Does FF XIV Have Bots, Tokens or Gold Selling?

Never played it, but does FF XIV suffer from the same issues with bots, tokens and gold selling that WoW does? If not, what do they do differently?

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Every MMO on the market is currently suffering from an increase in Bots, Gold selling, foreign gold farmers and boosting services.

The only difference is ff14 doesn’t have the token.
They do have a much larger store though if that’s what you’re put off by.


Yes unfortunately. RMT bots scream in shout of Limsa. You’ll see a lot of gibberish names that we joke as “Roe names” because Roegadyn names are gibberish as well as if someone slapped their keyboard. See Stormheim herb names like fjarnskaagl.

They hack and get under the ground and cast spells on overworld mobs in packs of 5 which is why you’ll see mobs in lowbie areas die with nobody around randomly, they’re fly hacking under the world.


It exists. It will exist in every game. Though Square does their best to punish it supposedly. You never really know unless you buy gold and get busted and I don’t buy gold.


And what about AFK bots in BG’s? Does FF14 have pvp of any kind?

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xiv is botted to hell and back and has rmt adverts in it’s pf all the time. When they do a banwave you can see the hyur bots with the same look called fewhfwuio appear in populated towns and literally walk away in the air all together, they don’t even try to hide it.


Bots? Yes. Gold selling? Yes. Tokens? No.

Bots will always be a thing in every MMO and online game.
Gold selling isn’t something Square does officially, but the demand for bought gold is still there, so gold seller spam is a thing.
Tokens are something that FFXIV does not have, which is why they have gold seller spam.


Uh maybe but they don’t afk. They just mongo fight. BGs are 24v24v24. 3 teams, 24 players each.

Yes but it’s understood to be a meme. Square just doesn’t have people to apply to it, their budget is limited so they don’t bother because it’s not a big thing. They are adding a new small scale pvp mode next expansion that might be interesting once we get details on it.

I’ve only seen yells from one gil seller in the time I’ve played FF14 (just finished the ARR MSQ yesterday. On a side note, I see why praetorium is so infamous now).

Reported the seller and left it at that. There’s no general or trade chat from what I can tell and that helps huge.


If FF14 had a trade chat it would be plagued with spam as WoW has now.


Every MMO has this problem.

How prevalent it is matters if the game is competitive, popular or not .

  1. I see gold selling spam on FFXIV.
  2. I haven’t seen a bot but mobs don’t really get tagged in FFXIV and mining/herb resources are personal spawns so no one steals and you can get as much as you want. Surprisingly stuff still sells on the marketplace.
  3. There are no tokens but tbh I miss tokens. You can buy class boosts and main storyline boosts, and they come with items you can sell for coins.

I’m going to buy all of those boosts eventually, even leveling my classes to 69 and boosting to 70 for maximum gold (gil).

It seems like FF XIV isn’t as competitive as WoW, like Mythic+ and Mythic raiding. If that’s true, I guess that lessens the impact of gold selling?

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Yeah because there is no carrot at the end of the stick so not many players would want it . This drives the demand down and there by the supply as well.


Yes, kinda sorta, and yes.

Any MMO will have bot issues or gold or whatever currency it uses selling. It’s simply too lucrative for people to pass up with bots being the lazy solution to grinding out tons of currency.

I feel tokens were added in trying to curb the amount of gold selling going on in game, yet all good sellers do is just sell slightly more than the current token price. With the only way to catch them being reported or blizzard buying gold from them. Although to me it’s just obvious who’s a better given the garbled names they put in mass.

The point is that it doesn’t have those chat channels and bots/gil sellers, from my perspective as a casual, are an almost non-existent issue.

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FFXIV does have bots, but I am either too clueless to spot them or they are a very rare occurence.

FFXIV does not sell gold outright nor does it have a sub-token you can buy for gold or gil as they are called in the game. You can, however, buy a level boost for the mainstory and classes/jobs, and receive 500.000 gil that way I have been told, you appearantly also get some kind of special feathers you can use to buy some kind of gear (Not special, you can purchase the same gear with another currency that can be easily obtained in game). I imagine the 500.000 gil is compensation for the gil you lose by not leveling manually.

Some quests in FFXIV have gold pouch rewards you can pick instead of gear, those can have a value ranging from 10-2500 gil and can be sold at any shop.

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You can also buy furniture items/dyes that can be sold on the marketboard.


Arh, I haven’t roamed much on the FFXIV store.
I don’t like microtransactions.

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Most of the store is costumes and mounts.

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