Does FF XIV Have Bots, Tokens or Gold Selling?

Something I’ll say about FFXIV as someone who plays both games is that while both in game shops have mounts, FFXIV’s does it far, far better in a way where I don’t actually mind it. In modern WoW all the mounts earned in-game are copied-over skeletons of other pre-existing things, aren’t unique at all, simple reskins, etc. Like if you just page through the WoD mounts you’ll see 37 in-game boars and a couple really cool unique things like the Grinning Reaver mount from the store. The store mounts get all the love and the actual game suffers for it because you can’t actually earn anything cool.

I genuinely feel as a FFXIV player that the mounts from the in-game store aren’t actually any better than the ones you can earn in-game. It feels like every mount gets a lot of love and attention. I also enjoy the fact that they focus on actual transmogs as both in-game cosmetic rewards and shop rewards too, something WoW doesn’t do much of at all in comparison and is an other thing where I don’t think the store options overshadow what you can get in-game.

Maybe some people will just always hate in-game stores inherently, but I just think FFXIV does it so much more gracefully than WoW tbh. With WoW you 100% see where all the love and effort goes and the in-game rewards suffer for it.


I wouldn’t have thought as badly, since their systems wouldn’t be as predatory.

I don’t remember much of FF14s endgame but I do know you got a regular currency in raids to work on gear…something Blizzard doesn’t worry about for players being stuck with a RNG pain engine.

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There’s gold sellers and boosters in every mmo on the market.

This is incorrect. The dyes you get are labeled as “Market Prohibited” which is to say “Soulbound.” They’re a second item that has the same effect as ones you get in the game that you can sell.

Housing items, yeah you technically could but nobody is going to pay enough to make it worth it especially with the risk and convoluted nature of trading the furniture. You need to be appointed to a tenant of their house, have access to furniture permission, place it then have them put it in their back. At most you’d get like 50k for a 3 dollar item, that is not a lot at all. Especially since all the furniture they put on the store is from past events so people who have played a while have it on a retainer somewhere.


People are talking like bots plague FFXIV. They don’t. Even the spam is very minimal and they are typically banned very quick.


With every “tier” (4 bosses in the same raid, different wing) you have crafted gear for combat roles you can buy on the marketboard or well, craft.

After that, as you do roulettes on a max level toon you build up tomestones that change names, but one you have a cap of 450 you can earn a week, right now it’s at 900 to help people gear alt jobs quicker. You use those to buy Tomestone gear which gets outclassed by Savage raiding gear but both take forever to acquire so you tend to get raid slots on some pieces, tomestone gear on another, then gradually replace the tomestone gear.

It’s a lot more boring, but a lot more deterministic. Also, if you go into a raid and don’t win the token, you can go back in and roll again. You have a loot lockout on the latest content of one item a week. Though if you pass on an item it doesn’t take it up. So you can guarantee an upgrade each week if you really wanted. Similarly all the actual raid drops are tokens you exchange. So it isn’t “Oh boo, the other chestpiece dropped instead, well no loot this week.”

I like FF14 from a mechanical standpoint, its just lore wise…it isn’t for me.

Yes I like fluffy things like Vulpera but I can excuse mine being a bloodthirsty berserker with rabies.

That’s fair. Games won’t appeal to everyone for any number of reasons. At least you’re more objective in finding the game unappealing instead of just saying “hurr weeb game because Japan.”

I at times kind of miss my vulpera rogue I deleted when I rage quit SL, but I don’t miss them nearly as much as I hate the game so I don’t bother remaking them.

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I think it was Ratchets character that drew me to Vulpera.

I like to think of em as a legacy species to Lombaxes even though many of the Vulpera animalistic features don’t line up…and they lack the engineering, improvisation prowess that seems common among their species.

Yes to bots and gold selling, but not to the degree of WoW. The only bots I ever saw in FF14 were low level archers teleporting around farming random mobs, I imagine just for leveling up. I can’t imagine there’s no bots for crafters or gatherers but I haven’t noticed any, and the market economy is still strong. Gold sellers are also heavily cracked down on, and while they’ll always exist, at least they aren’t openly advertising it ingame like you see in WoW…

Basically, FF14 has good moderators and will lay the law down on bots and gold selling, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. It’s impossible to get rid of them all permanently.

Gold tokens, though? Does not exist. Not in any form, I believe. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think anything on Mogstation can be resold ingame for gil. Pretty sure it’s all bound to either your account or the character you bought it for.

They announce frequently all the bots and rmt sellers they catch and ban. Its on their website

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Most are just carry group advertising. The gil sellers will whisper you and those are the ones breaking the rules.

FF has bots … but they are only there to help other players. No tokens, but if there were players would be gifting them to each other all day long. No selling of gold, players in FF actually give you thousands of gold from the goodness of their hearts.

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They have bots and gold sellers. Good luck trying to sell mats on the AH flooded by bots.

I played the game in the past and had to work super hard trying to sell wood by my botanist. I have seen plenty of gathering bots hacking the system and leveling bots.

I saw botanist bots gathering wood from trees and their character were below the plain of the ground. They also were clearing a node completely with one axe swing unlike players which take multiple swings to clear it. Also they would teleport between nodes.

Botting yes, gold/Gil selling probably but Gil is pretty easy to make so hard to say. As for tokens there isn’t an equivalent as of yet

I am vehemently against microtransactions in near all shapes and form. I am against WoW’s shop, and I am against Final Fantasy XIV’s.

But as you said, FFXIVs store mount nor clothes for that matter are superior to or better than what can be obtained in game, it is damn near the contrary, especially in regards to clothes and such, but I was never into the gimmicky swimsuits and whatever you can buy on the store.

Microtransactions won’t disappear now. The gaming audience have supported it for too long for it to disappear now, so it is about choosing a lesser evil. FFXIVs microtransactions, while being in a higher number than WoW’s, are atleast not of better quality and in many cases they are worse in quality. You can also look at the quality of the games, and I personally prefer FFXIV as a video game over WoW, but I do call FFXIV a video game, while I call WoW an esports game, the former is an actual video game, the latter is not a video game. But it seems that the money that is spent in the store of FFXIV, actually goes back into the game, considering it’s various improvements over time.

Unlike WoW that have gradually gotten worse as the store got bigger. This to me, shows a shift in mentality within the developement team. They can afford to screw up and be lazy, because people will cover their asses by purchasing microtransactions.


It has gold selling but they do ban waves every month or so. If you look on the news on their launcher, you’ll see several thousand were banned not too long ago.

As for tokens, you actually can buy 500,000gil per story (job boosted to 70). It comes with it to help you gear the character out.

Yes, there are bots and gil sellers in FF14. However this is apparently an issue only on NA and EU servers in FF14. The dev team didn’t have any idea how bad it was until about two years ago, because on Japanese servers it is fairly uncommon. It happens, but no where near to the extent that you will see on the Three NA Datacenters and the two EU Datacenters.

Western gamers are so horrible.


And guess what? The bots/gold farmers are even more out of hand in FF14 because they don’t have tokens, so it’s the only avenue to buy gil.

And also guess what, they also have boosts.

It’s almost like the Token isn’t to blame for everything people on these forums claim it is.