Gil selling in FF14 has been a plague. The gil sellers already know that Square mostly bans the low level bots that do the farming or city adverts – rather than the higher level bots who dungeon farm gil or the buyers.
Its why most gil sellers will use dummy accounts somewhere in the range of level 10 as it is usually a non-commitment needed.
The difference in FF14 is that gil is basically meaningless and is used either to fuel alt gearing by crafting gear, glamour, or housing.
Its still a massive problem because the large influxes of gil will destablize a player economy and eventually cause inflation in prices. There are reasons why certain items are 10+ million gil.
The only thing I can think that they are mentioning is the fact that when you boost you get gil, around 500k or so (which is chump change). That is just to make up for what you would have gotten if you had just done it yourself. Actually, you’d probably make a lot more just leveling yourself than buying the boost in the first place.
I actually see a lot more bots on FFXIV, it’s incredibly blatant. They even use hacks to teleport around maps and hide in walls, it’s kinda spooky when you run into them.
Lots of currency sellers as well, but no token thankfully.
If you boost in FFXIV it comes with a good sum of gold. But nothing that you couldn’t easily make by playing the game for a small bit of time, and you can only get it once per job.
So if you spent a small fortune boosting every job, you could accumulate what feels like a few WoW tokens worth of gold at one point in the game.
There’s a whole lot of work to trading gil to yourself. It’s doable, but there’s absolutely nothing like the token so it’s incredibly rare and doesn’t negatively impact the economy or the value of earning gil like the WoW token does with gold.
We aren’t talking about WoW token here.
We are talking about online sellers.
So yes, just like FF14, your account is at risk if you buy currency from online sellers.
You are clearly bitter AF about WoW.
Based off of all your posts, dude, you effin HATE this game. You clearly do. Begs to question, why are you still here?
FF does not have a system similar to the WoW token where you spend real-life money to get an item that you can then sell for gil in game. Which is why it has gold-sellers.
I mean, if we wanna get technical, it does, because boosts come with a stack of items specifically to sell for gil. So if you wanted to absolutely throw your money into a trash can, you could theoretically keep boosting classes / characters for the 500k and throw it in your guild bank or whatever.
But that’s not realistic. 500k is nothing in that game and even whales would sooner take their money to gold sellers than waste it like that.
I really haven’t seen too many bots in FFXIV. Gathering bots probably exist, but they don’t really have any impact on gathering stuff yourself. PvP hardly exists, so what would be the point of botting there? Gil is quite easy to make, so I’m not sure why you would want to buy it.
One nice trick for making gil is to buy glamour dispellers from the vendor and listing them on the market board for a decent mark up. People don’t seem to understand that they are a vendor item. Same goes for many of the white catch up armor sets that you can buy from the vendor at the first town of the expansion / patch.
We have spammers in cities spamming gold website but everyone reports them and they get banned constantly. Other then that no. “Farming” gil is mainly made through crafting and other activities - NOT farming gear/mats non stop through mobs in the open world or dungeons. You also cannot bot gathering due to it being its own class with skills. No tokens to speak of of or way to “sell gil” legit method either.
PSA for new players looking to play FFXIV: DO NOT go to the website the chat spammers put out there. They will steal your account. Report and move on.
Mind expanding where/what they were doing? I have never seen such bots and I’ve played for years on a capped server.
Quinn69 from what I’ve heard, basically loves to hate games and has the most impatience any human being has ever possessed. He had changed from a cool chill streamer to a “im going to jump on the new hype, milk it, then trash it” type of person. He was never interested in FF14, he did the boost just to piss people off intentionally and have a “reason” to quit.
They’re usually leveling characters en masse or farming gil by teleporting around ARR zones and killing mobs repeatedly. Last time I saw them was in coerthas, repeating a sidequest ad naseum. They’d teleport into the roof of the whitebrim hospital building and then vanish to go kill a mob from inside a wall and come back.
It actually used to be a lot worse, I remember back in 2.0 you couldn’t go 20 minutes outside of an instance without getting a tell from a gold selling bot. At least we’re not in those days anymore.
There difference is Final Fantasy doesn’t let bots run wild like Blizzard does with WoW.
They ban them so fast that it isn’t really the plague that it is in WoW.
They actively tell players that botting and RMT will never be allowed and to report all cases so they can investigate and ban.
If someone in your Final Fantasy guilds was to boast about buying gold and you reported them their account would be banned.
Do bots/gold selling exist in FF, yes, but not nearly as bad, the difference is how the company handles it, Blizzard allows bots and RMT to thrive because they are paying customers, Final Fantasy doesn’t let them do that.
Blizzard is like a corrupt police force that takes bribes from the mafia to allow them to continue operating, Final Fantasy is a like a non-corrupt police force that is on the streets patrolling daily looking for criminals to bust and arrest, their streets are cleaner as a result.
Every city has some degree of “crime”, the difference is how much crime your city has and what your police force are doing about it.
It’s also really easy to interrupt the bots in FF14. With the way the UI works opening a trade with a person interrupts all actions. So all you have to do is trade them and watch the bot crumble. Though GMs have been known to appear and banish bot groups to the shadow realm, quite frequently. The only reason the bots are as prevalent is because a living person cannot hope to out do an automated process when it comes to sheer time and numbers.