones you buy off the Mogstation are restricted and cannot be sold on the Marketboard. The ones on the Marketboard are the General-purpose versions that your retainers can bring you from ventures.
There is no item that can do that at all. The CLOSEST there is that you might be thinking of are Allagan Pieces which can be sold to a vendor for a set amount of gil. Usually given as an additional option as a quest reward in place of gear if you already have the gear pieces or better than the quest is trying to give. Beyond that the only other use they saw was for getting around the gil cap for realm transfers, but since SE has upped that it isn’t as necessary as it used to be.